Riverside County









            An able educator in his earlier years, S. Leonard Herrick abandoned that profession due to failing health and turned to fruit raising, finding this a congenial as well as a profitable occupation, and is numbered among the most successful orange growers of Riverside.  He was born in Grinnell, Iowa, September 1, 1873, and is a son of Stephen Henderson and Harriet E. (Fellows) Herrick.  The father, a large landholder and prominent banker of Riverside, is represented elsewhere in this work.  Since 1886 the family has lived here and for more than four and a half decades its members have been closely identified with the citrus culture of this region.

            S. Leonard Herrick acquired his public school education in Iowa and California and in 1889 entered Pomona College, which was opened in Claremont, California, in that year.  He was graduated from its preparatory department in 1892 and then matriculated in Iowa College, now Grinnell College, which awarded him the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1895.  His father also had attended that institution, graduating with the same degree thirty years previously.  After completing his course the son acted as private secretary to the president of the college until afforded the opportunity to attend the University of Chicago to study for another degree.  Twelve months later he left the Chicago institution of learning and continued his studies abroad in company with an instructor in sociology at Grinnell College.

            Following his return to the United States, S. Leonard Herrick received from Grinnell College the Master of Arts degree, and then became a member of the faculty of Pomona College, teaching there during 1898-99.  He intended to devote his life to educational work, specializing in those subjects to which he had given so much thought and study, but the close confinement undermined his health and he was forced to take up an occupation which would insure his being in the open.  His father’s important holdings afforded the son ample opportunity for developing his own interests and recovering his health and since 1900 he has looked after the outside interests of his father, as well as his own, which have steadily expanded until he is now classed with the leading orange growers of this part of the state.  He is secretary of the West Riverside Water Company, treasurer and general manager of Herrick Estates, Inc., president of the Riverside Mortgage Securities Company, and a director of the Monte Vista Citrus Association.  For several years he served as president of the Highgrove Fruit Exchange and has played an important part in the development of the citrus industry of southern California since he left the educational field.  During 1918 and 1919 Mr. Herrick rendered important service to the federal government as a real estate expert on a board of claims at Camp Fremont, Palo Alto, California. He also appraised the ground where the March aviation field is now situated and had the realty board make a second appraisement.  From these the valuation was determined and the purchase made by the government.

            At Park Ridge, Illinois, August 24, 1899, Mr. Herrick was married to Miss Margaret Stuart, a native of Chicago and a daughter of O. Stuart, who was an officer in the Union Army during the Civil War.  He served as colonel of the Ninetieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry and had the unique experience of reading his own obituary notice.  At Missionary Ridge he was shot through the abdomen and the bullet dropped into one of his boots.  He was reported dead and his wife secured a permit from General Grant to recover his body and take it home.  Not only was this report fortunately untrue but Colonel Stuart recovered and later marched with Sherman to the sea.  After the war he was in the employ of the United States government at Chicago until his death. Mrs. and Mrs. Herrick have a son, Stuart H., who attended the Claremont School for Boys and the Riverside high school.  For a time, he was employed in the Corn Exchange National Bank of Chicago, and is now an executive of the Herrick Estates, Inc.  He is married and lives at 4451 Lemon Street.  In 1901 S. Leonard Herrick erected a modern home at 1437 Lemon Street, but now resides at 4451 on the same thoroughfare.  He has membership in the First Congregational Church, and is a Republican in politics.  Like his honored father, he is broad in his views, progressive in his standards and high in his ideals—a man whom to know is to esteem and admire.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 179-181, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.