Plumas County








            Heine Hertager, the capable yard foreman of the Feather River Lumber Company, at Delleker, Plumas County, has, with the exception of one season spent in salmon fishing in Alaska, devoted his entire attention to the lumber business since coming to this country twenty-one years ago.  His family name was originally spelled “Hjertaager,” in Norway, but since coming to this country he has changed the spelling to its present form.  The name Heine is undoubtedly of German origin, as is also suggested by the fact that his maternal ancestors were from Germany and of the same stock as Heinrich Heine, the great philosopher and poet.  Heine Hertager was born on the 19th of July, 1891, while his parents were domiciled upon the ancient and wealthy estate known by the name of Hjertaager, at Hardanger, Norway, famed in story and song as one of the world’s beauty spots.  The deeply indented and granite-lined Hardanger Fjord was known to the ancients and applauded by the moderns for its romantically magnificent surroundings.  Heine Hertager is a son of Heine and Johanna (Hanson) Hjertaager, who were living in affluence and comfort, dreaming of continued happiness, when the mother gave birth to her second child, Heine, of this review.  The father was then a sea captain, commanding a steamship on the seven seas out of the port of Bergen, and was widely known as an able and courageous sailor.  He had braved the dangers of the deep and survived shipwrecks, only to fall a victim to the influenza, leaving a widow and two fatherless sons.  After her husband’s death, the mother took her children further up the coast to Bodo, where she reared her family, and she later became the wife of John Edwardson.  By Captain Hjertaager she had two sons:  Engle, who is now superintendent of the lumberyard of the Fruit Growers Supply Company at Hilt, California; and Heine.  By her second union, the mother bore four children, Halberg, Jens, Hans and Marie.  All of the children are now living in California and all of the sons are connected with some branch of the lumber business.  The mother is again a widow and resides in Seattle, Washington.

            At a comparatively early age Heine Hertager realized that he must work if he would live, and at the same time tried to satisfy his ambition for an education by diligently studying day and night as opportunity offered.  In 1910, at the age of nineteen years, he bade good-bye to his home and friends in Norway and sailed for America, “the land of opportunity.”  He landed at Quebec, Canada, whence he proceeded on westward to Minneapolis, Minnesota.  For eight months he worked for the Smith Lumber Company, at Canton, Minnesota, a lumber town in the suburbs of Minneapolis.  His next move was to McCloud, Siskiyou County, California, where he worked for six years for the McCloud River Lumber Company.  Thereafter he held various positions until 1921, when he became shipping clerk for the La Moine Lumber Company, and later went to the Bertram Lumber Company, for which concern he became yard foreman.  He also held positions with the Long-Bell Lumber Company at Weed, California, and in 1927 came to Delleker as yard foreman for the Feather River Lumber Company, which position he is still filling in a very satisfactory manner.  Something of the importance of his work may be gleaned from the statement that this company ships out forty car-loads of lumber a week, including box shooks, which is one of the company’s specialties.  High-grade white pine, yellow pine and fir, as well as other valuable lumber, both planed and in the rough, are shipped out in car-load lots every week.  His supervision begins at the green lumber corners at the end of the sawmill, through the sorting, piling, drying and planing, to the loading of the box shooks, finishing lumber and rough lumber into the railroad cars.  Two hundred and forty thousand feet of lumber come off the band-saws every twenty-four hours and the car-load shipments average one hundred and seventy thousand feet a day.  In the summer of 1930 there was in the yards, carefully piled up and drying, approximately seventeen million feet of lumber.

            On November 15, 1912, at McCloud, California, Mr. Hertager was united in marriage to Miss Ruth Teigen, who was born at Klaaben and reared at Bodo, Norway.  To this union have been born five children:  Henry; Arthur; Elsie Laura; Viola, deceased; and Victor Howard.  The true spirit of cheer and hospitality reigns in their home and they have a large circle of warm and loyal friends in Delleker.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 390-391. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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