Riverside County







Dr. Everett Ball Howe, deceased, was successfully engaged in the practice of dentistry in Riverside for a quarter of a century prior to his retirement from professional life in 1912 and also became a prominent figure in financial circles of the city. He was born at South Weymouth, Norfolk county, Massachusetts, September 28 (27), 1858, his parents being Joseph Ball and Mary (Blanchard) Howe, who were natives of Vermont and Massachusetts, respectively. They were of English descent and came of Revolutionary stock, both the paternal and maternal grandfathers of Dr. Howe being captured in the war for independence and taken to England in the same ship. Joseph Ball Howe, the father of Dr. Howe, was a descendant of the famous Ball family which numbered Mary Ball, the mother of George Washington. His wife, Mary (Blanchard) Howe, died when their son Everett was but nine years of age.

Everett B. Howe attended the public schools of South Weymouth and following his graduation from high school, in 1876, completed a business course in the Bryant & Stratton Commercial College of Boston. His father was a merchant and a man of local prominence at South Weymouth, but the young man decided upon a professional career and studied dentistry under the preceptorship of some noted professors of Harvard University. After three years’ preparatory training in a dental office, he entered upon the practice of his chosen profession at Rockland, Massachusetts, where he remained until 1886 (1887), when he came to Riverside county, California. Successfully passing his examination before the state board of dental examiners, he opened an office at Riverside, built up a large and lucrative practice and before his professional retirement in 1912 had become an eminent authority in dental surgery.

Aside from his professional activities Dr. Howe had other important interests in Riverside county. He became financially interested in several orange growing projects, the great industry that has been the basis of many of the stupendous fortunes accumulated in this part of California. He was a practical orange grower himself, buying twenty acres of land in Highgrove, which he devoted to orange orchards. With pleasure and profit he watched his trees grow to maturity, but as other and more pressing interests demanded his attention he later disposed of his orange groves. His connection with allied interests expanded, however, and he was one of the original stockholders of the Orange Growers Bank at Riverside, later became a member of the board of directors, and subsequently went into the bank as vice president and assistant cashier and became well and favorably known in financial circles.

In November, 1883, at South Weymouth, Massachusetts, Dr. Howe was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ellen Doble, a native of the Bay state and a daughter of Samuel R. and Mary Frances Doble, who were born in Maine and Massachusetts, respectively, and are now deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Howe were the parents of a daughter, Marjorie, who is the wife of Harry A. Encell, a prominent attorney of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Encell have three children: Mary A., a graduate of the University of California; John Howe, a youth of eighteen years, who is attending school; and Virginia, a graduate of the Piedmont high school, and now at the University of California at Berkeley.

A progressive republican in his political views, Dr. Howe was a warm admirer of Theodore Roosevelt. He accepted political honors only when he believed his influence would be beneficial and with this understanding served on many occasions as a delegate to conventions. Official life never appealed to him, however, as his time was too largely taken up with personal interests, but in 1919 he accepted appointment as history clerk of the California state legislature. He served through one legislative term, and with such a degree of efficiency that the legislative body in appreciation introduced a complimentary resolution in relation to it. For many years Dr. Howe maintained close relations with scientific bodies of a professional nature, and during active practice was tendered positions of honor in different organizations of dental surgery. Fraternally he was identified with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, being a charter member of the lodge at Riverside. Together with his wife he indulged his fondness for golf on the links of the Victoria Country Club, of which both became members. His death, which occurred August 9, 1930, when he had reached the age of seventy years, was the occasion of deep and widespread regret. Mrs. Howe, who survives her husband, resides in a beautiful home at 3868 Twelfth street, Riverside, and also maintains a summer residence at the famous art colony of Laguna Beach, in Orange county, California.



Transcribed 4-9-12 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: California of the South Vol. II, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 257-259, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Marilyn R. Pankey.