Placer County







            Man’s worth in the world is largely determined by what he has done for his fellow men, and judged by this criterion the profession of medicine takes first rank among the callings to which individual effort is given.  A well known representative of the medical fraternity is Dr. Rooney, who has gained prestige in Auburn, yet his practice has by no means been confined by the limits of that city.  He is a native of the province of Quebec, Canada, born June 17, 1842, and the blood of Scotch-Irish ancestors flows in his veins.  His paternal grandfather, James Rooney, emigrated from Belfast, Ireland, to Canada, bringing with him his wife and their little son, John Rooney, the Doctor’s father. The grandfather was a practicing physician and was also successfully engaged in school teaching.  John Rooney was educated in Canada and became a farmer.  He was married to Miss Frances Margaret Sloan, a native of Belfast, and they became the parents of three children, of whom two sons survive.  The other son, James Francis, resides in southern California.  The father died in the eighty-seventh year of his age, and the mother passed away August 24, 1900, aged ninety years.  The parents were Episcopalians in their religious faith and the son was baptized and confirmed in that church.

            He was educated in McGill College, Montreal, Province of Quebec, and was graduated on the 31st of March, 1870, being thus well qualified for the practice of his chosen profession.  He opened an office in Stanstead Plain, Canada, where he remained until 1877.  January 1, 1873, he was married to Miss Ann Eliza French, a native of the Province of Quebec.  They have one son, Harry B., born July 15, 1890.  The Doctor acquired a large practice in Canada, but his health became impaired through overwork and this determined him to seek a home in California in 1877.  For a year after his arrival on the Pacific coast he resided in Colusa County and then came to Placer County, practicing for a short time in Colfax, after which he located permanently in Auburn, where he has acquired a liberal support.  The public and the profession accord him prominent rank as a medical practitioner and as a surgeon.  He not only has a comprehensive knowledge of the principles of the medical science, but he is also thoroughly informed on anatomy, and this renders him very capable in surgical work.  His office is thoroughly equipped with everything necessary for the successful and safe conduct of his business, and he has a large library with the contents of which he is very familiar.  He is also a prominent stock owner of the Jupiter Consolidated mine at Iowa Hill, a valuable property which is yielding a good return; but he makes the practice of his profession his chief business.

            In politics the Doctor is a Republican and has served his county as coroner and administrator for a number of years.  He is a past grand master of the Masonic lodge, past high priest of the chapter, and has taken the council degrees of cryptic Masonry.  He is a past noble grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.  He is also an active member of medical associations, belonging to the American Medical Society and the State Medical Society.  He is also a past president of the California Northern District Medical Society and is the secretary of the County Medical Society, honors which indicate his high standing in the profession.  The Doctor is a man of high literary attainments and he finds one of his chief sources of pleasure in an extensive and well selected library which adorns his beautiful home and indicates the cultured taste of the occupants.  The Doctor and Mrs. Rooney are prominent in social circles and to them are extended the hospitality of the best homes in Auburn.  A man of strong convictions, of earnest purpose and of sterling worth, his position in professional, business and social circles is enviable and indicates his right to be classed among the representative men of Placer County.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 148-149. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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