Plumas County








            In one of the most exacting and useful of professions Mrs. Vivian L. Long has achieved distinctive success and as superintendent of the schools of Plumas County for eight years was successful to a degree that gained for her the highest praise.  She is a daughter of J. C. and Louise (Gard) Knickrem.  Her father, who was a civil engineer by profession and a former supervisor of Plumas County, was well known in the sawmill and lumber industry of California, having owned and operated several mills in Plumas County.  He died at the age of eighty-two years.  The mother, a native of La Porte, Plumas County, California, is still living, at the age of sixty-six years.  She spends her summers at the old Knickrem home in the Mohawk Valley, but owns a winter residence at San Jose, this state.  Mr. and Mrs. Knickrem were the parents of five children, namely:  Grace, the wife of J. E. Pauley, a former county supervisor who is the driver of the stage bus between Marysville and La Porte; Vivian Louise, of this review; Hazel, the wife of W. C. McDowell, of Oakland, who is a civil engineer and is head draftsman for the Standard Oil Company of California in San Francisco; J. C., Jr., deceased, who was married but left no children; and Ray, a graduate of the San Jose high school who is at home with his mother in the Mohawk Valley.  Mrs. Long’s maternal grandfather was Nicholas Gard, who was born in Germany, whence he came to California by sailing vessel to the Isthmus of Panama and thence up the Pacific coast.  He became a successful hydraulic gold miner at La Porte.  He lived to be ninety-one years old and his wife passed away at the age of seventy-six years.

            In the acquirement of an education Vivian L. Knickrem attended the public schools of Oakland, California, completing the high school course by graduation in 1904.  She then entered the State Teachers College at Chico, from which she was graduated in 1907, and immediately entered upon her career as an educator.  Her first school was at Johnsville, Plumas County, and after two years there she taught for nine months in the Quincy Grove School.  Her next school was at Sulphur Spring, Plumas County, and while there she was, on September 20, 1911, united in marriage to Hubert Long.  The latter was born in Eureka, Humboldt County, on October 3, 1886, and was a son of H. A. and Ida (Tierney) Long.  He was reared in Humboldt County, where his father owned and a sawmill.  He was apprenticed in a sawmill at Sonoma and became an expert saw filer.  He received a good education, having, on the completion of his public school course, entered the Cooper Medical College of San Francisco (now a part of Stanford University).  There he attended four years, but did not graduate and never practiced medicine.  He resumed his former occupation, becoming head filer for the sawmill at Standard, Tuolumne County, where he passed away after a brief illness, in February, 1920.  To Mrs. and Mrs. Long were born three children, namely:  Hubert, who is a student in St. Mary’s high school at Peralta Park, Berkeley, this state; Donald, who is in the Quincy high school; and Stanley, a student at the grammar school in Quincy.  The last named was but ten months old when his father died.

            After the death of her husband, Mrs. Long resumed educational work and taught for two years at Graeagle, Plumas County.  In 1922 she became a candidate for the office of county superintendent of schools of Plumas County, to which she was elected, taking the office on January 1, 1923.  She was reelected in 1926, but was not a candidate for reelection in 1930.  Her success as a county superintendent was so pronounced that it is deserving of special mention.  Plumas County now has twenty-eight elementary schools, three high schools and three emergency schools, in which sixty-seven teachers are employed.  The school population of Plumas County is eleven hundred and the average daily attendance is nine hundred and eight-three.  The three high schools are at Quincy, of which Frank Hymas is principal; Portola, of which Edwin A. Schreck is principal; and Greenville, Martin Singer, principal.  Seventeen teachers, including the principals, are employed in the three high schools.  The Plumas County school system is operated on the “pay as you go” principle and has no bonded debt.  The high schools at Portola and Greenville, as well as the junior high school building, and the three gymnasiums, were erected during Mrs. Long’s incumbency as superintendent and are fully paid for.  Mrs. Long takes a deep interest in side issues which contribute to the welfare and culture of the children.  She is chairman of the Junior Red Cross of Plumas County and the schools of the county are one hundred per cent enrolled in this organization.  It fosters correspondence with school children in Junior Red Cross chapters in foreign countries and thus cultivates a spirit of good-will.  When Mrs. Long took office there were only two Parent-Teacher organizations in the county, where as there are now eight associations, which are federated into a county council of Parent-Teacher Associations.  Mrs. Long is the secretary of the county board of education and in countless ways has shown herself devoted to the best interests of the county, an attitude which is recognized and appreciated by the school patrons of the county.

            Mrs. Long has completed a postgraduate course at the State Teachers College at Chico, from which she received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1929, and the still further recognition of election to the Phi Kappa Sigma sorority, an international honor fraternity, membership in which is gained only through excellence as a scholar.  Mrs. Long is a member of the State Council on Education, to which she was elected by the northern California section of the State Education Association in 1929.  In 1926 she was elected the representative from northern California to the National Education Association meeting in Philadelphia.  She has filled numerous committee assignments and is now a member of the executive committee of the northern California section of the National Education Association.  She is a member of Pioneer Parlor, No. 219, N. D. G. W., at Quincy, and of the Daughters of Rebekah at Portola.  She is not very indulgent in the way of play or recreation, her main interest being in study, while her greatest delight and happiness is in her children and her home.  She has a host of warm and loyal friends and is highly esteemed by everyone who knows her.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 404-406. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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