Plumas County








            L. H. Thayer, superintendent of the Quincy Railroad Company, is one of Quincy’s leading citizens, having taken a deep personal interest in the progress of the community and the welfare of its people.  He was born at Burke, Franklin County, New York, on the 17th of September, 1889, and is a son of Leonard K. and Effie Marie (Hammond) Thayer.  His father, who was a successful merchant, having conducted a large general store at Burke, has been dead for thirty-eight years, passing away when his son L. H. was but four years of age.  The mother died in 1918.  L. H. Thayer, the youngest of three sons who were born to their parents, is the only member of the family to come to California.  He has one brother living, William S. Thayer, who is a store manager for the Snodgrass Fruit Company at Colorado Springs, Colorado.  L. H. Thayer lived with his mother in New York State until seven years of age, when the family moved to Colorado, and he was reared in Denver.  He attended the public schools, graduating from the Denver high school, after which he accepted a position with the Colorado Midland Railroad.  There he became a proficient telegraph operator and after working for the Colorado Midland for several years he went to the Denver & Rio Grande as a telegraph operator.  He remained with that company until 1910, when he went to Nevada and was with the Western Pacific Railroad in Nevada and California for twelve years, serving successively as telegraph operator, station agent and car distributor.  In 1923 he came to Quincy as superintendent of the Quincy Railroad Company while it was owned by the Murphy Lumber Company, and has been retained in that position to the present time, the road being now a subsidiary of the Quincy Lumber Company.  He has proved a capable executive, directing the operation of the road in a manner that has secured a maximum of results at a minimum of expense and effort.

            The Quincy Railroad was originally built in the interest of the Quincy Lumber Company, as a means of transporting logs to the mill at Quincy and to provide an outlet for the manufactured lumber.  The road runs from Quincy to Quincy Junction, on the main line of the Western Pacific Railroad, a distance of five and a half miles.  The road is well equipped for both freight and passenger traffic and runs two passenger trains each way daily, making connection at Quincy Junction with regular trains on the through line.  The officers of the road are as follows:  W. P. Weber, Lake Charles, Louisiana, president; J. C. Saner, Dallas, Texas, vice president; G. M. King, Lake Charles, Louisiana, treasurer; M. J. Ragley, Quincy, California, secretary and manager; and L. H. Thayer, of Quincy, superintendent.  The road was incorporated under the laws of California, with a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, and has a valuation of one hundred and seventeen thousand dollars.  Seventy-five per cent of its stock is owned by the Quincy Lumber Company, the remainder being owned by outside stockholders.  It is amenable to the state railway commission and to the United States interstate commerce laws, being a common carrier, and during the years of its operation has proved an important factor in the development of the community which it serves.

            On September 5, 1917, in Stockton, California, Mr. Thayer was united in marriage to Miss Ella M. Harris, of Eagle, Colorado, who is a graduate of the West Denver high school and the Colorado State Normal School at Greeley.  Mr. and Mrs. Thayer are the parents of two children, Ellwyn A. and Lomard L.  Mr. Thayer is a member of Plumas Lodge, No. 60, F. & A. M., of which he is master.  This lodge celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary in August, 1930.  Mr. Thayer gives his political support to the Democratic Party and he and his wife are members of the Community Church at Quincy, of which he is a trustee.  He possesses to a marked degree those personal qualities which commend a man to the good opinion of his fellowmen and throughout the community in which he lives he is held in the highest regard.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 321-323. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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