Placer County









            Edward Charles Kavanaugh, the popular proprietor of the Forest House, at Forest Hill, is a native son of California.  He was born at Michigan Bluff, Placer County, July 29, 1872.  His father, Edward Kavanaugh, was born in Ireland and came to the United States when he was fifteen years of age, in company with an older brother.

            After a rough and perilous journey the brothers landed in New York and from there went to Philadelphia where they remained until 1852, at which time Edward Kavanaugh crossed the plains to California.  The journey overland was made especially dangerous by repeated attacks by Indians.  One member of the company was killed and much of the stock belonging to the little band of travelers was stolen.  Finally reaching Hangtown Mr. Kavanaugh engaged in placer mining and remained there for several years, meeting with the usual fortune of prospectors and miners of those days.  Leaving Hangtown, he went to Iowa Hill, and later to Grizzly Flat and Michigan Bluff, where he made several claims on the north fork of the American River.  Here he met with gratifying success, taking out a well paying quantity of gold, but like many others he lost considerable money in other mining enterprises.  In 1870 he married Mrs. Ann Williams, widow of John Williams, also a native of Ireland.  She had two sons, Thomas and John, the former an electrician in Sacramento and the latter associated with Mr. Kavanaugh in the hotel.  Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh had six children, of whom five are living:  Edward, the subject of this sketch; Annie, wife of Henry L. Banks; Arthur, a miner; Kate and Maggie, who are in school.  The father departed this life in 1895, aged sixty-five years.  His wife survives him and is now sixty-three years of age.  Both were members of the Catholic Church and in that faith reared their children.  Edward C. Kavanaugh, the eldest son, was educated in the public schools of his native county and became clerk in the Rea House at Forest Hill.  Later he accepted a position in a wholesale liquor house in Sacramento.  In 1896 he and Richard Thomas rented the Forest Hill House and for two years the partnership was continued.  Mr. Kavanaugh purchased his partner’s interest and has since conducted the business with gratifying success.  He now owns the Forest Hill House and leases the Rea House, the entire hotel business of the town being in his hands.  His livery stable is the only one in the town and he also owns a stage line.

            Mr. Kavanaugh was married in 1897 to Miss Annie McHole, a native of his own town, daughter of Patrick McHole, a prominent California pioneer, who was a member of the state legislature and held other important offices of honor and trust and for many years was the proprietor of the Orleans Hotel in Auburn, Placer County.  Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh have a bright little son, Emmet, who is the pride and joy of his parents.  Mrs. Kavanaugh was reared in her father’s hotel and her experience and business ability have been of inestimable value to her husband.  The hotel patrons are made to feel at home and are most agreeably cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh, who make a charming host and hostess.  They have many friends throughout the whole county.

            Mr. Kavanaugh is a charter member of the Knights of Pythias lodge in Forest Hill and was one of its first officers.  He is also a Native Son of the Golden West.  Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh are members of the Catholic Church.  As a boy of seventeen Mr. Kavanaugh began business life for himself.  He has by honorable methods and business sagacity gained a place for himself at the front and enjoys well deserved success.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 792-793. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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