Placer County








            Robert Wise, the popular cigar merchant and manufacturer of Auburn, Placer County, California, is a native of Germany, and was born December 2, 1855.  In his native land Mr. Wise received a common school education and learned the cigar-maker’s trade, and in 1873 at the age of eighteen, he sailed from Germany for this country, landing in due time at New York and going from there to Richmond, Virginia, where he worked at his trade four years.  At the end of that time he turned his face westward again, California the objective point, and upon his arrival in this state located at San Francisco, where he resided six years, engaged in the cigar business.  From San Francisco he came to Auburn.  Here he secured work in the store with which he has since been connected and of which he is now the owner.  He manufactures the General Gomez cigar, for which he has a large sale, and he deals in other cigars and all kinds of tobacco and smokers’ goods.  A man who thoroughly understands his business and who attends strictly to it, he is meeting with deserved success.

            Mr. Wise has for his wife one of the native daughters of the city of Auburn, nee Ada S. Lipsett, whom he wedded in 1895, and they have one child, named Robert Lipsett Wise.

            Mr. Wise has for several years been identified with the Knights of Pythias and has attained prominence in the order, serving in various official capacities.  He is also a member of the Uniform Rank, K. of P.  He casts his franchise with the Democracy Party, but is not, however, a politician, as his business demands his time and attention.  He is a member of the Cigar Makers’ Association.  An enterprising, thoroughgoing businessman, interested in the improvement and welfare of his town, he enjoys a high standing among his large circle of friends.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 417-418. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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