Riverside County










            Diligence and fidelity to trust have ever been salient traits in the career of Joseph Shipp Bordwell, whose life record is the story of an orderly progression that has brought him from a humble position to that of auditor of the Southern Sierras Power & Light Company at Riverside.  He was born in Marshall, Michigan, August 20, 1878, a son of Herbert Wilson Bordwell and a grandson of David B. and Martha B. Bordwell, who were natives of the state of New York.  Herbert W. Bordwell was born in Michigan and became a real estate dealer, operating extensively in that field.  In 1887 he journeyed westward to California, locating at Palm Springs, Riverside County, and as superintendent of the Palm Valley Land & Water Company had charge of the construction of the railroad there.  A capable executive and a practical businessman of mature judgment, he was an important factor in the development of that part of the state.  He married Frances M. Shipp, who was born in Michigan and is now deceased.

            Joseph Shipp Bordwell, an only child, was but nine years of age when he came with his parents to California and his educational advantages were those afforded by the grammar and high schools of Riverside.  As a clerk he entered the service of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, with which he spent three years, and next worked in the Kingman (Arizona) office of the Arizona & Utah Railroad.  Afterward he was with the Cannea Consolidated Copper Company, starting as a stenographer, and acted in succession as clerk, assistant auditor and auditor.  In 1913 he returned to Riverside and has since been associated with the Southern Sierras Power & Light Company, working his way steadily upward.  Beginning as a clerk, he was promoted to chief clerk in 1914 and proved so capable that he was made assistant auditor soon afterward, while on April 1, 1930, he qualified for the post of auditor of this large corporation and its subsidiaries.  His is one of the best managed departments of the business and by reason of his systematic, efficient work he has thoroughly justified the confidence reposed in him.

            In 1903 Mr. Bordwell was married to Miss Anna Rice, a daughter of Charles T. and Emma J. (Noland) Rice of Riverside, and they have one son, Dr. Alden S. Bordwell, physician, surgeon and osteopath.  He married Cordelia Reed and they reside in Riverside.  Mrs. John S. Bordwell is regent of the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and figures prominently in club and social circles of Riverside.  In Masonry Mr. Bordwell has connection with Riverside Lodge, No. 635, F. & A. M., and also belongs to Riverside Lodge, No. 643, B. P. O. E., and to the Lions Club.  To the best of his ability he has fulfilled life’s duties and obligations and is highly esteemed in the city which has been his home for many years and to which he is deeply attached.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 407-408, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.