OCTOBER 3, 1914







Every Elector, duly qualified, whose AFFIDAVIT OF REGISTRATION appears on the Register of the General Election Precinct, and who has continued to reside within the exterior boundaries of such General Election Precinct to day of Election, is entitled to vote.


All name sin the Indexes through which the word MOVED, REMOVED OR SUPPLEMENT are stamped are cancelled and are NOT entitled to vote.


The Electors whose names appear upon the Index of Register and having MOVED, must be carefully examined, and if found to still reside with the Election Precinct, be allowed to vote.


E. F. Pfund,

County Clerk



Precinct Nineteen, 14th Assembly District



    1         Ackerman, Ralph Joseph, painter, 1927 E, Rep.

    2         Adams, Claude Frank, clerk, 924 20th, Dem.

          Andrews, Charles Fayette, foreman, 924 20th, Rep.

    3         Mrs. Adams, Katherine, housewife, 924 20th, Dem.

          Atwell, George Franklin, teamster, 517 19th, Rep.

    4         Mrs. Armstrong, Eva Gray, housewife, 1903 F, Rep.

          Mrs. Atwell, Nancy L, housewife, 517 19th, Rep.

    5         Armstrong, John Franklin, government employe, (sic), 1903 F, Rep.



    6         Bailey, David Ross, clerk, 1901 G, Dem.

    7         Mrs. Bailey, Mabel Helen, housewife, 1901 G, Rep.

    8         Mrs. Bath, Catherine, housewife, 1905 I, Rep.

    9         Bath, William, retired, 1905 I, Prog.

  10         Bath, William Henry, clerk, 1905 I, Rep.

  11         Beam, Benton, fireman, 816 20th, Dem.

  12         Bentley, Harry James, laundryman, 1927 I, Rep.

  13         Berry, William Andrew, laborer, 1930 F, Rep.

  14         Mrs. Betz, Emma Annie, housewife, 313 19th, Prog.

  15         Betz, Thomas Henry, plumber, 313 19th, Dem.

  16         Bossell, August, clerk, 516 20th, Rep.

  17         Breslan, John Joseph, agent, 517½ 19th, Rep.

  18         Mrs. Breslan, Louise, housewife, 517½ 19th, Rep.

  19         Burke, Leland Herbert, clerk, 190 5J, (sic) Prog.

  20         Mrs. Burke, Lillian F., housewife, 1905 J, Rep.

  20½      Mrs. Blanck, Angeline Adelia, housewife, 911 19th, Prog.

  21         Miss Burt, Henrietta, stenographer, 1900 H, Prog.

21½        Black, John Thomas, minister, 911 19th, Prog.



  22         Cameron, Fred, laborer, 1915 J, Dem.

  23         Mrs. Campbell, Edith Isabelle, housewife, 706 20th, Prog.

  24         Campbell, Kenneth Hosmer, telegraph editor, 706 20th, Prog.

  25         Mrs. Cutter, Edith, housewife, 1916 I, Rep.

  26         Caswell, William, retired, 1901½ F, Prog.

  27         Mrs. Clark, Mae Pierce, housewife, 515 19th, Prog.

  28         Clark, Rusell Perry, draughtsman, 515 19th, Prog.

  29         Collins, George Ernest, conductor, 711 19th, Prog.

  30         Corson, Charles Hartwell, bookkeeper, 921 19th, Declined

  31         Corson, Charlie Hatro, Jr., laborer, 921 19th, Dem.

  32         Mrs. Corson, Everdorah, housewife, 921 19th, Prog.

  33         Crombach, Iven Elmo, chauffeur, 504 20th, Prog.

  34         Cutter, John Beaty, coremaker, 1916 I, Rep.



  35         Mrs. Dailey, Emma L., housewife, 1927 I, Rep.

  36         Mrs. De Shiell, Mary Elizabeth, laundry worker, 504 20th, Rep.

  37         Mrs. Dalton, Dallie Mary, housewife, 321 19th, Prog.

  38         Dalton, Howard Franklin, millman, 321 19th, Prog.

  39         Dashiell, George Berry, butcher, 504 20th, Dem.

  40         Mrs. Davenport, Eugena, housewife, 1914 E, Prog.

  41         Davenport, George Lewis, teamster, 1914 E, Prog.

  42         Mrs. Davis, Edith Mary, housewife, 1903 G, Prog.

  43         Davis, Elmer, Lincoln, clerk, 1931 C, Rep.

  44         Mrs. Davis, Martha Ella, housewife, 1930 I, Rep.

  45         Miss Davis, Maude G. stenographer, 1927 I, Rep.

  46         Davis, Stephen Kane, upholsterer, 1903 G, Prog.

  47         Davis, William Henry, stableman, 1930 I, Rep.

  48         Dean, Thomas, retired, 916 20th, Rep.

  49         Miss Deely, Leona, clerk, 717 19th, Rep.

  50         Mrs. Deely, Louise Caroline, housewife, 717 19th, Rep.

  51         Mrs. De Witt, Eleanor Lydia, housewife, 1931 C, Prog.

  52         Diggles, Henry Emmet, merchant, 1905 H, Rep.

  53         Mrs. Diggles, Virginia, housewife, 1905 H, Rep.

  54         Doran, Albert, bartender, 516½ 20th, Rep.

  55         Dundas, Edwin L., superintendent, 623 19th, Soc.

  56         Mrs. Dundas, Emma Eliza, housewife, 623 19th, Rep.



  57         Mrs. Ellis, Grace Mabel, housewife, 520½ 20th, Prog.

  57½      Mrs. Erwin, Charlotte E., stenographer, 504 20th, Prog.

  58         Ellis, William B., housemover, 520½ 20th, Prog.

  58½      Erwin, Douglas James, clerk, 504 20th, Prog.



  61         Mrs. Frantz, Lida G., housewife, 1915 J, Rep.

  62         Frazier, Charles Wesley, salesman, 827 19th, Prog. 

  63         Mrs. Frazier, Laura Selma, housewife, 827 19th, Rep.

  64         Futterer, Frank George, plumber, 915 19th, Prog.

  65         Mrs. Futterer, Josie Fern, housewife, 915 19th, Prog.



  66         Garfield, Alvin S., clerk, 1901 H, Rep.

  67         Mrs. Gilbert, Theresa Fannie, housewife, 1904 E, Prog.

  68         Mrs. Goodnight, Myrtle Euphina, housewife, 816 20th, Rep.

  69         Gray, Howard W., piano tuner, 704 20th, Prog.

  70         Mrs. Gray, Laura B., housewife, 704 20th, Rep.

  71         Mrs. Green, Annie, housewife, 1900 F, Dem.

  72         Green, James Franklin, fireman, 1900 F, Dem.

  73         Gullikson, John Christian, motorman, 1910 alley, C & D, Prog.

  73½      Gilbert, Benjamin Franklin, carpenter, 1900½ E, Dem.



  74         Mrs. Hagerty, Mary Ann, housewife, 315 19th, Rep.

  75         Hagerty, Timothy Benard, constable, 315 19th, Rep.

  76         Mrs. Harper, Elizabeth, housewife, 1909 J, Rep.

  77         Harper, Samuel, assistant tapper, 1909 J, Rep.

  78         Mrs. Harris, Elizabeth, housewife, 1903 G, Rep.

  79         Harris, Grover Cleveland, sign writer, 1903 G, Dem.

  80         Harris, Luther, hostler, 1931 G, Rep.

  81         Hart, Hendley Rhoades, machinist, 1912 H, Rep.

  82         Mrs. Hartman, Bertha, housewife, 827 19th, Rep.

  83         Hatch, Frederick Winslow, physician, 1903 H, Prog.

  84         Miss Hatch, Jeannette May, housekeeper, 1903 H, Prog.    

  85         Mrs. Heilrath, Carrie Henrietta, housewife, 415 19th, Rep.

  86         Heilrath, Robert, painter, 415 19th, Dem.

  87         Henry, Littleton Fowler, teamster, 312 20th, Dem.

  88         Hagerty, Timothy Benelius, Jr., cashier, 315 19th, Rep.

  89         Miss Hermansen, Alma, student, 706 20th, Rep.

  90         Hermansen, George Henry, stenographer, 706 20th, Soc.

  91         Mrs. Herman, Malina Ellen, housewife, 1927 E, Dem.

  92         Hines, Frank, clerk, 924 20th, Prog.

  93         Mrs. Hite, Florence Lydia, housewife, 917 19th, Rep.

  94         Hughson, Alfred Brune, salesman, 615 19th, Prog.

  95         Hultquist, Frank, laborer, 1907 D, Rep.

  96         Mrs. Hunter, Dora Belle, housewife, 1910 F, Dem.

  97         Hunter, Paul Eyerly, student, 1910 F, Prog.

  98         Hunter, William Shupe, broker, 1910 F, Dem.

  98½      Herbert, Raymond Frank, salesman, 315 19th, Rep.



  99         Mrs. Irvine, Adelaide Harriett, housewife, 1900 H, Rep.

100         Irvine, Richard Cutrer, retired, 1900 H, Dem.



101         Jensen, Andreas, car builder, 215 19th, Dem.

102         Mrs. Jensen, Georgina, housewife, 215 19th, Dem.

103         Johnson, Alfred Edward, clerk, 1910 C, Prog.

104         Mrs. Johnson, Amalie Josephine, housewife, 1910 C, Rep.

105         Mrs. Johnson, Gertrude Marco, housewife, 1901 G, Prog.

106         Johnson, Frank Henry, salesman, 1901 G, Rep.

107         Johnson, Mons Beck, laborer, 1910 C, Rep.

108         Mrs. Jones, Albertina A., housewife, 617 19th, Dem.

109         Mrs. Jones, Pearl Iva, housewife, 1927½ I, Rep 

110         Jones, Perry Everett, foreman, 617 19th, Dem.

111         Jasper, W. G., foreman, 717½ 19th, Rep.



112         Mrs. Kerns, Josephine Mary, housewife, 1913 I, Rep.

113         Kerns, Patrick Henry, heater, 1913 I, Rep.

114         Kerns, Alfred Henry, clerk, 1913 I, Rep.

115         Kerns, Vincent Victor, clerk, 1913 I, Rep.

116         Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Celia Melisa, housewife, 1912 H, Rep.

117         Knight, Elwood George, plumber, 719 19th, Prog.

118         Kirkpatrick, Glenn Ellen, vice president, 1912 H, Rep.

119         Knight, George Taylor, carpenter, 719 19th, Soc.

120         Miss Knight, Irma, student, 719 19th, Soc.

121         Miss Knight, Lila Myrtle, stenographer, 719 19th, Soc.

122         Mrs. Knight, Mary Emma, housewife, 71919th, Prog.



123         Lambert, Charles Milton, conductor, 709 19th, Rep.

124         Lee, Charles Robert, butcher, 1927 J, Rep.

125         Lee, William Henry, merchant, 1927 J, Rep.

126         Mrs. Lehman, May Eleanor, 717 19th, Dem.

128         Mrs. Luttrell, Maggie, housewife, 1926 F, Dem.

128½      Mrs. Lowry, Laura E., housewife, 918½ 20th, Declined  



129         McAlpine, Dougal Henry, inspector, 1914 F, Rep.

130         Mrs. McAlpine, Lizzie May, housewife, 1914 F, Rep.

131         Miss McCarty, Hannah, stenographer, 701 19th, Prog.

132         McCarty, John Daniel, police officer, 701 19th, Prog.

133         McCarty, James Leo, mechanist, 701 19th, Prog.

134         McCreedy, Charles, laborer, 1905½ J, Prog.

135         McKenzie, George, laborer, 1915 J, Dem.

136         Mrs. McKenzie, Lois Harvelle, housewife, 1915 J, Dem.

137         Miss McKillip, Harriet Elizabeth, retired, 1900 H, Rep.

138         Miss McKinnon, Jessie Irene, student, 1905 G, Prog.

139         McKinnon, Johnnie Samuel, blacksmith 1905 G, Rep.

140         Mrs. McKinnon, Margaret Clelen, housewife, 1905 G, Prog.

141         Mrs. McNeil, Lillian Maud, nurse, 509 19th, Soc.



142         Malone, Peter Charles, agent, 1928 E, Dem.

143         Martin, James, merchant, 1931 G, Dem.

144         Martin, Jr., James, saloonkeeper, 1931 G, Dem.

145         Mrs. Meadows, Araminta, housewife, 1916 I, Rep.

146         Mrs. Merrill, Margaret Dick, housewife, 715 19th, Rep.

147         Mrs. Moore, Mary Anne, housekeeper, 1926½ F, Declined

148         Morris, Sr., Edward, bookbinder, 1911 D, Dem.

149         Morris, Edward Hamilton, teller, 1911 D, Rep.

150         Morris, James,  real estate, 1911 D, Prog.

151         Mrs. Morris, Julia, housewife, 1911 D, Prog.

152         Manier, Elmer, clerk, 917 19th, Rep.

152½      Mrs. Manier, Marie, housewife, 917 19th, Prog.

153         Murray, Earl Augustus, salesman, 703 19th, Rep.



154         Nicholas, Thomas Henry, miner, 1908 E, Prog.

155         Noyes, Alden Henry, electrician, 1908½ E, Prog.

155½      Nicolaus, George, lineman, 1901 I, Dem.



156         O’Connor, Fred Calvin, clerk, 411 19th, Prog.

157         Mrs. O’Connor, Pearl Adline, housewife, 411 19th, Prog.

158         Ohlson, Gus, printer, 623½ 19th, Prog.

159         Mrs. Ohlson, Nell, housewife, 623½ 19th, Prog.       

160         Ohliger, Louis G., millwright, 924 2th, Rep.

161         Mrs. Ousby, Annie, housewife, 1900 E, Rep.

162         Ousby, Robert, blacksmith, 1900 E, Rep.



163         Pearce, John Wilbur, expressman, 1900 H, Prog.

164         Mrs. Pearce, Laura Benicini, housewife, 1900 H, Dem.

165         Mrs. Price, Linda, housewife, 1907 D, Dem.

166         Price, William Robert, collector, 1907 D, Prog.



167         Quirin, Frank Jacob, druggist, 1925 J, Prog.

167½      Mrs. Quirin, Elma, housewife, 1925 J, Prog.



168         Mrs. Richards, Mayme, housewife, 301 19th, Prog.

168½      Mrs. Rickard, Hortense Elizabeth, housewife, 704 20th, Rep.

169         Richards, William Henry, clerk, 301 19th, Prog.

169½      Rickard, William Joseph, machinist, 704 20th, Rep.

170         Rohlfing, Albert Edward, clerk, 705 19th, Dem.

171         Mrs. Rohlfing, Elizabeth, housewife, 705 19th, Dem.

172         Mrs. Rose, Gertrude, saleslady, 1916 I, Rep.

173         Rubenstein, Max, barber, 704 20th, Prog.

173½      Mrs. Rubenstein, Lillian, housewife, 704 20th, Dem.

174         Runnion, Perry L., cement worker, 1911 G, Rep.

175         Rusby, James O., merchant, 1906 H, Rep.

176         Rusby, James Seaward, merchant, 1906 H, Rep.

177         Mrs. Rusby, Mary Janes, housewife, 1906 H, Rep.



178         Mrs. Salisbury, Lillian L., housewife, 1924 F, Prog.

179         Sanders, August Herman, upholsterer, 205 19th, Rep.

180         Sanders, Charlie Walter, blacksmith, 205 19th, Rep.

181         Mrs. Sanders, Lily Anna, housewife, 305 19th, Prog.

182         Sanders, Louis Edward, plumber, 305 19th, Rep.

183         Mrs. Sanders, Margaretha, housewife, 205 19th, Rep.

184         Schmitt, John George, car builder, 1906 E, Dem.

185         Schmuck, Charles Christian, clerk, 411 19th, Rep.

186         Shaw, Walter Scott, utility man, 1912 H, Rep.

187         Mrs. Shepherd, Hattie, housewife, 405 19th, Dem.

188         Mrs. Shaw, Elizabeth Jane, housewife 1912 H, Rep.

190         Shepherd, Mallie Pharis, conductor, 405 19th, Dem.

191         Siefer, Donald Phillip, clerk, 1908 H, Prog.

192         Mrs. Siefer, Mildred, housewife, 1908 H, Prog.

193         Mrs. Smith, Anna M., housewife, 1904 I, Dem.

194         Smith, Isaac Daniel, car inspector, 1929 E, Dem.

195         Mrs. Smith, Kathryn, housewife, 1929 E, Dem.

196         Smith, Milo Davis, carpenter, 1904 I, Rep.

197         Soule, Eugene Gray, attorney, 1913 19th, Rep.

198         Mrs. Soule, Florence Bourne, housewife, 913 19th, Prog.

202         Miss Striff, Gladys, stendent, 1909 J, Rep.

203         Mrs. Striff, Mary M, housewife, 1909 J, Rep.

204         Sturtevant, Eugene Reed, salesman, 717 19th, Rep.

205         Swanston, Arthur Leonard, Printer, 917 19th, Prog.

206         Mrs. Sweetser, Edith Pearl, teacher, 1900 H, Rep.



207         Mrs. Tarpey, Edmonia Kline, housewife, 1903 G, Prog.

208         Tarpey, Paul Albert, salesman, 1901 G, Dem.

209         Thatcher, Willis Lincoln, teamster, 1926 F, Prog.

210         Thomas, John Presley, meter reader, 1924½ F, Prog.

211         Mrs. Thomas, Mabel Francis, housewife, 1924½ F, Prog.

212         Thompson, Angelo Mulford, lumberman, 1908 H, Rep.

213         Mrs. Thompson, Mary Elizabeth, housewife, 1908 H, Prog.

214         Miss Tonzi, Grace Mary, clerk, 1904½ F, Prog.

215         Trabino, Lewis Edward, salesman, 714 20th, Prog.

216         Mrs. Treichler, Emma B., retired, 1926 H, Dem.

217         Miss Treichler, Hattie, teacher, 1926 H, Dem.

218         Miss Tocher, Helen Elizabeth, student, 1911 I, Rep.

219         Tonzi, Charles, clerk, 1904½ F, Prog.

220         Mrs. Tonzi, Mary Ellen, housewife, 1904½ F, Prog.

221         Trabing, Charles William, layer, 714 20th, Rep.

222         Mrs. Trabing, Edith, housewife, 714 20th, Prog.

223         Mrs. Tocher, Sarah A., housewife, 1911 I, Rep.

223½      Mrs. Turner, May, housewife, 1915 J, Rep.

224         Treichler, William Henry, proof reader, 1926 H, Dem.

225         Miss Turner, Amy Ethel, housewife, 819 19th, Prog.

226         Turner, Chester Helmer, clerk, 1915 J, dem.

227         Mrs. Turner, Hester 9nn, (sic) telephone operator, 819 19th, Prog.

228         Miss Turner, Lucy Jane, teacher, 819 19th, Rep.

229         Mrs. Turner, Nancy, housewife, 819 19th, Declined



229½      Mrs. Ulary, Agnes Burdie, housewife, 321 19th,



230         Mrs. Wallner, Marie, housekeeper, 1909 H, Prog.

231         Walters, Charles James, contractor, 1931 E, Dem.

232         Walters, William F., teamster, 1931 E, Dem.

233         Mrs. Weddle, Sophia, housewife, 1900½ E, Prog.

234         Weddle, John Henry, teamster, 1900½ E, Dem.

235         Mrs. Wells, Harriet Amelia, retired, 1900 H, Rep.

236         Mrs. Wharton, Lucile Davis, housewife, 1927 I, Rep.

237         Wharton, Percy, student, 1927 I, Rep.

238         Wharton, Zachariah Fletcher, attorney, 1927 I, Rep.

239         Wheat, James Dennie, Clerk, 209 19th, Prog.

240         Mrs. White, Alice Fannie, housewife, 1904½ E, Prog.

241         White, John, switch tender, 1904½ E, Prog.

242         Mrs. White, Laura Ella, housewife, 818 20th, Rep.

243         Mrs. White, Maud Lilian, housewife, 515 19th, Prog.

244         Mrs. Walhner, Maria, homekeeper, 1909 H, Dem.

244½      Williamson, John Ewing, conductor, 615 19th, Declined

245         Wiezel, John, blacksmith, 1910 I, Rep.

246         Wilkirson, Ralph Snell, agent, 913 19th, Rep.        

247         Mrs. Woods, Irene, housewife, 1901½ F, Rep.



Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

 Proofread by Judie Cook.

© 2008 Betty Vickroy.