Placer County








            Jacob Kuenzly, one of the prominent old-time residents of Colfax, came to the state of California in 1859, and during the years that have intervened between that date and the present time he has done his part as a citizen to aid in the development of the state, and as a result of his years of well directed effort he is today in the enjoyment of a pleasant home and a comfortable competency.

            Mr. Kuenzly is a native of Switzerland.  He was born June 1, 1839, a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Isler) Kuenzly, natives of that country, and he is now the only survivor of the family.  His mother departed this life in Switzerland at the age of sixty-one years; his father died in California, in 1874, at the age of sixty-eight years.  They were members of the Reformed Church and were highly respected people.  The father, in 1859, accompanied by his son Jacob, came to this country, arriving in Auburn, California, on the 13th of April; and the other son, Henry, joined them here four months later.

            Jacob Kuenzly began his business career in California as a placer and drift miner at Dutch Flat.  He next learned telegraphy and entered the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, with which he was connected as an operator for a period of fifteen years, and after which he turned his attention to the real estate business.  He has bought and sold a number of pieces of realty in Colfax and has built several good houses here, including a very handsome residence, which he and his family occupy at the present time.  Also he owns several tracts of land, consisting of two hundred and forty acres.

            Mr. Kuenzly has been a lifelong Democrat.  At various times he has been placed in responsible public position and he has always discharged his duty faithfully and well.  In 1895 he received the appointment of postmaster under the administration of President Cleveland, and served in that office four years with an efficiency that gave general satisfaction, and during that time the income of the office steadily increased.  Mr. Kuenzly has also served as justice of the peace, having been elected year after year for a period of thirteen years, in a district that had a Republican majority of one hundred and twenty, and during this long term of service he acquired a reputation for the fairness of his decisions.  He has also held the office of notary public for eighteen years last past, and is today holding that office. 

            Mr. Kuenzly has long been a valued member of the A. O. U. W.; is a past master workman and for several years has served his lodge as master workman, recorder and financier.  He is also a member of the Telegraphers’ Mutual Profit Association.

            In 1873 Mr. Kuenzly married Miss Maria Kerins, a native of the state of Rhode Island, and their union has been blessed with two children:  Frank D., a resident of San Francisco; and Lulu, the wife of Henry Lobner, a prominent merchant of Colfax.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 331-332. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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