Plumas County







            Raymond E. Yarrington, long identified with the lumber industry as a logging contractor, is a member of a pioneer California family, which settled in the Sierra Valley in a very early day.  His father, Halsey Joel Yarrington, who was a native of Vermont, came around the Horn to California in 1849, and took up a claim within what is now the city of San Francisco.  He there became subject to asthma, which necessitated a change of location, so he moved to the mountains.  Coming to the Sierra Valley, he camped at the spring about two miles northwest of Sattley, and at once took such a liking to the location that he took up a claim of government land, on which he made improvements.  He preempted a piece of land and later homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres.  He carried on ranching operations, kept cattle and horses, and also maintained a roadhouse for the accommodation of freighters who traveled between Truckee and the Johnstown and Eureka Mills mines.  He was married to a Miss Lockhart in Pennsylvania prior to first coming west.  He and his young wife came across the Isthmus of Panama and after arriving at San Francisco they went up to Marysville, through the mountains by way of Downieville, crossing the Yuba Pass, which was then only a trail.  They had one child born in Pennsylvania, Ella, who was the widow of Frank Van and who died in Mohawk, Plumas County, on September 20, 1930.  After their arrival in California, Mr. and Mrs. Yarrington had seven children, namely:  George of Sacramento; Lester Lee, of San Jose; Mrs. Jessie Robinson, a widow, who is a telephone operator at Blairsden, Plumas County; Mrs. Lizzie McKenzie, a widow, who resides in Sierraville; Halsey J., who was killed in a railroad accident at Portola three years ago, leaving a widow and one child; Raymond E., of this review; and Grace H., who was the wife of Will Mulgrew, of Oakland, where she was living when she died of the influenza during the epidemic.

            Raymond E. Yarrington attended the public school at Rocky Point, in the Sierra Valley, that being the name given to one of the first schools, as well as one of the first post offices, in this locality.  His mother was the first postmaster at that place.  He also attended the Calpine school, and when eighteen years of age began his connection with the lumber industry.  Logging has been his life work and he is an expert at it.  He has served as superintendent of logging camps for various lumber companies, including the Turner Lumber Company, at Sattley; the Roberts Lumber Company, at Loyalton; was foreman of the Davies camp for seven years; the Davies-Johnson Lumber Company at Calpine, and was logging superintendent for the Verdi Lumber Company for a number of years and lumber camp boss in the Clover Valley for the Clover Valley Lumber Company for two years.  Mr. Yarrington and A. C. McElroy engaged in the logging contract business as partners for several years, but because of the present business depression they are not now contracting.

            On November 1, 1905, at Sierraville, Mr. Yarrington was united in marriage to Miss Linna Dora Blatchley, a daughter of L. L. Blatchley, the pioneer blacksmith of Sierraville, now seventy-two years of age.  He has lived in Sierraville since he was seven years old, having come here from Marysville with this father, William L. Blatchley, who also was a blacksmith.  Despite his advanced age, Mr. Blatchley is still conducting his blacksmith shop at Sierraville.  Mr. and Mrs. Yarrington have one child, Amy, who is a student in the University of Nevada, at Reno.  There was also a son, Clarence, who was accidentally killed at the age of twenty-three years, while engaged in logging.

            Mr. Yarrington is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to the blue lodge at Sierraville, of which he is secretary the chapter of Royal Arch Masons; Sacramento Commandery, No. 2, K. T.; and Ben Ali Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Sacramento.  He has membership in the Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots at Reno, Nevada, and is also affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Sierraville.  In the latter fraternity he is a past grand and past chief patriarch, while both he and his wife belong to the Rebekah lodge at Sierraville, of which Mrs. Yarrington is a past noble grand.  In his political views he is a staunch Republican and has always stood for those things which concern the well-being of the community in which he lives.  He has prospered because of his industry and ability and ranks among Sierraville’s respected citizens.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 324-325. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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