Plumas County








      For more than thirty years Allen J. Long has been a resident of Plumas County, during which period he has rendered very capable service as justice of the peace, supervisor and notary public and is at this time justice of the peace.  He was born May 19, 1859, in Butte County, California on Butte Creek, about three miles east of Chico, and is a son of William B. and Mary E. (Wood) Long, the former a native of Alabama and the latter of Indiana.  The father came across the plains in 1852, but later returned to Indiana for his family, whom he brought to the coast.  He had been married en route to Huntsville, Arkansas, to Mary E. Wood, who was a daughter of General Wood, of Mexican war fame, who went into the war as a captain and for his courage and soldierly ability was promoted from time to time, eventually being made a general by brevet, by President Franklin Pierce.  General Wood was born in New York in 1812 and married Mary Reed, of Virginia.  After the Mexican war he lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, until 1856, when he joined a train of western emigrants crossing the plains.  He lived to the age of seventy-seven years and became a personal acquaintance and friend of Peter Lassen, General Bidwell, Leland Stanford and Gen. John A. Sutter.  He served in the general assembly in 1864.

      On coming to California, William B. Long, established his home at the mouth of Butte Creek, in Butte County, and at once became actively interested in the affairs of the new country.  He took a contract for a star stage, mail and express route, and also ran a private enterprise, called Wood’s Express, from Oroville and Susanville, operating both routes for several years.  In 1856 he brought out his family, including one child, John T. Long, who is now a farmer and stockman at Susanville, this state, and in 1860 he moved with his family to Humbug Valley, in Plumas County.  In 1866 they went to Susanville, Lassen County, where he continued in the stage business until the Canadian Pacific Railroad connected up at Reno.  He and his mother and General and Mrs. Wood all found their last resting place at Susanville, being there buried side by side.  Mr. Long was eighty-one years old at the time of his demise.  He was one of the sturdy and courageous pioneers whose efforts were all in the direction of progress and advancement.  In his stage driving days he passed through many thrilling and ofttimes dangerous experiences, and was known far and wide for his presence of mind and physical courage and endurance.

      Allen J. Long was a favorite grandson of General Wood, by whom he was reared, remaining with his grandfather until the latter’s death, August 1, 1890.  General Wood had been appointed and served as receiver of the United States land office at Susanville to the time of his death.  Mr. Long served as his chief deputy, so that he became familiar with every section of this part of the state.  He attended the grammar school at Susanville, after which he took a commercial course in Heald’s Business College in San Francisco, graduating in 1881.  He then took a trip to Idaho and devoted four years to working in the galena mines at Hailey, one hundred and fifty miles northeast of Boise City, on the Wood River.  Remaining in Idaho until 1887, he then returned to accept the position in the land office at Susanville, in which he served from 1887 until 1890.  He continued to live in Susanville until elected county clerk, auditor and recorder, in which office he served one term.  In 1899 he located in Beckwith, Plumas County, serving as railroad agent there for the Sierra Valley Railroad two years.  In 1901 he was appointed justice of the peace at Beckwith, serving until 1914, and in 1916 was elected a member of the county board of supervisors, in which capacity he served for twelve years, or until 1928.  In 1911 Mr. Long came to Portola and bought a home, in which he has lived to the present time.  He is now a notary public and justice of the peace.

      On March 11, 1890, Mr. Long was united in marriage to Miss Sallie E. Johnson, of Susanville, a daughter of Thomas Benton and Catherine (Harrison) Johnson, the former a native of Missouri, and the latter of Indiana.  Mr. Johnson crossed the plains with his widowed mother and her family in 1852, and at the Humboldt River, in Nevada, he was married having fallen in love with Miss Harrison on the way across the plains.  The following is a copy of their marriage certificate:

Territory of Nevada

County of Humboldt}ss.

      This is to certify that the undersigned Justice of the Peace of said county did on the 13th day of November, 1863, join in lawful wedlock T. B. Johnson and Kate Harrison, with their mutual consent in the presence of J. S. Copeland and A. J. Simmons as witnesses.                                        THEODORE ST. JOHN.

              Justice of the Peace.

      Mrs. Long was born in Cottonwood, Shasta County, California, where her parents were conducting a hotel.  Her father, W. R. Harrison, came to California in 1848, and in 1850 returned, sailing around the Horn.  In 1852 he brought his wife and family across the plains.  Mrs. Long was reared in the Honey Lake valley, near Susanville, where her mother died August 7, 1929, at the age of eighty-two years.  Her estate is still intact.  For the purpose of furthering her education, Miss Johnson was sent to Glenn County, this state, attending school at Willows, where she lived with an aunt, Mrs. George W. Hoag.  Her uncle, Mr. Hoag, farmed Dr. Glenn’s enormous farm, which at that time was the largest wheat farm in the world, located in what was then Colusa County, but is now Glenn County.  To Mr. and Mrs. Long were born five children:  Alene, who died at the age of ten months; Allen Wood, who was agent for the Western Pacific Railroad at Loyalton, and married Miss Nattie Kiely, died at the age of twenty-seven years; Uldene is the wife of Earl D. Fonda, connected with the office of the Western Pacific Railroad at Portola; William Bent is a miner at Bosby, Mariposa County; and Trevor J. is at Bagby, Mariposa County.

      Mr. Long is a Democrat in his political views, attends the Methodist Episcopal Church at Portola, and is a member of Susanville Parlor, No. 99, N. S. G. W., while Mrs. Long belongs to Plumas Pioneer Parlor, No. 219, N. D. G. W., at Quincy.  They are widely acquainted throughout this section of the valley and both are held in high regard because of their sterling qualities, their kindly manner and their hospitality.





Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 162-164. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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