Placer County








            George E. Mitchell is a citizen in whom the residents of Placer County have seen fit to place their trust, and he is now serving in the office of assessor, and in the discharge of his duty he is capable, prompt and notably reliable.  He was born in this county, near Newcastle, on the 9th of April, 1863, and is a son of John Henry Mitchell, a prominent early settler of Placer County, where he arrived in 1854.  He was a native of Kentucky and was of English lineage.  In the state of his birth he spent his boyhood days and acquired his education.  Attracted by the discovery of gold in California he came by way of the Isthmus of Panama to California, and was engaged in placer mining in Placer County.  His efforts in this direction brought to him success.  He made as high as twenty and thirty dollars a day, and after mining for a time he became connected with mercantile interests, opening a store at Stewart’s Flat, near Newcastle, conducting the enterprise from 1858 until 1865.  In the latter year he directed his attention to farming, securing two hundred and forty acres of land, which is still in possession of the family.  His political allegiance was given the Democracy, and in the early days he served as a constable and also as the recorder of the mining district.  Later he was for three terms the assessor of the county, and the trust reposed in him was never betrayed in the slightest degree.  Of the Improved Order of Red Men he was an active member.  He married Miss Alice Graham and their union was blessed with four sons, two of whom, Homer C. and George E., are living, and Thomas H. and John S. are deceased.  The father, John Henry Mitchell, passed away April 30, 1894.

            The boyhood days of George Mitchell were quietly passed on his father’s farm and through his youth he applied himself to the mastery of the branches of learning which formed the public school curriculum.  For three years he engaged in teaching and later was appointed a deputy assessor.  Subsequently he filled the office of deputy sheriff and in 1898 he was elected on the Democratic ticket as assessor of Placer County, receiving a majority of one hundred in a county which has a normal Republican majority of four hundred.  His election was certainly a tribute to his personal worth, indicating the kindly feeling of his fellow men and their confidence in his ability.

            In 1887 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Mitchell and Miss Lizzie McCarthy, who was born in Colfax, Placer County.  They now have an interesting daughter, Genevieve.  Mr. Mitchell belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity and the Native Sons of the Golden West, while his wife hold membership in the society of the Native Daughters of the Golden West.  Their many admirable qualities have made them highly appreciated by hosts of friends in the county in which they have both spent their entire lives.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 179-180. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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