Riverside County









            Ray T. Hicks is most efficiently and faithfully discharging the manifold duties devolving upon him in the position of county auditory of Riverside County.  He was born in Henning, Minnesota, December 28, 1892, his parents being Thomas J. and Minnie (Williams) Hicks, natives of New York State, where they were married.  In young manhood Thomas J. Hicks, who was a grain buyer, left the Empire state for Minnesota, whence he subsequently removed to Colorado and afterward to Washington.  From the latter state he came to California in 1923 and here departed this life at the age of seventy years, passing away in the faith of the Methodist Church.  To him and his wife, who is also deceased, were born eight children, all of whom survive.

            Ray T. Hicks, the seventh in order of birth in the family, attended school in North Dakota and continued his studies in the high school at Genoa, Colorado.  He accompanied his parents on their removal to Prescott, Washington, where he became a bank clerk and later served as assistant cashier of the institution for thee years.  Next he was employed as bookkeeper by a large flour milling concern of Prescott, Washington.  It was in 1914 that he first came to California, locating at Tracy, where he worked as bookkeeper in a department store.  Thereafter he spent some time in Idaho and in Oregon, being employed as bookkeeper by the Oregon Fruit Growers Association.  When this country had become involved in the World war he enlisted in the United States Army and went overseas with the One Hundred and Forty-seventh Machine Gun Battalion, Forty-first Division, serving on foreign soil for seventeen months as a machine gun instructor, with the rank of sergeant.  He is a member of the American Legion.  Honorably discharged at Cheyenne, Wyoming, he afterward spent a short time in Boise, Idaho, and his next removal took him to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he was made manager of the mechanical goods department of the United States Rubber Company.  Going back to the state of Washington, he was there engaged in the fire and life insurance business in association with a brother until 1923, when he came to Riverside, California.  Here he served as deputy county auditor and in 1931 was elected auditor of Riverside county, now making a most creditable and commendable record as the controller and bookkeeper for the county.  The duties of the county auditor are complicated and involved with every branch of the county.  All moneys received or disbursed are on orders from the auditor to the treasurer.  He must keep an accurate account of the moneys received and disbursed, of moneys not only from a fund account, but from an appropriation account, or what is known as the budget.  He must scrutinize claims drawn against the county in which money is involved, not only for proper itemization, but also signatures, showing that the value has been receive, and also for legality.  All bonds and the payments of interest are handled through his office, and the paid bonds and coupons are kept on file.  He must prepare tabulations of the valuation of property and the budget furnishing the board of supervisors with the tax rates.  He must compute and prove the county tax rolls and charge the tax collector with the total amount of taxes to be collected and credit him with any payments thereon.  He must maintain the records of delinquent taxes and prepare certificates of redemption when property is redeemed from tax sales.  He is also required to apportion the moneys thus collected to the correct funds.  The county government laws change every two years and it is necessary that the auditor make a careful study of these new laws pertaining to the numerous duties of his office.  Mr. Hicks is a member of the County Auditors Association of California.

            In 1925, at Riverside, Mr. Hicks was united in marriage to Miss Sallie Jo Nermi, of Helsingfors, Finland, who was brought to the United States by her parents when five years old.  Mr. and Mrs. Hicks have tow sons, Thomas Harry and William Frank.

            A worthy exemplar of the teachings and purposes of the Masonic fraternity, Mr. Hicks is a member of Evergreen Lodge, No. 259, F. & A. M.; Riverside Chapter, No. 67, R. A. M.; and Riverside Commandery, No. 28, K. T.  His religious faith in indicated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church and he also belongs to the Young Men’s Christian Association.  Handball is his favorite form of recreation.




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on May 17, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. II,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 409-411, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.