OCTOBER 3, 1914
Every Elector, duly qualified, whose AFFIDAVIT OF REGISTRATION appears on the Register of the General Election Precinct, and who has continued to reside within the exterior boundaries of such General Election Precinct to day of Election, is entitled to vote.
All name sin the Indexes through which the word MOVED, REMOVED OR SUPPLEMENT are stamped are cancelled and are NOT entitled to vote.
The Electors whose names appear upon the Index of Register and having MOVED, must be carefully examined, and if found to still reside with the Election Precinct, be allowed to vote.
E. F. Pfund,
County Clerk
Precinct Twenty-Nine, 14th Assembly District
1 Albertson, Henry Kramer, cement worker, 623 G, Prog.
2 Alexander, Jr., Charles Pryant, fireman, 514½ 7th, Dem.
3 Mrs. Arenz, Kate, housewife, 530 7th, Rep.
4 Arenz, Martin Philip, car distributor, 530 7th, Rep.
5 Mrs. Arnold, Ida H., housewife, 704 7th, Prog.
6 Arnold, William John, butcher, 704 7th, Prog.
7 Baine, Daniel Eugene, electrician, 612 7th, Dem.
8 Bartolo, Antonio D., laborer, 616 G, Rep.
9 Bawden, John Washington, piper, 716 7th, Rep.
10 Mrs. Bawden, Mary Elizabeth, housewife, 716 7th, Rep.
11 Miss Bawden, Sadie May, student, 716 7th, Prog.
12 Bay, William Wilkinson, farmer, 728 7th, Rep.
13 Mrs. Becker, Ellen E., housewife, 621 H, Rep.
14 Benedix, henry C., clerk, 724 7th, Dem.
15 Bennetts, Alfred White, bartender, 716 7th, Rep.
16 Bennetts, Elizabeth Mildren, housewife, 716 7th, Rep.
17 Mrs. Black, Alma Eva, housewife, 500 7th, Rep.
18 Bollenbacher, Herbert Carl, attorney-at-law, 514 7th, Rep.
19 Mrs. Bollenbacher, Sarah Jane, housewife, 514 7th, Dem.
20 Bossonnet, John Peter, carpenter, 619½ H, Rep.
21 Mrs. Bossonnet, Martha Selina, housewife, 619½ H, Rep.
22 Mrs. Breese, Cleo Bell, housewife, 704 7th, Prog.
23 Breese, Herman Elton, laborer, 614 G, Prog.
24 Mrs. Briscoe, Amy Jane, housewife, 516 7th, Rep.
25 Briscoe, James Francis, retired, 516 7th, Rep.
26 Briscoe, James Garfield, helper, 516 7th, Rep.
27 Mrs. Burton, Nellie, housewife, 613 H, Prog.
28 Camp, James Orion, teamster, 526 7th, Dem
29 Campbell, William, laborer, 608 G and H, rear, Rep.
30 Campbell, William, driver, 608 G, rear, Rep.
31 Miss Campbell, Daisy, clerk, 600 7th, Dem.
32 Mrs. Carlisle, Sarah E., housekeeper, 416 7th, Dem.
33 Mrs. Carragher, Mary Elizabeth, clerk, 708 7th, Dem.
34 Castle, Charles James, electrician, 724 7th, Prog.
35 Mrs. Castle, Ella, housewife, 724 7th, Prog.
35½ Catno, Frank Luther, painter, 610 7th, Dem.
36 Mrs. Clayton, Jennie L., bookkeeper, 530 7th, Declined.
37 Cohenour, Frank, laborer, 701 6th, Dem.
38 Contant, Frank Narcisse, machinist, 614 G, Soc.
39 Mrs. Cormack, Ann, housewife, 613 H, Prog.
40 Corsaw, Richard, bricklayer, 710 7th, Rep.
41 Mrs. Cullivan, Edna Cecelia, housewife, 612 7th, Rep.
42 Cullivan, Joseph Victor, blacksmith, 612 7th, Rep.
43 Cofer, Joseph, G., concrete worker, 619 G, Prog.
44 Mrs. Curtis, Emma Lucile, housewife, 526 7th, Rep.
45 Curtis, Joseph Francis, life insurance, 526 7th, Dem.
46 DeCarlow, Walter Henry, carpenter, 621 H, Rep.
47 Mrs. Dennen, Hattie, housewife, 623 F and G, rear, Soc.
48 Delmas, Peirrie Domino, miner, 622 G, rear, Rep.
49 Dennen, John Robert, machinist, 623 F and G, rear, Dem.
50 Mrs. Doughty, Zetta, clerk, 728 7th, Rep.
51 Miss Doyle, Hannah, renovator, 620 F, Dem.
52 Doyle, James Paul, renovator, 620 F, Dem.
53 Mrs. Doyle, Mary, housewife, 620 F, Dem.
54 Miss Doyle, May E., clerk, 620 F, Prog.
55 Doyle, William, car repairer, 620 F, Dem.
55½ Driscoll, John William, cement worker, 514½ 7th, Prog.
56 Driscoll, James, laborer, 621 H, Dem.
56½ Mrs. Egle, Ernestine, housewife, 516½ 7th, Dem.
56¾ Egle, Leo Eugene, fireman, 516½ 7th, Rep.
57½ Egle, Leo Eugene, fireman, 516½ 7th, Rep.
57 Farrington, John W., carpenter, 621 H, Rep.
58 Mrs. Fanning, Mary Jane, housewife, 612 E, Dem.
59 Fellman, Lee Adam, laborer, 428 7th, Dem.
60 Mrs. Finnigan, Viola, housewife, 615 E, Dem.
62 Foster, Ike, teamster, 416 7th, Rep.
63 Frederiksen, Fred, laborer, 619 H, Rep.
64 Mrs. Frederiksen, Metta A., housewife, 619 H, Rep.
65 Mrs. Freeman, Anna Eliza, retired, 622 7th, Dem.
66 Freeman,
67 Mrs. Galbraith, Grace, stenographer, 728 7th, Prog.
68 Galbraith, Hugh Lester, machinist, 728 7th, Prog.
69 Mrs.
71 Gerber, John Adolph, dyer, 624 7th, Prog.
72 Mrs. Gould, Mary Juston, proprietress, 628 7th, Dem.
73 Graham, Edwin, boilermaker, 619 G, Rep.
74 Greenabaum, Arthur Woodford, clerk, 728 7th, Dem.
75 Miss Gregg, Martha Ann, clerk, 728 7th, Dem.
76 Mrs. Hart, Mary, housewife, 619½ H, Rep.
77 Hart, Samuel Robert, attorney-at-law, 619½ H, Rep.
78 Harvey, Edmund Paul, merchant, 714 7th, Rep.
79 Harvey, Gregory Lucas, section storekeeper, 714 7th, Rep.
80 Mrs. Harvey, Leonora C., housewife, 714 7th, Rep.
82 Harcourt, Luke Arthur, physician, 724 7th, Dem.
83 Hays, John, plasterer, 615 E, Dem.
84 Mrs. Hayes, Rebecca, housewife, 615 E, Dem.
85 Mrs. Heiser, Luella, housewife,530 7th, Rep.
86 Mrs. Harvey, Isabelle Louise, housewife, 714 7th, Rep.
88 Mrs. Horr, Eva Dora, dressmaker, 704 7th, Prog.
89 Horr, George, laborer, 619 E, Prog.
90 Mrs. Horr, Sunilda, housewife, 619 E, Prog.
91 Jackson, Elizabeth, housewife, 709 6th, Rep.
92 Jackson, Frank Carl, clerk, 728 7th, Rep.
93 Jackson, William Edward, clerk, 628 7th, Dem.
94 Mrs. Johnson, Carrie, housewife, 600 7th, Rep.
96 Jones, Andrew Fulton, car repairer, 617 H, Dem.
98 Mrs. Jones, Leonora, housewife, 619 H, Prog.
99 Judd, Joseph Max, machinist, 530 7th, Dem.
100 Kenney, Joseph Bart, hammersmith, 620 G, Rep.
100½ Kapranovitsch, Ferdinand, skin dresser, 724 7th, Rep.
100¾ Lingafelt, Walter Judson, engineer, 631 E, Prog.
101 Lambert, John Edward, bootblack, 714 7th, Rep.
102 Lamet, Eugene Albert, driver, 621 H, Prog.
103 Mrs. Lindahl, Myrtle, housewife, 613 H, Prog.
104 Mrs. Livingston, Ethel Mae, housewife, 516½ 7th, Dem.
105 Livingston, Herbert Gwynn, iceman, 516½ 7th, Dem.
106 Lyke, Fred, teamster, 617 G, Rep.
107 Miss MacFarland, Mabel Alice, stenographer, 716 7th, Prog.
108 McLaughlin, Frank James, stereotyper, 704 7th, Rep.
109 Mrs. McLaughlin, May, housewife, 704 7th, Rep.
109½ Madigan, John Ayers, electrician, 514 7th, Dem.
110 Matrango, John, barber, 614 F, Rep.
111 Maloney, John Joseph, heater, 621 H, Rep.
112 Mrs. Menenta, Effie Jewel, housewife, 600 7th, Prog.
113 Miller, Victor, bricklayer, 710 7th, Rep.
114 Morland, Chester C., carpenter, 728 7th, Soc.
114½ Morrison, Michael, laborer, 728 7th, Rep.
115 Mosillami, Victo, helper, 607 F, Rep.
116 Murray, Francis Eddy, painter, 606 7th, Rep.
116½ Muybridge, Florado Helious, laborer, 710 7th, Dem.
117 Mrs. Nugent, Minnie Alice, housewife, 514 7th, Dem.
118 O’Brien, William Jeremiah, merchant, 715 6th, Rep.
119 O’Connor, James, telegrapher, 616 7th, Rep.
121 Ordway, George, hostler, 517 6th, Dem.
123 Parenti, Earle John, moulder, 618 F, Rep.
124 Parenti, Dannie John, moulder, 618 F, Rep.
125 Paxton, Albert, clerk, 617 G, Rep.
126 Mrs. Perkins, Nellie, housewife, 614 G, Prog.
127 Mrs. Perkiss, Annetta, saleslady, 608 G, Soc.
128 Perkiss, Hezekiah, laborer, 608 G, Rep.
129 Perkiss, Walter, machinist, 614 G, Prog.
130 Pierce, Omer Tousey, railroad man, 628 G and H, rear, Rep.
132 Mrs. Prescott, Jennie Anna, housewife, 612 E, Rep.
133 Mrs. Prigmore, Augustine, housewife, 515½ H, Rep.
134 Prigmore, Joseph Riley, laborer, 615½ H, Dem.
135 Mrs. Randle, Harriet J., retired, 416 7th, Prog.
137 Mrs. Redding, Grace May, housewife, 610 7th, Rep.
138 Relfe, Arthur Warren, clerk, 728 7th, Dem.
139 Mrs. Richardson, Jessie, housewife, 516½ 7th, Prog.
140 Richter, Harold Conrad, clerk, 622 7th, Rep.
141 Richter, Leopold William, teamster,622 7th, Rep.
142 Mrs. Richter, Lizzie, housewife, 622 7th, Rep.
142½ Riley, Frank, laborer, 521 6th, Rep.
143 Miss Robinson, Allie, clerk, 616 F, Rep.
143½ Robbins, Ernest Gregory, Electrician, 724 7th, Rep.
144 Ryan, Frank Joseph, teamster, 612 E, Dem.
146 Mrs. Santos, Rose, housewife, 605 F, Rep.
147 Mrs. Scanlon, Margaret Beatrice, housewife, 623 G, Dem.
147½ Miss Sartini, Julia, clerk, 621 H, Rep.
148 Schmidt, Jacob, retired, 620 F, rear, Rep
149 Mrs. Shriber, Emma Francis, housewife, 619 E, Dem.
150 Schrieber, Frank Joseph, laborer, 619 E, Dem.
151 Miss Shannon, Agnes Margaret, bookkeeper, 708 7th, Dem.
152 Miss Shannon, Mabel, stenographer, 708 7th, Dem.
153 Mrs. Shannon, Sarah, housewife, 708 7th, Dem.
154 Mrs. Shipp, Daisy Dean, housewife, 514 7th, Rep.
154½ Shipp, Hall Creasup, motorman, 514 7th, Dem.
155 Shipp, James Harvey, electrician, 514 7th, Rep.
156 Smith, James Edward, barber, 514½ 7th, Rep.
157 Mrs. Smith, Marie Louise, housekeeper, 608 G, Rep.
158 Mrs. Steadman, Flora F., housewife, 608 7th, Rep.
159 Steadman, George McK., iron worker, 608 7th, Rep.
160 Stephens, Frederick John, painter,619½ H, Rep.
161 Stephen, Henry, moulder, 614 E, Prog.
162 Stiles, John, carpenter, 614 G, Soc.
163 Stillwell, Edward Neild, blacksmith,1114 31st, Rep.
163½ Mrs. Sullivan, Carrie, housewife, 508 7th, Prog.
164 Sullivan, Thomas Francis, machine hand, 508 7th, Dem.
165 Mrs. Taber, Grace Elizabeth, housewife, 704 7th, Rep.
166 Mrs. Terry, Ellen Sarah, housewife, 520 7th, Prog.
167 Terry, Jess, fireman, 520 7th, Rep.
168 Terry, John, retired, 520 7th, Prog.
169 Miss Terry, Margaretta, student, 520 7th, Prog.
170 Voltzt, Charles, machinist, 714 7th, Prog.
171 Mrs. Waldren, Cynthia Jane, housewife, 617 H, Rep.
172 Waldren, Mahlon E., clerk, 619 H, Rep.
173 Mrs. Waldren, Pauline, housewife, 619 H, Rep.
174 Waldren, Thomas James, retired, 617 H, Rep.
175 Mrs. Walters, Mary Ada, housewife, 631 E, Dem.
176 Walters, Richard Henry, miner, 631 E, Dem.
177 Watson, Ralph, helper, 621 H, Rep.
178 Mrs. Wilbanks, Helen, saleslady, 704 7th, Prog.
179 Mrs. Winters, Addie, housewife, 615 H, Rep.
180 Winters, Henry James, horseshoer, 615 H, Rep.
181 Mrs. Winters, Mary, housewife, 728 7th, Prog.
182 Mrs. Woods, Maud, housewife, 608 7th, Rep.
183 Wood, Neal John, iron worker, 608 7th, Rep.
184 Wolf, John, laborer, 612 E, Rep.
Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.
Proofread by Jeanne Taylor.
© 2009 Betty Vickroy.