Riverside County










            For eight years George C. Janney, Jr., has been with the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, advancing to the responsible position of general agent for the district of which Riverside is the center, and is one of the city’s capable, aggressive young businessmen.  Born in Muncie, Indiana, July 12, 1894, he is a son of George C. and Mary (Howell) Janney, natives respectively of West Virginia and Ohio.  The father, a manufacturer is now deceased while the mother spends a portion of her time in Riverside and Ontario, California.

            George C. Janney, Jr., who is one of a family of three children, obtained a high school education in Ottumwa, Iowa, and after working for his father for two years enrolled in Manzanita Hall, a preparatory school at Palo Alto, California, graduating with the class of 1916.  He then re-entered his father’s business but laid aside his duties in that connection a year later to enlist in the United States Army for service in the World War and in May, 1918, went overseas with a motor transport unit.  Returning to this country early in 1919, he was mustered out in February of that year and soon afterward chose life insurance as his vocation.  So satisfactory was his work that he was assigned the task of establishing a branch office for the Home Office Agency of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company at Santa Barbara in 1924 and in the fall of 1925 opened the Riverside office of the company as district manager.  He is now general agent for the district comprising Riverside and San Bernardino counties and the Pomona Valley.  Communicating to his subordinates much of his own zeal and energy, Mr. Janney has developed a profitable business for the company in his territory and is considered one of their most efficient and dependable representatives.

            In 1923 Mr. Janney was married to Miss Grace Pemberton of Delavan, Wisconsin, and they now have two children, John Richard and Virginia Grace.  For recreation Mr. Janney turns to handball and other outdoor sports.  He is a past president of the Exchange Club and also belongs to the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks.  He worships in Calvary Presbyterian Church and is one of its elders.  In welfare and community work he takes a deep and helpful interest and has served as county commissioner of the Boy Scouts.  He resides at 4404 Fourth Street and has a beautiful suite of offices in the new International Rotunda of the famous Mission Inn.  In life insurance he has found a congenial field, well suited to his talents, and in view of what he has already accomplished, the future holds much in store for him, as he is still young in years.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 359-360, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.