Placer County







            Daniel A. Russell, a prominent citizen and businessman of Colfax, Placer County, California, is a native of the Golden state, and dates his birth at Georgetown, December 21, 1857.  The Russell family, of which Daniel A. is a representative, is of Scotch origin.  His father, Daniel Russell, and mother, nee Elizabeth Duncan, were born, reared and married in Scotland, and in 1843, with their first child, William, sought a home in America.  This son, William Russell, is now a resident of Santa Clara, California.  For several years after their arrival in this country the family made their home in Kansas City, where two daughters were born:  Elizabeth, now Mrs. Wardwell; and Nellie, the wife of Fayette Moore.  In 1853 the parents with their three little children crossed the plains with ox teams to California, landing after a long and tedious journey at Georgetown, El Dorado County, where the father engaged in merchandising and where they made their home until 1857.  That year they removed to Salmon Falls and he turned his attention to stockraising and later to teaming, freighting between Sacramento and Virginia City, at that time a profitable business.  His son William was then old enough to drive a team, and was of valued assistance to the father in freighting, which they conducted together successfully until the advent of the railroad.  The elder Russell was a man of sterling integrity and was well known and much respected by the early pioneers of the locality in which he lived and through which he traveled.  He was a worthy member of the Masonic order.  Both he and his good wife have long since passed away, his death having occurred in 1871; hers in 1867, and side by side they rest at Salmon Falls in El Dorado County.  Three children were added to their family circle after their removal to California, namely:  Katie, now Mrs. William Pearson; John H., a resident of Santa Cruz; and Daniel A.

            Daniel A. Russell, the direct subject of this sketch, was educated at Salmon Falls and Rattlesnake Bar, and at the early age of sixteen showed his independence by starting out to take care of himself.  His first venture was stockraising and buying and selling cattle, in which he was successful from the start.  He did a large business, supplying the butchers of the adjoining counties, and later also carried on a butcher business of his own in Auburn, New Castle, Forest Hill, Iowa Hill and Colfax; was also for five years in the saloon business at Iowa Hill.  In December, 1898, he concentrated all his interests at Colfax, where he has the exclusive control of the meat market business of the town.  He owns valuable real estate here, including the opera house, the building in which his market is located, and his residence, one of the most attractive homes in Colfax.

            Mr. Russell was happily married, in January, 1882, to Miss Lizzie Lautgroff, of Green Valley, El Dorado County, California, a daughter of Antone Lautgroff, and their home is made cheery by the presence of three children, viz: Melvin, Edna and Donna.

            Mr. Russell is a member of the I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 140-141. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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