Placer County









            A well known representative of the business interests in Newcastle, Placer County, is George D. Kellogg, who is now a prominent fruit-grower, buyer and shipper of all kinds of fruits.  He is a native of the state of New York, born in Litchfield, Herkimer County, on the 23rd of June, 1843.  He traces his ancestry back to Samuel Kellogg, one of the Puritans who landed from the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock.  His grandfather, Noah Kellogg, fought under Washington in the Revolution.  Several generations of the family have resided in Connecticut.

            Nathaniel Kellogg, the father of our subject, was born in Rome, New York, on the 23rd of August, 1797, and married Miss Sarah Sizer, a native of Russell, Massachusetts, a descendant of Colonel Sizer, who was General Washington’s private secretary and was of English, French and Portuguese ancestry, representing the families of those nationalities that early located in the colonies.  Nathaniel Kellogg was a farmer, and in May, 1847, removed to Wisconsin, locating on a tract of land adjoining what is now the site of the city of Madison.  The State University agricultural farm was afterward on a portion of the land which he entered from the government in pioneer days, and developed from its primitive condition to a high state of cultivation.  He attained the age of eighty-eight years and died in 1886, while is wife departed this life in August, 1899, at the age of ninety-four years.  They were Methodists in religious faith, and were the parents of eleven children, four sons and seven daughters, nine of the family still surviving.

            George D. Kellogg was the youngest of the four sons.  He was educated in the public schools of Madison, Wisconsin, and was just ready to enter the State University in the nineteenth year of his age, when his country’s urgent call for volunteers to aid in suppressing the Rebellion caused him to put aside his idea of pursuing a collegiate course and join the army.  The blood of the Revolutionary heroes was in him and with the example of the illustrious ancestor before him, and prompted by the spirit of patriotism, he went forth in defense of the country, enlisting August 6, 1862, with Company A, Twenty-third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.  He served in the Army of the Tennessee, Mississippi and of the Gulf under Grant, Sherman and Canby and for ninety-seven days he was constantly under fire.  He participated in seventeen battles and for forty-seven consecutive days was engaged in fighting at the siege of Vicksburg.  He was never absent from his company for a single day, and though the missiles of death flew thick around him and his comrades fell on every side he never received a scratch.  Two years after the great struggle for the supremacy of the Union, Governor Lucius Fairchild of Wisconsin commissioned him brevet captain for meritorious services in the charge on Vicksburg.  He had enlisted in August, 1862, and remained at the front until honorably discharged on the 26th of July, 1865, having faithfully served his country for three years.  He returned to his home a hero and a victor and his splendid army record is one of which he has every reason to be proud.

            In 1869 Mr. Kellogg was happily married to Miss Lavinia H. Huntington, of Mazomanie, Wisconsin, a daughter of John Huntington, an English gentleman.  Her mother, Miss Ellanor Hughes, was of Welsh ancestry.  They removed to Moundville, Vernon County, Missouri, and Mr. Kellogg engaged in farming there.  On the 1st of April, 1875, he started for California.  Their daughter, Jessie M., was born in Moundville, Vernon County, Missouri, May 10, 1875, and is now living with her father at his pleasant home in Newcastle, California.  She is a graduate of the University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music, and is a very proficient musician and musical instructor.  In August, 1875, Mrs. Kellogg, with the two children, joined her husband in their California home, where Mr. Kellogg had a position as a bookkeeper for the Bear River Mill Company at Alta.  Their oldest son, Herbert, died at the age of three years.  The other son, George H., has been added to the family since its arrival in California, his birth having occurred in Alta, Placer County, March 4, 1877.  He is at home and assists his father in his fruit-shipping business, as head bookkeeper.  The family remained at Alta for a time, but on the 15th of November, 1878, removed to Newcastle where they still reside.  Mr. Kellogg’s home ranch, which adjoins the town, contains sixty acres, and on it he has orchards of choice fruits.  There is also a very pleasant and delightful residence and an air of culture and refinement pervades the place.  In addition to this farm he now has several tracts of land in different parts of the county and town devoted to the growing of both deciduous and citrus fruits.  In 1881 he established his fruit buying and shipping business and he now has a large fruit-packing house and evaporator, and convenient offices, supplied with all the appliances needful for the conduct of his business in modern style.  He has a splendid display of the fruits of this section in large glass jars.  He has a very large trade and finds a ready sale in the market for the products of his own orchards and any other fruit which he handles, and is thoroughly informed on horticulture in many of its branches.  He has been very active and prominent in promoting fruit-culture in Placer County, and this has contributed in a large measure to its prosperity, for this industry has now become one of the most important in northern California.  In his business methods he is ever honorable and straightforward and he also enjoys the reputation of being one of the most progressive and liberal men of his town.  He takes a very deep interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of Newcastle and his name always heads the subscription list of any enterprise that is being established for public benefit.

            Mr. Kellogg’s aid and interest in church work is of the most commendable character.  He is a very zealous and consistent member of the Methodist Church of Newcastle, giving his time and means freely to its support and to the advancement of its welfare.  He became a member of the church in 1867 and since that time has been very active and earnest in its work, always ready to aid in any movement for its upbuilding and progress, yet at the same time performing his labors in the spirit of the admonition, “Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.”  Since coming to Newcastle he has served as the recording steward of the church, as trustee steward and for twenty-one years been the faithful and loved superintendent of the Sunday-school.  It is safe to say that during the last two decades he has become known to every child and young person in the town, and in them he takes a very deep interest.  His cordial greeting, kindly manner and words of advice and assistance are treasured by them, and it is safe to say that no man in Newcastle is more beloved by the young that Mr. Kellogg.  His high Christian character and good work are admired even by those not connected with the church, and in his life he has certainly obeyed the injunction, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  In 1900 Mr. Kellogg had the honor of being elected a lay delegate to represent the Methodist Church of California at the general conference held at Chicago.  He discharged the duties of this office in the most creditable manner, as a representative of the California church.

            In politics he may be termed a Republican-Prohibitionist, endorsing many of the principles of the Republican Party and at the same time strongly favoring the prohibitionist movement.  He is ever ready to do what he can to rescue his fellow men from the curse of intemperance and is identified with the Independent Order of Good Templar’s, in which order he has served them as grand chief templar for two terms, and as a representative to the supreme lodge.  He also belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen and to the Grand Army of the Republic, and was one of the organizers of the Colonel E. D. Baker Post, No. 71.  He acted as its first commander and has since continued to be one of its most reliable members.  He and his family have the high regard and respect of a host of friends.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 750-753. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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