Riverside County









            The late Dr. Jerome F. Butterfield was a successful veterinarian of Montrose, Pennsylvania, prior to coming to Riverside, California, where he engaged in orange growing.  He was born on June 11, 1846, in Ridgewater Township, a son of B. Alanson and Julia (Stone) Butterfield, and in the acquirement of an education he attended the schools of Montrose.  Dr. Butterfield continued active in the profession of veterinarian in the Keystone state until 1911, when he crossed the continent to Riverside, California, and turned his attention to orange growing.  Here he died June 1, 1928, at the advanced age of eighty-two years, his remains being interred in Olivewood Cemetery of Riverside.  His passing was the occasion of deep and widespread regret, for he had won an extensive circle of warm friends in the varied relations of life.  He was long an active worker in the Presbyterian Church.

            In Centre County, Pennsylvania, Dr. Butterfield was united in marriage to Juliet McKean, daughter of Thomas and Juliet (Miller) McKean, of Elmira, New York.  Three children were born to them, namely:  Homer, who married Edith Rose, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Alice, librarian in the Junior High School library at Los Angeles; and Mark, who married Dorothy Sias and has a son, Jerome.  Dr. Butterfield is also survived by his widow, who makes her home at 5177 Brockton Avenue in Riverside.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 139, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.