Riverside County










            Glen Willis Chapman is widely known as vice president and manager of the Security Title Insurance & Guarantee Company of Riverside, with which he has thus been officially identified for the past eight years.  He was born on a farm in Clay County, Kansas, February 18, 1885, his parents being Dwight L. and Emily (Ingersoll) Chapman, the former a native of Ohio.  The mother was related to the famous author, Robert G. Ingersoll, and also to the publisher of “Ingersoll’s Century Annals of San Bernardino County,” which appeared in 1904.

            Glen W. Chapman was a lad of nine years when in 1894, following the death of his father; he came to California with his widowed mother and the other members of the family, numbering five children.  He and a brother are the only ones now living.  He attended the grammar and high schools of Escondido, where the family settled on coming to this state, and in 1907 became a member of the 1911 class of the University of California at Berkeley.  He also pursued a business college course in Riverside and for five or six years thereafter was connected with the Russ Lumber & Mill Company.  In 1912 he entered the service of the Riverside Abstract Company, the predecessor of the Security Title Insurance & Guarantee Company, which was incorporated in 1920, Mr. Chapman being made secretary of the new organization at that time.  Four years later, in 1924, he was chosen vice president and general manager, in which official capacity he has since served.  The Security Title Insurance & Guarantee Company occupies handsome quarters on the ground floor of its own building at 3602 Eighth Street in Riverside.

            In 1909 Mr. Chapman married Mae L. Dinsmore, who passed away leaving three children:  Ruth, Harold and Doris.  For his second wife he chose Helen S. Rickard, a graduate of Mount Holyoke Seminary, who was for some year’s dean of women and instructor in music and harmony at Junior College of Riverside, California.  Mr. and Mrs. Chapman are the parents of two children, Orville and Susannah.

            Actively and helpfully interested in civic affairs, Mr. Chapman is past president of the Riverside Welfare Association and served as chairman of its 1931 campaign.  He is a charter member and ex-secretary of the Lions Club and for ten years has been treasurer of the First Baptist Church.  His hobby is motion picture work and he is also very fond of travel, having made extensive foreign tours.  Mr. Chapman is a hard-working, affable gentleman who enjoys high standing in business, social and civic circles of Riverside.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 403-404, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.