OCTOBER 3, 1914







Every Elector, duly qualified, whose AFFIDAVIT OF REGISTRATION appears on the Register of the General Election Precinct, and who has continued to reside within the exterior boundaries of such General Election Precinct to day of Election, is entitled to vote.


All name sin the Indexes through which the word MOVED, REMOVED OR SUPPLEMENT are stamped are cancelled and are NOT entitled to vote.


The Electors whose names appear upon the Index of Register and having MOVED, must be carefully examined, and if found to still reside with the Election Precinct, be allowed to vote.


E. F. Pfund,

County Clerk



Precinct Fifty-Three, 14th Assembly District



    1            Mrs. Ainmann, Annie, housewife, 3606 6th Ave., Rep.

    2            Mrs. Adams, May G., housewife, 3704 6th Ave., Prog.

    3            Albright, William Manson, retired, 3524 6th Ave., Dem.

            Armstrong, George Washington, engin'r, 886 Palmetto Ave., Dem.

    4            Mrs. Avise, Hazel, housewife, 3421 37th, Rep.

            Mrs. Armstong, Irene, housewife, 886 Palmetto Ave., Dem.

    5            Avise, William Y., conductor, 3421 37th, Rep.



    6            Mrs. Bachle, Ellen, housewife, 4136 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

    7            Mrs. Barker, Fracis E., housewife, 3520 7th Ave., Prog.

    8            Barnes, Fred Stewart, teamster, Pine St., Rep.

    9            Bartell, Otis Warren, mail carrier, 3706 6th Ave., Prog.

  10            Beanblossom, John Louis, laborer, 3520 5th Ave., Dem.

  11            Bilderback, Daniel, retired, 3421 East Ave., Dem.

  12            Bingham, Joseph Patrick, electrician, 3720 5th, Ave., Dem.

  13            Betz, Barton Dozier, lumber handler, 3628 5th Ave., Dem.

  14            Betz, Fredrick Herbert, bricklayer, 3628 5th Ave., Dem.

  15            Betz, Isaiah, retired, 3628 5th Ave., Dem.

  16            Mrs. Betz, Mary, housewife, 3628 5th Ave., Dem.

  17            Betz, Victor Isiah, teamster, 3628 5th Ave., Dem.

  18            Mrs. Biddle, Elizabeth C., housewife, 3513 7th Ave., Dem.

  18½         Mrs. Bingham, Mary, housewife, 3720 5th Ace (sic)., Rep.

  19            Biddle, Stanford K., laborer, 3513 7th Ave., Dem.

  19½         Mrs. Burman, Susie, housewife, 3524 5th Ave., Dem.

  20            Bookout, Jessa Cleophus, teamster, 3706 6th Ave., Prog.

  21            Borman, George Robert, clerk, 3604 6th Ave., Soc.

  22            Bourne, Chas. Malcolm, merchant, 3801 6th Ave., Dem.

  23            Mrs. Bourne, Daisy Dean, housewife, 3801 6th Ave., Dem.

  24            Budd, George LeRoy, machinist, 3515 East Ave., Rep.



  25            Camp, John, merchant, 3516 5th Ave., Soc.

  26            Capen, Fred, Merrit, carpenter, Bellevue and Vine St., Prog.

  27            Mrs. Capen, Minnie, housewife, 924 Palmetto Ave., Soc.

  28            Mrs. Castro, Josephine, housewife, 3530 5th Ave., Declined

  29            Mrs. Catlett, Annie, housewife, 3510 7th Ave., Proh.

  30            Catlett, Will Henry, driver, 3510 7th Ave., Prog.

  31            Chase, Edwin Romeyn, letter carrier, 3415 East Ave., Prog.

  32            Mrs. Chase, Genevieve Jabas, housewife, 3415 East Ave., Prog.

  33            Clark, James Masterson, retired, 3624 6th Ave., Prog.

  33½         Clark, John Henry, carpenter, 3626 6th Ave., Prog.

  34            Mrs. Clark, Ellora A., nurse, 3601 7th Ave., Soc.

  34½         Mrs. Clark, Mary, housewife, 3626 6th Ave., Prog.

  35            Mrs. Clark, Jessie Hazel, housewife, 3524 6th Ave., Prog.

  36            Mrs. Clark, Lena H., housewife, Palmetto Ave., Prog.

  37            Clark, Lester, carpenter, Palmetto Ave., Prog.

  38            Clark, Warren Emery, carpenter, 3525 6th Ave., Prog.

  39            Cotter, Almer William, blacksmith, 3603 36th Ave., Prog.

  40            Mrs. Cotter, Belle, housewife, 3603 36th, Prog.

  41            Cotter, Ernest Gamble, city driver, 3603 36th, Dem.

  42            Mrs. Coughlan, Mary Ann, housewife, 3710½ 5th Ave., Prog.

  43            Mrs. Cranage, Alice, housewife, 3709 6th Ave., Prog.

  44            Cranage, Robert Henry, teamster, 3709 6th Ave., Rep.

  45            Crenshaw, Cleo Clifton, laborer, 3521 6th Ave., Dem.

  46            Crenshaw, George L., laborer,3621 6th Ave., Dem.

  47            Crenshaw, James David, pipeman, 3521 6th Ave., Dem.

  48            Mrs. Crenshaw, Julia, housewife, 3521 6th Ave., Soc.

  49            Crenshaw, Walter Andrew, laborer, 3521 6th Ave., Dem.



  50            Day, William Godby, farmer, 4142 Sacramento Ave., Rep.

  50½         Day, Robert James, teamster, 4142 Sacramento Ave., Declined

  51            Mrs. Denier, Martha, housewife, 3417 37th, Soc.

  52            Denier, Olois, brewer, 3417 37th, Dem.

  52½         Miss Dole, Vernie Ethel, telephone operator, 3629 6th Ave., Dem.

  53            Dickerson, Leland Albert, bellman, 3709 6th Ave, Dem.

  53½         Mrs. Dresler, Mary Lillian, missionary, 3608 5th Ave., Declined



  54            Mrs. Early, Edna Gwinn, housewife, 3518 5th Ave., Rep.

  55            Early, Jubal Thomas, electrician, 3518 5th Ave., Dem.

  56            Ellison, Hugh, accountant, 3704 5th Ave., Prog.

  57            Mrs. Ellison, Lou, housewife, 3704 5th Ave., Prog.

  58            Evans, Ormand Irwin, conductor, 3507 7th Ave., Prog.



  59            Mrs. Faux, Clemence, housewife, 3530 7th Ave., Declined

  60            Mrs. Flint, Ida, housewife, Sacramento Ave., Rep.

  60½         Flint, Louis Stephen, carpenter, Palmetto & Vine St., Rep.

  61            Mrs. Flint, Maud, housewife, Sacramento Ave., Rep.

  62            Flint, Silas Edgar, carpenter, Sacramento Ave., Rep.

  63            Forsyth, Milton Elmer, towerman, 3709 6th Ave., Prog.

  64            Mrs. Fox, Caroline S., housewife, 3509 36th, Prog.

  65            Fox, William Levi, electrician, 3509 36th, Prog.



  66            Gardner, Joel Stonel, carpenter, 3502 Bellevue Ave., Rep.

  67            Mrs. Gardner, Permelia N., housewife, 3502 Bellevue Ave., Rep.

  68            Gazin, Albert Henry, electrician, 3531 37th, Dem.

  69            Mrs. Gazin, Hallie, housewife, 3531 37th, Soc.

  70            Mrs. Gerard, Dora Lee, housewife, 3523 6th Ave., Prog.

  70½         Mrs. Gibson, Arel, housewife, 4134 Sacramento Ave., Declined

  71            Gibson, Robert John, carpenter, 4134 Sacramento Ave., Prog.

  72            Gilbert, Eugene James, contractor, 3612 6th Ave., Rep.

  73            Girard, James H., gardener, 3523 6th Ave., Prog.

  74            Goodwin, John Greeley, carpenter, 3830 Sacramento Ave., Proh.

  75            Green, George, agent, 3504 Eth (sic) Ave., Rep.

  76            Mrs. Green, Louise Gonnet, seamstress, 3504 7th Ave., Rep.

  77            Greer, Frank Hill, carpenter, 3717 6th Ave., Rep.

  78            Mrs. Greer, Lucy Mary, Housewife,4142 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

  79            Greer, Robert Hill, laborer, 4142 Sacramento Ave., Dem.



  80            Hansen, Hans Adolf, porter, 3511 8th Ave., Prog.

  81            Mrs. Hansen, Meta Marie, housewife, 3511 8th Ave., Prog.

  84            Harness, Richard Elmer, blacksmith, 3521 6th Ave., Dem.

  85            Harrison, Elmer Claude, carpet layer, 3715 6th Ave., Declined

  86            Hart, Powell, teamster, 4150 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

  87            Mrs. Hart, Rhoda, housewife, 4150 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

  88            Haun, Benjamin Howard, clerk, 3510 Bellevue Ave., Prog.

  89            Mrs. Haun, Nora E., housewife, 3510 Bellevue Ave., Proh.

  90            Mrs. Henrderson, Etta L., housewife, 3317 East Ave., Prog.

  91            Henderson, James William, driver, 3317 East Ave., Prog.

  92            Henderson, Ralph Azel, clerk, 3317 East Ave., Prog.

  93            Hildebrand, Edward Evertt, carpenter, 3726th 7th Ave., Dem.

  94            Hildebrand, Robert Cleveland, driver, 3800 7th Ave., Dem.

  95            Mrs. Hildebrand, Ruey, housekeeper, 3726 7th Ave., Rep.

  96            Hoppe, Edward Henry, farmer, 3417 5th Ave., Rep.

  97            Hoppe, Edward Taft, carpenter, 3417 5th Ave., Rep.

  98            Houghton, George Washington, merchant, 3711 6th Ave., Prog.

  99            Hugill, Thomas Parley, motorman, 3610 6th Ave., Rep.



100            Mrs. Jenkins, Mabel, dressmaker, 3529 6th Ave., Prog.

101            Johnson, Abaham Bixler, helper, 3419 East Ave., Rep.

102            Johnson, Albert P., carpenter, 3511 7th Ave., Dem.

103            Mrs. Johnson, Amelia, housewife, 3700 5th Ave., Dem.

104            Johnson, Frank Findley, carpenter, 3700 5th Ave., Rep.

105            Johnson, George, laborer, 3504 6th and 7th Ace (sic), rear, Rep.

106            Johnson, George H., carpenter, Terrace Ave., Declined

107            Mrs. Johnson, Mary A., housewife, 3419 East Ave., Prog.

108            Mrs. Jones, Ellen, housewife, 3316 37th, Prog.



109            Keagy, Edward, plasterer, 3630 5th Ave., Proh.

110            Mrs. Keagy, Winifred Jane, housewife, 3630 5th Ave., Prog.

111            Mrs. Keller, Albertino, housewife, 3505 37th, Prog.

112            Keller, John Dominik, machinist, 3505 37th, Prog.

113            Mrs. Keller, Theresia, housewife, 3505 37th Ave., Dem.

113½         Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Eliza, housewife, 3706 5th Ave., Dem.

114            Kirkpatrick, Robert Bruce, car builder, 3706 5th Ave., Rep.

115            Klenzendorf, John, gasmaker, 3514 7th Ave., Rep.

116            Mrs. Klenzendorf, Lilla Ann, housewife, 3514 7th Ave., Prog.

117            Knudson, George Iverson, crpntr., Palmetto & Terrace Ave., Prog.

118            Mrs. Knudson, Hattie, housewife, Palmetto & Terrace, Rep.

119            Mrs. Kramer, Laura, housewife, 3415 38th, Prog.

119½         Mrs. Krycki, Josephine, housewife, 3602 6th Ave., Rep.

120            Kramer, Robert Clifford, boilermaker, 3415 38th, Rep.

120½         Krycki, Michael, machinist, 3602 6th Ave., Rep.



121            Lang, Francis Seldon, piper, 3906 Sacramento Ave., Prog.

122            Lang, Fred, laborer, 3906 Sacramento Ave., Soc.

123            Lauermann, Jacob, rectifier, 3529 7th Ave., Rep.

124            Mrs. Learn, Anna, housewife, 3713 6th Ave., Dem.

125            Leonard, Joseph Barker, farmer, 3520 7th Ave., Prog.

125½         Mrs. Locke, Daisy, housewife, 3511 7th Ave., Prog.

126            Locke, Harry Martain, electrician, 3511 7th Ave., Rep.

126½         Mrs. Locke, Helen Charlotte, housewife, East & 9th Aves., Rep.

127            Low, Charles Edward, carpenter, 3906 Sacramento Ave., Prog.

128            Mrs. Lowry, Jane Ellis, houewife, 3319 East Ave., Prog.

129            Miss Lowry, Lillian, student, 3319 East Ave., Prog.



130            McCormick, Francis Eugene, solicitor, 3613 36th, Prog.



131            Mrs. Manger, Mae, housewife, 3504 Bellevue Ave., Prog.

132            Manger, Henry Nicholas, blacksmith helper, 504 Bellevue, Prog.

132½         Manhart, George W., bellboy, Pine & Vine St., Rep.

133            Matthews, Thomas White, truck builder, 3615 Grove Ave., Rep.

133½         Marino, Gio, laborer, 3360 6th Ave., Rep.

134            Maxwell, James Irving, carpenter, 3714th (sic) 7th Ave., Prog.

135            Maxwell, Victor Washington, real estate, 3714 7th Ave., Dem.

136            Mrs. May, Ella M., housewife, 3606 Palmetto Ave., Rep.

137            May, William Thomas, farmer, 3606 Palmetto Ave., Soc.

138            Mellor, Clarence Elmer, blacksmith, 3700 6th Ave., Rep.

139            Mellor, Elward Christopher, blacksmith, 3700 6th Ave., Prog.

140            Merrill, Robert, railroad man, 4142 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

141            Mrs. Mollett, Ann, housewife, 3830 Sacramento Ave., Proh.

142            Mollett, Louis Talbot, butcher, 3830 Sacramento Ave., Prog.

143            Mulvihill, John, farmer, 3514 Bellevue Ave., Prog.

144            Mrs. Musick, Anna Maria, housewife, 4144 Sacramento Ave., Soc.

145            Musick, William, laborer, 4144 Sacramento Ave., Soc.



146            Mrs. Nelson, Elsie M., housewife, 3605 36th, Dem.

147            Nelson, James Edward, transferman, 3605 36th, Dem.

148            Mrs. Nelson, Kate, housekeeper, 914 Palmetto Ave., Rep.

149            Nelson, William, drayman, 3714 Bellevue Ave., Declined

150            Mrs. Nickerson, Margaret Emma, housewife, 3614 5th Ave., Prog.

151            Nickerson, William Albert, laborer, 3614 5th Ave., Dem.

152            Niemeyer, William Paul, clerk, 3614 5th Ave., Dem.

153            Noel, Roy Charley, carpenter, Palmetto Ave., Prog.

154            Mrs. Noonan, Mary N., housewife, 866 Palmetto Ave., Prog.

155            Nordling, William, electrician, 3510 7th Ave., Rep.



156            O'Donnell, Cornelius, advertising man, 3918 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

157            Mrs. Orr, Mabel, housewife, 3530 6th Ave., Rep.

158            Ostrum, Adolph Arvid, painter, Palmetto Ave., Rep.

159            Mrs. Ostrum, Elina, housewife, Palmetto Ave., Rep.



160            Mrs. Phelps, Iva, housewife, 3722 7th Ave., Rep.

161            Perschke, Otto Julius, painter, 3529 6th Ave., Dem.

162            Peter, Otto, coppersmith, 4164 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

163            Petterson, George Edward, plumber, 3516 6th Ave., Rep.

164            Mrs. Petterson, Kate, housewife, 3516 6th Ave., Dem.

165            Phelps, Luther D., laborer, 3722 7th Ave., Rep.

166            Pritchard, Frank Stevens, clerk, 3822 5th Ave., Prog.

167            Purington, James Treat, 3614 6th Ave., Rep.

168            Mrs. Purington, Martha H., housewife, 3614 6th Ave., Rep.



169            Mrs. Quiggle, Calista, housewife, 3624 5th Ave., Rep.

170            Quiggle, James Carey, retired, 3624 5th Ave., Rep.

171            Quiggle, James William, motorman, 3624 5th, Ave., Rep.

172            Miss Quiggle, Myrtle, housekeeper, 3624 5th Ave., Rep.



173            Rodrain, H. Anton, conductor, 3425 37th, Dem.

174            Richardson, James Faris, watchman, 3512 7th Ave., Rep.

174½         Riecken, William Henry, blacksmith, 3630 5th Ave., Prog.

175            Ritter, Frederick William, farmer, 4116 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

176            Mrs. Roden, Elmira A., housewife, 3708 6th Ave., Soc.

177            Roden, Isaac William, laborer, 3708 6th Ave., Dem.

178            Rodman, William, retired, 3527 6th Ave., Dem.

178½         Mrs. Rordrian, Josephine Frazier, housewife, 3425 37th, Dem.

179            Rothwell, John Arnold, teamster, 3512 7th Ave., Rep.

179½         Mrs. Rothwell, Elizabeth, housewife, 3517 7th Rep.

180            Russell, Harry Franklin, timekeeper, 3426 Marshall Court, Rep.

180½         Mrs. Russell, Maud Elizabeth, h'wife, 3426 Marshall Court, Rep.

181            Mrs. Ryan, Alice L., housewife, 3531 Palmetto Ave., Dem.

182            Ryan, John William, chauffeur, 3531 Palmetto Ave., Dem.



183            Mrs. Sackett, Maude Lucille, housewife, 3706 6th Ave., Rep.

184            Sardelich, Peter, truck builder, 3625 7th Ave., Rep.

184½         Mrs. Shalag, Axsenia, housewife, 3609 6th Ave., Soc.

185            Shalag, Conrad, woodturner, 3609 6th Ave., Soc.

185½         Miss Sampson, Gladys Estelle, stenographer, 3706 5th

                       Ave., Declined

186            Sharp, James Ralph, watchman, 3627 Bellevue Ave., Dem.

187            Mrs. Sharp, Katharine, housewife, 3627 Bellevue Ave., Dem.

187½         Mrs. Shook, Cecilla May, housewife, 3805 6th Ave., Dem.

188            Snook, LeRoy Newby, carpenter, 3417 East Ave., Dem.

188½         Singleton, Walter, clerk, 3604 5th Ave., Soc.

189            Mrs. Snook, Ruby Alice, housewife, 3417 East Ave., Dem.

190            Stahl, John M., carpenter, 3710 5th Ave., Rep.

191            Mrs. Stahl, Matilda, housewife, 3710 5th Ave., Declined

192            Mrs. Still, Bertha E., housewife, 3421 East Ave., Dem.

193            Still, George Pearson, carpenter, 3421 East Ave., Rep.

194            Stuetzel, George Henry, painter, 4116 Sacramento Ave., Dem.

194½         Mrs. Summers, Georgie E., housewife, 914 Palmetto Ave., Rep.



195            Tellstrom, Axel, carpenter, 362 Sacramento Ave., Rep.

196            Tiessen, Benjamin Otto Samuel, clerk, 3516 5th Ave., Soc.

197            Mrs. Truax, Clara Myrtle, housewife, 3617 6th Ave., Soc.

198            Truax, Nathaniel Lee, lather, 3617 6th Ave., Soc.



197½         Volfi, John, driver, 3620 Grove Ave., Rep.

198½         Mrs. Volfi, Angelina, laundress, 3620 Grove Ave., Rep.



199            Waldron, Henry Emerson, retired, 3701 Palmetto Ave., Prog.

200            Waldron, Henry Oliver, machinist, 3703 Palmetto Ave., Prog.

201            Mrs. Waldron, Jemima Ann, housewife, 3701 Palmetto Ave., Prog.

202            Mrs. Waldron, Lizzie, housewife, 3703 Palmetto Ave., Prog.

203            Walsh, Maurice, retired, 3618 5th Ave., Dem.

204            Walsh, Maurice A., buyer, 3618 5th Ave., Rep.

205            Mrs. Ward, Emma Marie, housewife, 3520 6th Ave., Rep.

206            Ward, James Norton, conductor, 352 06th (sic) Ave., Rep.

207            Miss Walsh, Lillian, “J.,” saleslady, 3816 5th Ave., Prog.

208            Witt, John, laborer, 3618 6th Ave., Rep.

209            Welch, Edward Nelson, mechanic, 3613 36th, Prog.

210            Mrs. Wells, Jessie, housewife, 3416 38th, Dem.

211            Wells, John Edward, chauffeur, 3416 38th, Prog.

212            Wells, Noel Ben, laborer, 3416 38th, Dem.

213            Wickstrom, Anna, housewife, Fort Wayne Ave., Soc.

214            Wickstrom, Victor, blacksmith, Fort Wayne Ave., Soc.

215            Wilder, Irving French, artist, 3702 6th Ave., Soc.

216            Mrs. Wiley, Sarah F., housewife, 3520 7th Ave., Prog.

217            Mrs. Williams, Lorain, housewife, 3506 Bellevue Ave., Dem.

218            Withham, Fred, peddler, 4128 Sacramento Ave., Prog.

218½         Mrs. Witt, Louise, houesewife (sic), 3618 6th Ave., Rep.

219            Mrs. Wood, Genevieve, housewife, 3512 Bellevue ave., Dem.

220            Wood, William Burton, printer, 3512 Bellevue Ave., Dem.



221            Yarbro, Thomas Dixon, merchant, 4030 Sacramento ave., Proh.

222            Mrs. Young, Luella St. John, homekeeper, 3802 6th Ave., Dem.





Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

Proofread by Jeanne Taylor.

© 2009 Betty Vickroy.