Placer County










            The visible result of the efforts of Joseph Turner, a well-remembered pioneer of Placer County, is the farm located one-half mile from Loomis on which he settled in 1858.  He was born in England, in 1813, and when three years of age was brought to the United States by his parents who settled in Needham, Mass., where he received his education in the public schools.  Joseph Turner spent thirty-seven years of his life farming in Massachusetts, then hearing the news of the gold strike in California, he set out via Panama in April, 1850, and in due time arrived in San Francisco, where he outfitted for the mines.  He went to the North Fork of the Yuba River; later mined on Feather River, but with only fair success; then he came to the North Fork of the American River and subsequently located at Secret Ravine.

            In Massachusetts he had married Miss Ann Dexter, who remained there until 1853, when she joined Mr. Turner in California, and they took up their residence on the 200-acre farm at Pine Grove.  Five children were born to them:  Frederick William, J. C., F. A., and Elizabeth, all deceased; and George W. is the only surviving child, and he is the owner of a portion of the old Turner home place near Loomis and is a successful orchardist.  Joseph Turner imported his peach trees from Massachusetts in 1853, which were the earliest fruit trees planted in this section of California; he continued his horticultural operations until 1894, when he retired from active business cares and turned over the management of his ranch to his sons.  Mrs. Turner passed away at the family home in 1895, survived by her husband who passed away on December 8, 1899, a pioneer of courageous spirit and marked energy, upright in all his dealings and well and favorably known by all the pioneer settlers of this county.  He was a staunch Republican in politics.





Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “History of Placer & Nevada Counties, California”, by W. B. Lardner & M. J. Brock. Page 461. Historic Record Co., Los Angeles 1924.

© 2013  V. Gerald Iaquinta.




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