OCTOBER 3, 1914
Every Elector, duly qualified, whose AFFIDAVIT OF REGISTRATION appears on the Register of the General Election Precinct, and who has continued to reside within the exterior boundaries of such General Election Precinct to day of Election, is entitled to vote.
All name sin the Indexes through which the word MOVED, REMOVED OR SUPPLEMENT are stamped are cancelled and are NOT entitled to vote.
The Electors whose names appear upon the Index of Register and having MOVED, must be carefully examined, and if found to still reside with the Election Precinct, be allowed to vote.
E. F. Pfund,
County Clerk
Precinct Fifty-Two,
14th Assembly District
1 Addison,
Frank Louis, policeman,
2 Adkins,
Daniel Charles, inspector,
3 Mrs. Albert, Annie, housewife, 2937 34th, Rep.
4 Albert, David Wilson, laborer, 2937 th (sic), Rep.
5 Allen, Charles Winfred, salesman, Overland Hotel, Prog.
5½ Allen, John,
musician, Overland Hotel,
6 Arnold Archie Lee, clerk, 3609 5th, Prog.
6½ Anderson, George Henry, blacksmith, 2920 34th, Dem.
7 Asher, Leslie Thomas, helper, Hotel Wright, Dem.
8 Mrs.
Bachman, Mary Ann, housewife,
9 Baker, Alfred Wellington, machinist, 2914 34th, Prog.
10 Baker,
11 Baldwin,
Charlie, railroad man,
12 Mrs.
Baldwin, Freida, housewife,
13 Barney, John Catron, dentist, 2909 35th, Dem.
14 Mrs. Barney,
15 Barton,
Mathew, boilermaker’s helper, N. E. Cod. 34Th &
16 Bates, Albert
Ernest, sheet metal worker,
17 Mrs. Bates, Helen, housewife, 3618 Park Ave., Dem.
18 Mrs. Baxter,
Jennie May, housewife,
19 Mrs.
20 Berg, Hjarlmar Edward, carpenter, 35th, between Park & Cypress Ave., Dem.
21 Mrs. Best, Grace, housewife, 3707 Palm Ave., Rep.
22 Best, Lee Valentine, contractor, 3707 Palm Ave., Prog.
23 Bigelow,
George Richard, carman,
24 Mrs. Bigelow, Lela, housewife, 3415 Park ave., Rep.
25 Bliss, Albert Forbes, painter, 2917 34th, Soc.
26 Blodgett, Clarence Milton, merchant, 3016 35th, Prog.
26½ Boon, Guy
Archer, carpenter,
27 Bowers,
George Edward, contractor,
28 Mrs.
Boyer, Dora, clerk,
29 Brinson, Lafayette, cement worker, 4438 Palmetto Ave., Rep.
29½ Brewster, Guy Vernon, P. G. & E. Co., 3018½ 35th, Prog.
30 Buell, Daniel
Siddle, merchant,
30½ Brownell, Charles F., car inspector, 3108 37th, Rep.
31 Mrs. Buell, Dora Irene, housewife, 3631 Park Ave., Rep.
31½ Mrs Brownell, Mabel, housewife, 3108 37th, Rep.
32 Bundy, Harry Cylde, draughtsman, 2918 34th, Rep.
33 Burt, Martin J., agent, 2939 34th, Prog.
34 Mrs.
Busch, Francisca, homekeeper,
35 Busch,
Joseph, automobile man,
36 Cameron, Burt, carpenter, 3220 37th, Dem.
37 Mrs. Cameron, Mayme A., housewife, 4220 37th, Dem.
38 Carmony, Alfred Eugene, iceman, 3005 35th, Declined
39 Mrs. Carr, Rose, housewife, 2937 34th, Soc.
40 Carstens, Eugene Aron, painter,
41 Mrs.
Carstens, Ethel, housewife,
42 Chang, Wonk Kown, laborer, 35th bet.
43 Mrs. Chase, Isabel, housewife, 3106 37th, Rep.
44 Chase, Joseph Warren, carpenter, 3106 37th, Dem.
45 Chenoweth,
Charles Arthur,
46 Mrs.
Chenoweth, Mae Agness, housewife,
47 Cobarubia, Frank, barber, 2908 36th, Rep.
47½ Mrs. Cobarubia, Mae, housewife, 2908 36th, Rep.
48 Mrs.
Coppersmith, Leona Louise, merchant, 35th &
49 Mrs. Cowell,
50 Cowell, Hampton Edward, car builder,
51 Clary, Edward Ferguson, salesman, 2915 34th, Cem.
52 Mrs. Cress,
Minnie, housewife,
53 Cunningham,
Thomas Arthur, gardener, 34th &
54 Davis,
55 Davis, William Isicc, carpenter, 3634 Park Ave., Prog.
56 Mrs., De Loss, Elsie, housewife, 2924 34th, Rep.
57 De Loss, William, merchant, 2924 34th, Rep.
58 DeGloria, John J., pharmacist,
59 Downes, Matthew Thomas, machinist, 311 Park Ave., Dem.
60 Mrs. Dymek, Theodora, housewife, 3529 Park Ave., Prog.
61 Mrs.
62½ Mrs. Estes, Susan, milliner, 2910½ 35th, Dem.
63 Mrs. Evans, Annie I., houseife, (sic) 3701 Park Ave., Proh.
64 Evans, William Frederick, carpenter, 3701 Park Ave., Rep.
65 Fahle, Paul Henry, machinist,
66 Mrs. Fairfield, Ella May, housewife, 3114 37th, Dem.
68 Forrett, John, motorman, 3611 5th, Dem.
69 Mrs. Forrett, Loula, housewife, 3611 5th, Dem.
70 Mrs. Farris, Irene, housewife, 3609 aPrk (sic) Ave., Rep.
71 Farris,
Horace, merchant,
72 Mrs. Fellows, Beatrice Travers, teacher, 3728 Palm Ave., Dem.
73 Ferren, Fred Jay, contractor, 3709 Park Ave., Prog.
74 Mrs.
Ferren, Nellie Lee, housewife,
75 Fitzpatrick,
Charles Henry, photographer,
76 Fleck,
Sigmund Albert, designer,
77 Flowers, George Washington, carpenter, 2918 34th, Rep.
77½ Ford, Orrin Scott, miner, 3718 Park Ave., Dem.
78 Mrs. Ford, Susan Martha, housewife, 3718 Park Ave., Prog.
79 Mrs.
Foster, Maggie Maud, housewife,
80 Foster,
Walter Theodore, real estate,
81 Mrs. France, Dora Ann, housewife, 3633 Park Ave., Rep.
82 Mrs. Fuller, Lisette C., dressmaker, 3502½,
83 Mrs. Galvin, Agnes Shields, hotelkeeper, 34th & Park, Dem.
84 Galvin, John David, boilermaker, 34th & Park, Dem.
85 Mrs. Gano, Olga, housewife, 3521 Park Ave., Dem.
86 Gano, Pual E., traveling
87 Mrs. Gilbert, Edith Anna, housewife, 3724 Park Ave., Prog.
88 Gilbert,
Samuel H., insurance,
89 Gleason,
Elbert Emmett, machinist,
90 Mrs.
Gleason, Irene Elizabeth, housewife,
91 Mrs. Gorman, Liliah, housewife, 2920 34th, Dem.
92 Goss, Otto John, clerk, 3003 35th, Dem.
93 Mrs. Granville, Edith, housewife, 3718 Park Ave., Rep.
94 Miss
Graves, Laura Francis, clerk,
95 Mrs.
Graves, Louise, housewife,
97 Mrs.
98 Hall, John William, porter, Overland Hotel, Dem.
99 Hardy, Robert, miner, 3106 37th, Prog.
100 Holzer, Louis Henry, car inspector,
101 Harrison, Horace Edgar, machinist, 3724 Palm Ave., Prog.
102 Hart, Samuel, engineer, 3415 Park Ave., Rep.
103 Mrs. Hathaway,
104 Hathaway,
Delbert, pressman,
105 Heath, Ernest
Franklin, carpenter, 34th &
106 Mildebrand (sic), James Oscar, salesman,
107 Mrs.
Hildebrand, Phoebe, housewife,
108 Mrs.
Hill, Cora, housewife,
109 Hill, Ralph
Eaton, draughtsman,
110 Holmes, George
Leverett, carriage trimmer,
111 House, William Russell, bookkeeper, 3732 Palm Ave., Dem.
112 Mrs. House, Sarah, housewife, 3732 Palm Ave., Dem.
113 Huff, William,
116 Mrs. Hume, Hennretta Jennie, housewife, 3635 Park Ave., Rep.
117 Mrs. Hunt, Edith, housewife, Overland Hotel, Rep.
118 Hunt, Frank C., proprietor, Overland Hotel, Prog.
119 Mrs.
Hyde, Martha E., housewife,
120 Mrs.
Icanberry, Emily C., homekeeper,
121 Mrs. Jenisen, Anna Madeleine, librarian, 3705 Palm Ave., Soc.
121½ Johnson, Anton “L.,” contractor, 2915½ 34th, Prog.
122 Johnson, Hary Homer, bartender,
122½ Mrs. Johnson, Olga Dorothe, housewife, 2915½ 34th, Prog.
123 Kerns, Will, boilermaker, 2918 34th, Soc.
124 Mrs. Kime, Maggie Brown, teacher,
125 Kohanoff, Benjamin A., miner, N. E. Cor. 35Th & Park Ave., Rep.
126 Kubel, Isadore, merchant, 2914 35th, Dem.
127 Learn, Alva Kier, plumber, 3415 ark (sic) Ave., Soc.
128 Lehman, Caryle Raymond, salesman, 2910½ 35th, Rep.
129 Lucas, James
Newton, real estate,
130 Mrs. Lucas, Malinda, housewife, 3637 Park Ave., Prog.
131 Lucas, Roscoe Bailey, fireman, 3637 Park Ave., Prog.
132 McGrew, William Roy, painter, 3003 35th, Rep.
133 McGinnis, Henry,
metal worker,
134 Mrs. McGinnis, Jessie, housewife, 3709 Palm Ave., Dem.
137 McMurray, Arthur Clay, fireman, 3728 Palm Ave., Dem.
138 McMurray,
George Newton, retired,
141 Maisch, Edward August, electrician,
142 Mrs.
Maisch, Josephine, housewife,
143 Mrs. Mankel, Flora, housewife, 2918 35th, Rep.
144 Mankel, William Phillip, merchant, 2915 35th, Rep.
145 Manter, Laforest Gould, cabinet
146 Martin, James
H., capitalist, 3320,
147 Marx, William Henry, carpenter, 3523 Park Ave., Dem.
148 Mrs.
149 Mrs. May, Annie Rowe, housewife, 3200 37th, Rep.
150 May, Henry Clay, blacksmith, 3200 37th, Rep.
151 Martin, Jesse, motorman, 3734 Palm Ave., Rep.
152 Mikle, Pleas Goodson, retired, 3030 35th, Declined
153 Miller La Fayette, mail man, 2926 35th, Dem.
154 Mrs. Miller, Mary, housewife, 2926 36th Rep.
155 Miller,
Timothy M., sheet metal worker,
156 Mitchell, Archie Spaulding, painter, 2917 34th, Prog.
157 Moore, James Alfred, hornessmaker, 2927 34th, Prog.
158 Murphy, George Edwin, clerk, 2938 34th, Dem.
159 Mrs. Murphy, Helen Mabel, housewife, 2938 34th, Dem.
160 Mrs.
Nance, Barbara E., merchant,
161 Neubourg, Charles H., merchant, 2938 34th, Prog.
162 Mrs. Neubourg, Clara, housewife, 2938 34th, Prog.
163 Nieri, Casimiri, helper,
164 Mrs.
Nieri, O., housewife,
165 Ninnis, Albert Ewert, decorator,
165½ Mrs. Ninnis, Grace May, housewife,
166 Mrs.
Noel, Eva Margaret, housewife,
167 Noel, Frank
Oley, carpenter,
168 Noel, George Yeanders, carpenter,
169 Mrs.
Noel, Mae Laurine, housewife,
170 Nytke, Edward, blacksmith,
171 Olsen, Hans, blacksmith, Hotel Wright, Rep.
172 Mrs. Owens, Mary, housewife, 2911 35th, Dem.
173 Orr, John William, machinist, 3531 Park Ave., Dem.
174 Pearson, John, helper, Hotel Wright, Rep.
175 Perrel, John Aleson, horseshoer, 3611 Park Ave., Dem.
176 Mrs. Perrel, Katherine, housewife, 3611 Park Ave., Dem.
177 Pfieffer, William, foreman, 3531 Park Ave., Rep.
178 Phillips, Lewis, Machinist, 3112 37th, Dem.
179 Mrs. Phillips,
Mary Elizabeth, housewife,
180 Pierce, Bert Levence, retired, 2906 36th, Rep.
181 Qualls,
Joseph, carpenter,
182 Mrs. Quiggle, Costete Sophia,
housewife, 37th &
183 Quiggle, Earl, clerk, 3718 Park Ave., Rep.
184 Quimby, Charles A., lumberman,
185 Mrs. Quimby, Ila,
185½ Mrs. Rader,
Eleanor Yeargin, housewife,
186 Ralls, Earl Morgan, painter, 2939 34th, Rep.
186½ Rader, John
“B.,” rancher,
187 Reeves, Arnold
Ben, millman,
188 Riggs, Austin
Reuben, retired,
189 Mrs. Riggs, Mary Stembridge, housewife, 3515 aPrk (sic) Ave., Rep.
190 Riley, Joseph
Lisle, photographer,
191 Mrs. Riley, Mabel, housewife, 3415 Park Ave., Rep.
192 Rittersbacher, George, Jr., musician, 3515 Park Ave., Dem.
193 Mrs. Robinson, Edna Gertrude, housewife, 3711 Park Ave., Dem.
193½ Mrs. Roussin, Nancy, housewife, 2917 34th, Soc.
194 Robinson, Percy Lyman, teamster, 3711 Park Ave., Dem.
195 Roche, William Patrick, wood worker, 34th & Park, Declined
196 Mrs. Roleder, Alice Margaret, housewife, 3716 Palm Ave., Rep.
197 Roleder, Jacob John, bartnder,
198 Rook, Frank Harvey, clerk, 3701 Palm Ave., Prog.
199 Mrs. Rose, Eva Adelia, housewife, 3710 Park Ave., Soc.
200 Rose, Ezra
Alexander, warehouse hand,
201 Roussin, Elmore Leon, salesman, 2917 34th, Dem.
202 Rowell, Joseph
William, architect,
203 Sayre, De Zeng Lawrence, printer, 35th &
204 Mrs.
Scholefield, Mae, housewife,
205 Scholfield, Joseph E., salesman,
206 Schneider,
August Theodore, salesman,
207 Mrs. Schneider, Mary Elizabeth, housewife, 3717 Park Ave., Rep.
208 Mrs.
209 Schroeder, Frederick, helper, 2933 34th, Rep.
210 Schurr, Emil Christian, teamster,
212 Schwarzenberger, Albert, laborer,
214 Sieggreen, August Fred, boxmaker, 2927 34th, Dem.
215 Sieggreen, Carl Frederick, clerk, 2927 34th, Rep.
216 Mrs. Sieggreen, Mabelle Clare, housewife, 2927 34th, Prog.
217 Silva, John, chauffeur, 3722 Park Ave., Rep.
218 Mrs.
Sims, Lulu, housewife,
219 Sims, John
Walters, laborer,
220 Mrs. Slater, Betrix Rowena, tel. Operator,
222 Smith, Lansing Bower, boilermaker, Wright Hotel, Rep.
223 Smith, John Pettinson, liverymna (sic), 2918 36th, Rep.
224 Mrs. Sohn, Myrtle, cashier, 3603 5th, Dem.
225 Sowers, William Bablon, carpenter, 3006 36th, Dem.
226 Sowles, James Carpenter,
227 Mrs. Sowles, Rosa Ellen, housewife, 3723 Palm Ave., Prog.
228 Spann, John Richard, printer, 2910 35th, Dem.
229 Mrs. Spann, Myrtle E., housewife, 2910 35th, Dem.
230 Spickard, Claude Richard, carpenter, 3703 Palm Ave., Prog.
231 Mrs. Spickard, Effie, housewife, 3703 Palm Ave., Dem.
232 Mrs. Spillman, Callie Lucella, housewife, 2906 35th, Prog.
233 Spillman, William Austin, merchant, 2906 35th, Prog.
234 Mrs. Steen, Kate, housewife, 3604 Park Ave., Rep.
235 Steen, John, bartender, 3604 Park Ave., Rep.
236 Stephens, Archel Rutherford, bookkeeper, 2922 34th, Rep.
237 Mrs.
Stubbe, Leda Y., housewife,
238 Stevens, James Edward, lumber handler, 2933 34th, Rep.
239 Tariel, Irwin Arnold, carpenter, 3719 Palm Ave., Rep.
240 Mrs.
Tariel, Kathrine,
241 Taylor, Thomas
Franklin, motorman,
242 Mrs. Thomas, Mary A., housewife, 3021 35th, Rep.
243 Thomas, Roy, carpenter, 3021 35th, Rep.
244 Thomas, William, carpenter, 3021 35th, Rep.
245 Mrs’ (sic) Toomey, Margaret Ann, housewife,
246 Toomey, Maurice Edwin, motorman, 3712 Park Ave., Rep.
247 Mrs. Towers, Emma, housewife, 3607 Park Ave., Prog.
249 Mrs. Traynor, Isabelle, housewife, 3714 Park Ave., Dem.
250 Traynor, Patrick James, painter, 3714 Park Ave., Dem.
251 Tribbey, John De La, salesman, 3031 35th, Rep.
252 Mrs.
Uhl, Genevieve, housewife,
253 Uhl, George Adam, drayman,
254 Vignant, August Pierre, machinist,
255 Mrs. Vignant, Mary Wilhelemena, h’sewife,
256 Wahl, Jacob,
257 Walsh, Albert E., clerk, 3230 37th, Rep.
258 Mrs. Watson,
Emma Katherine, h’wife,
259 Watson, John, carman,
260 Waymire, Ernest, plasterer, 3605 Park Ave., Dem.
261 Whitney, James Perkins, shoemaker, 2928 35th, Soc.
262 Willis, Henry, carpenter, Overland Hotel, Rep.
263 Wilson,
Charles Rudd, architect,
264 Wilson, Robert, engineer, 3531 Park Ave., Dem.
265½ Woldit, Lester Ernest, conductor, 3713 Palm Ave., Prog.
266 Mrs. Wolff, Henrietta, housewife, 3724 Park Ave., Prog.
266½ Wright, Walter Young, merchant, 2939 34th, Dem.
267 Mrs. Yeaw, Kittie Cyrene, housewife, 2912½ 35th, Prog.
268 Yeaw, William Edward, retired, 2912½ 35th, Prog.
269 Mrs. Young, Della May, housewife, 3609 5th, Ave., Rep.
Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.
Proofread by Jeanne Taylor.
© 2009 Betty Vickroy.