OCTOBER 3, 1914







Every Elector, duly qualified, whose AFFIDAVIT OF REGISTRATION appears on the Register of the General Election Precinct, and who has continued to reside within the exterior boundaries of such General Election Precinct to day of Election, is entitled to vote.


All name sin the Indexes through which the word MOVED, REMOVED OR SUPPLEMENT are stamped are cancelled and are NOT entitled to vote.


The Electors whose names appear upon the Index of Register and having MOVED, must be carefully examined, and if found to still reside with the Election Precinct, be allowed to vote.


E. F. Pfund,

County Clerk








Precinct Forty-One, 14th Assembly District



1                  Mrs. Appleton, Annie Laura, housewife, 1825 G, Prog.

2                  Appleton, William Edward, salesman, 1825 G, Prog.

3                  Arthur, Eugene Mitchel, teamster, 521 18th, Rep.

4                  Arthur, George Robert, salesman, 521 18th, Rep.

5                  Arthur, James Thomas, clerk, 521 18th, Rep.

6                  Mrs. Arthur, Marie Virginia, housewife, 521 18th, Prog.



7                  Barnes, David, Jr., fireman, 1809½ F, Rep.

8                  Mrs. Barnes, Viola L., housewife, 1809½ F, Rep.

9                  Baron, George Joseph, painter, 425 18th, Prog.

10                  Mrs. Baker, Lizzie, housewife, 321 18th, Prog.

11                  Beck, August John, driver, 416 19th, Dem.

12                  Beckwith, John, Lorance, clerk, 413 18th, Rep.

13                  Mrs. Beckwith, Nellie, housewife, 413 18th, Dem.

14                  Beckwith, William Siegel, teamster, 413 18th, Dem.

15                  Mrs. Bellis, Ada A., housewife, 1808 F, Rep.

16                  Bellis, George, salesman, 1808 F, Rep.

17                  Mrs. Bennetts, Mabel, housewife, 1831½ F, Prog.

18                  Bennetts, Thomas John, butcher, 1831½ F, Prog.

19                  Mrs. Bentley, Leila Helen, housekeeper, 330 19th, Prog.

20                  Hentley (sic), Richard Delacey, welder, 330 19th, Prog.

21                  Bernhard, Perry A., surveyor, 1811 G, Rep.

22                  Mrs. Bone, Margaret May, housewife, 1811 F, Rep.

23                  Brendel, Chas. William, teamster, 1820 F, Dem.

24                  Mrs. Brendel, Sadie, housewife, 1820 E, Dem.

25                  Bisset, Victor Robert, motorman, 1812 D, Rep.

26                  Butler, Frederick Albert, barber, 1801 G, Prog.

27                  Mrs. Butler, Bel, housewife, 1801 G, Rep.



28                  Capurro, Giovanni, helper, 331 18th, Prog.

29                  Mrs. Carlow, Annie Louise, housewife, 617 18th, Rep.

30                  Carlow, Edward James, merchant, 617 18th, Rep.

31                  Carlow, Zachariah Taylor, carpenter, 617 18th, Rep.

32                  Carthew, Charles, truckbuilder, 431 18th, Rep.

33                  Clark, John William, gasfitter, 314 19th, Soc.

34                  Mrs. Clark, Mabel Clare, housekeeper, 1805 F, Prog.

35                  Clark, Wellington Jeffers, real estate, 1805 F, Prog.

36                  Mrs. Clifford, Gertrude, housewife, 515½ 18th, Dem.

37                  Clifford, William James, bricklayer, 515½ 18th, Prog.

38                  Coleman, Cody Stanly, porter, 1801 C, Prog.

38½      Cox, Albert Britton, salesman, 321 18th, Prog.

39                  Cox, James William, teamster, 1810 E, Dem.

40                  Cox, Rose Lucretia, housewife, 1810 E, Prog.

41                  Craig, John Forrest, mechanic, 616½ 19th, Prog.

42                  Crawford, James, teamster, 321 18th, Rep.

43                  Mrs. Culver, Hattie, housekeeper, 1807 G, Soc.

43½      Culver, Leland Cornelius, clerk, 1807 G, Declined

44                  Cosgrove, William, cigarmaker, 1800 A, Prog.

45                  Dennison, George Alphonse, clerk, 512 19th, Prog.

46                  Mrs. Dillon, Ellen, housewife, 1807 G, Dem.

49                  Dillon, Stephen, laborer, 1807 G, Dem.

50                  Dittnock, Arthur Charles, stenographer, 414 19th, Rep.

51                  Miss Dittnock, Elsie Dorthy, student, 414 19th, Prog.

52                  Dunn, George, carbuilder, 1819 G, Rep.

53                  Mrs. Dunn, Hetty Ann, teacher, 1819 G, Prog.

54                  Duprey, Francis Edwin, electrician, 1829½ F, Rep.



55                  Ellery, William, carpenter, 320 19th, Rep.

56                  Mrs. Erickson, Agnes Regina, housewife, 505 18th, Rep.

57                  English, Arthur, teamster, 1820 D, Dem.

58                  Mrs. Enright, Mary, housewife, 315½ 18th, Dem.

59                  Enright, Michael Peter, laborer, 315½ 18th, Dem.

60                  Erickson, Ralph Emmanuel, carpenter, 505 18th, Rep.

61                  Erickson, Theodore, carpenter, 505 18th, Rep.

61½      Evans, James John, retired, 1814 E, Declined



62                  Farr, David, engineer, 516 19th, Rep.

63                  Mrs. Farr, Lucy Louisa, housewife, 516 19th, Dem.

64                  Fields, Harry Lee, cement finisher, 331 18th, Rep.

65                  Fitzgerald, Gerald Percy, trainman, 1808 D, Prog.

66                  Fleming, Garnet Thomas, laborer, 607 18th, Prog.

67                  Fletcher, Alton Dewitt, blacksmith, 512 19th, Dem.

68                  Mrs. Forbes, Elizabeth A., homekeeper, 1822 D, Dem.

69                  Mrs. Forbes, Florence Elizabeth, housewife, 1822 D, Dem.

70                  Forbes, Walter Harper, liveryman, 1820 D, Dem.

71                  Miss Frazee, Lena Mary, vocalist, 607 18th, Rep.

72                  Miss Frazee, Roberta Sarah, stenographer, 607 18th, Rep.

73                  Mrs. Frazee, Sarah Ophelia, retired, 607 18th, Rep.

74                  Mrs. Freundt, Ethel, clerk, 614 19th, Rep.



75                  Giffin, Royal Bertram, dentist, 1815 F, Dem.

75½      Mrs. Griffen, Gladys Hale, housewife, 1815 F, Dem.

76                  Greenlaw, George Alfred, embalmer, 1811 G, Rep.

76½      Mrs. Gregory, Minnie Agnes, housewife, 1811 E, Declined

77                  Gilbert, Clarence, cabinetmaker, 621 18th, Dem.

78                  Mrs. Gilbert, Flora, housewife, 621 18th, Dem.

79                  Mrs. Gilbert, Margaret Ruth, housewife, 621 18th, Dem.

80                  Gilbert, Jr., William Shepard, clerk, 621 18th, Dem.

81                  Gilbert, Sr., William Shephard, manufacturer, 621 18th, Dem.

82                  Mrs. Gilkerson, Anna Marie, housewife, 1811½ F, Prog.

83                  Gilkerson, James Curtis, accountant, 1811½ F, Prog.

84                  Graham, Joseph, tinsmith, 310 19th, Rep.

85                  Mrs. Graham, Sarah Ann, housewife, 310 19th, Prog.

86                  Grant, George, stableman, 1820 D, Dem.

87                  Gregory, George, carpenter, 1811 E, Rep.

88                  Gregory, Samuel, foreman, 1814 E, Rep.



89                  Mrs. Haken, Anna Mary, housewife, 418 19th, Dem.

90                  Haken, John Joseph, clerk, 418 19th, Rep.

91                  Mrs. Haley, Jennie, housewife, 317 18th, Prog.

92                  Haley, William Buxton, blacksmith, 317 18th, Prog.

93                  Mrs. Harper, Helena, Theresa, housewife, 1801 G, Rep.

94                  Mrs. Hartford, Hattie May, housewife, 1827 G, Porg. (sic)

95                  Hartford, William Anthony, salesman, 1827 G, Prog.

95½      Mrs. Harvey, Ella, housewife, 1816 F, Rep.

96                  Harvey, Harrison, retired, 1816 F, Rep.

97                  Miss Herbath, Lillian, clerk, 418 19th, Dem.

98                  Hironymous, Charles, horsetamer, 314 19th, Rep.

99                  Hunt, Frederick Chesbrow, mill hand, 1818 E, Rep.

100                  Mrs. Hunt, Wanda Marie, housewife, 1818 E, Prog.

100½      Mrs. Howard, Blanch, housewife, 1801 F, Rep.



101                  Mrs. Iring, Marie, housewife, 1818 E, Prog.

102                  Irvine, John, glazier, 328 19th, Prog.

102½      Mrs. Irvine, Osna, housewife, 328 19th, Prog.

103                  Iverson, Leonard Engwald, bookkeeper, 1822 F, Prog.

103½      Mrs. Iverson, Mary, housewife, 1822 F, Rep.

104                  Iverson, William Mathew, painter, 1822 F, Prog.



105                  Johnson, Beverly Allesandro, caterer, 1801 G, Rep.

106                  Mrs. Johnson, Rachel Theresa, housewife, 1801 G, Rep.

107                  Johnson, Anthony Dennis, iceman, 1811 F, Prog.

107½      Mrs. Johnson, Carrie, housewife, 1811 F, Prog.



109                  Kesler, Harold Albert, clerk, 1811 F, Prog.

110                  Miss Kessler, Minnie, clerk, 1805 F, Rep.

111                  Kromer, Clarence Herbert, engineer, 1807 F, Prog.

112                  Mrs. Kromer, Elvira, housewife, 1807 F, Prog.



113                  Mrs. Lane, Carrie Josephine, housewife, 421 18th, Prog.

114                  Lane, Richard, switchman, 421 18th, Prog.

115                  Larsen, Albert Elmer, lineman, 325 18th, Declined

116                  Mrs. Lauts, Mary, housewife, 321 18th, Soc.

117                  Lewis, Charley Lyman, porter, 1809 E, Soc.

118                  Mrs. Lewis, Pearl Jeanette, housewife, 1809 E, Rep.

119                  Lohmeyer, George Henry, blacksmith, 1827 F, Rep.

119½      Mrs. Larsen, Cleo M., housewife, 325 18th, Declined



120                  Mrs. McGann, Lucy Brooke, teacher, 1819½ F, Dem.

120½      McAdams, Beverly, carpenter, 1805½ F, Dem.

121                  McGee, Elden Elmore, helper, 412 19th, Prog.

121½      McGee, William John, caller, 1818 F, Prog.

122                  McGee, Emma Jane, homekeeper, 1818 F, Prog.

123                  Mrs. McGee, Gladys, housewife, 412 19th, Prog.

124                  McGee, John, engineer, 1818 F, Soc.

125                  Mrs. McGee, Mary Jane, housewife, 1818 F, Prog.



126                  Mantell, Frank Otto, boxer, 328 19th, Rep.

127                  Mrs. Mantell, Katherine Eleanor, housewife, 328 19th, Rep.

128                  Miss Mead, Mary Jeanette, retired, 615 18th, Prog.

129                  Megerle, Fred Militon, pipefitter, 716 19th, Dem.

130                  Mrs. Miller, Stella, housewife, 316 19th, Dem.

131                  Miller, Merritt Franklin, foreman, 316 19th, Dem.

132                  Moran, Frank James, milk route, 316 19th, Rep.

132½      Mrs. Moran, Pearl, housewife, 316 19th, Dem.

133                  Miss Moran, Jennie, saleslady, 316 19th, Rep.



134                  Mrs. Noethel, Emma Johana, housewife, 414 19th, Prog.

135                  Noethel, Paul, laborer, 414 9th, Dem.

135½      Nelson, Nels Johannes, cabinet maker, 814 E, Prog.



136                  Mrs. Olds, Fannie Estella, housewife, 615 18th, Dem.

137                  Olds, Theodore Franklin, gardener, 615 18th, Prog.



138                  Mrs. Page, Alpha, housewife, 1824 F, Dem.

139                  Patterson, Egerton Snell, pipemaker, 1821 D, Prog.

140                  Mrs. Patterson, Lottie Belle, housewife, 1821 D, Prog.

141                  Mrs. Paxton, Sarah Permelia, housekeeper, 515 18th, Prog.

142                  Peuitt, Richard Thomas, hostler, 1820 D, Dem.

143                  Mrs. Paxton, Jennie J., saleslady, 523 18th, Prog.

144                  Pollard, Albert Leroy, clerk, 520 19th, Prog.

145                  Mrs. Pratt, Hedwig Josephine, housewife, 1831 G, Dem.

146                  Pritchard, James Wilbur, teamster, 425 18th, Rep.

147                  Mrs. Provost, Ethel, housewife, 331 18th, Rep.

148                  Provost, Flint Ernest, contractor, 331 18th, Rep.



149                  Quinn, Joseph Edward, clerk, 1801 F, Rep. 



150                  Raney, Arthur Leon, druggist, 404 19th, Prog.

151                  Mrs. Raney, Lucy, housewife, 404 19th, Prog.

152                  Rankes, George Peter, motorman, 314 19th, Rep.

153                  Ready, Edward Franklin, blacksmith, 1829 E, Prog.

154                  Mrs. Ready, Mary E., teacher, 1829 E, Prog.

155                  Mrs. Relyea, Hattie, housewife, 1830 F, Declined

156                  Relyea, Lewis Henry, retired, 1830 F, Declined

157                  Mrs. Rickett, Lottie, housewife, 517 18th, Rep.

158                  Rickett, Walter L., clerk, 517 18th, Rep.

159                  Rhoades, Jesse John, boilermaker, 1825 E, Rep.

160                  Mrs. Rhoades, Madge Esther, housewife, 1825 E, Prog.

161                  Robinson, William John, washer, 1820 C, Dem.

162                  Mrs. Roberts, Bessie Effalina, housewife, 309 18th, Prog.

163                  Roberts, Thomas Lorany, blacksmith, 309 18th, Rep.

164                  Rothe, George Wanamaker, carbuilder, 1808 D, Prog.

165                  Rose, Edward Stevens, helper, 305 18th Dem.

166                  Rowland, Mike Frank, messenger, 515 18th, Prog.

167                  Mrs. Rowland, Norene Paxton, housewife, 515 1t8h (sic), Prog.



168                  Mrs. Sachs, Bertha, housekeeper, 1805 C, Prog.

169                  Sachs, Henry Christ, machinist, 1805 C, Prog.

170                  Sachs, Otto Frank, electrician, 1805 C, Prog.

170½      Schestedt, William, builder, 1826 F, Prog.

171                  Miss Schneider, Anna Frances, student, 509 18th, Prog.

172                  Mrs. Schneider, Anna Eleanor, housewife, 509 18th, Prog.

173                  Miss Schneider, Louise Margaret, student, 509 18th, Prog.

173½      Mrs. Shoemaker, Nellie May, housewife, 1816 F, Prog.

174                  Mrs. Shafer, Adah Florence, housewife, 1821 G, Prog.

175                  Shafer, George Lorenzo, manager, 1821 G, Prog.

176                  Miss Shafer, Lucy Parker, homework, 1821 G, Prog.

177          Shay, Charles, gardener, 1816 F, Dem.

178         Shoemaker, John Rufus, minister, 1816 F, Prog.

179         Smith, Daniel Walter, laborer, 417 18th, Dem.

180         Mrs. Smith, Emma May, housewife, 1819 E, Prog.

181         Mrs. Smith, Nellie, housewife, 315 18th, Prog.

182         Mrs. Smith, Olive Alfredda, housewife, 417 18th, Prog.

183         Smith, William Henry, electrician, 1819 E, Rep.

183½      Sparrow, Frederick Lorenzo, barber, 412 19th, Rep.

184       Mrs. Stahl, Katharine Marie, housewife, 1801 C, Dem.

185      Mrs. Stewart, Alice, housewife, 330 19th, Prog.

186      Miss Stewart, Irma Irene, student, 330 19th, Prog

187      Stewart, Marcus Adelbert, painter, 330 19th, Prog.

188      Stewart, Raymond Marcus, millman, 330 19th, Prog.

189      Mrs. Stover, Nellie J., housewife, 1801 C, Rep.

190      Strover, Frank Boyd, framemaker, 1801 C, Rep.

191      Mrs. Stuart, Hannah Parker, homekeeper, 1812 D, Prog.



192      Tavenier, John, foreman, 1801 F, Rep.

193      Thorpe, David George, retired, 1808 D, Dem.



195     Vahle, Francis Leonard, retired, 416 19th, Dem.



197         Wainscott, Creed Raymond, bricklayer, 1809 F, Prog.

198         Mrs. Willis, Sadie E., housewife, 1807 F, Declined

199         Mrs. Ward, Mary Ellen, housewife, 1807 G, Dem.

200         Mrs. Waterland, Adelaide May Birdie, h’sewife, 616 19th, Proh.

201         Waterland, Tyre Harris, millhand, 616 19th, Declined

202         Wells, Clarence Ray, foreman, 404 19th, Rep.

203         Mrs. Wells, Elsie, housewife, 404 19th, Rep.

205         Willis, Edward Peyton, clerk, 1807½ F, Dem.

206         Woodmansee, Oscar Lyman, trainman, 1820 F, Soc.

207         Wright, Archie James, clerk, 1817 F, Rep.

208         Mrs. Wright, Freda Reta, housewife, 1817 F, Rep.





Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

Proofread by Jeanne Taylor.

© 2009 Betty Vickroy.