Placer County









            There is, in the anxious and laborious struggle for an honorable competence and a solid career of the business or professional man fighting the every-day battle of life, but little to attract the idle reader in search of a sensational chapter; but for a mind thoroughly awake to the reality and meaning of human existence, there are noble and immortal lessons in the life of the man, who, without other means than a clear head, a strong arm and a true heart, conquers adversity, and, toiling on through the work-a-day years of a long career, finds that he has won not only wealth but also something far greater and higher, the deserved respect and esteem of those with whom his years of active life placed him in contact.

            Such a man, and one of the leading citizens of Lincoln, is Walter Jansen, who was born in Germany, on the 5th of November, 1862, near the city of Apenrade.  His father, Henry Jansen, was also born in that country.  He served in the German navy and was a seafaring man, spending his entire life upon the waters.  He attained the age of eighty-one years.  His wife, who bore the maiden name of Anna Marie Olsen, was of Danish lineage.  They had seven children, six of whom are living, three sons and three daughters, and the mother also survives, in the seventy-seventh year of her make, making her home in her native country.  Walter Jansen, of this review, was the third in order of birth.  He was educated in the schools of the fatherland and in 1877 came to California.  He was then but fifteen years of age, a poor boy who was forced to gain a fortune for himself or else enjoy none of the comforts that a competence can bring.  He was wise in choosing for the scene of his labors a land in which opportunity and effort are not hampered by caste and class.  He came to Placer County and worked as a farm hand for ten years.  On the expiration of that period he worked for the Buckeye Mill Company, of Maysville, and was with that company at their branch office in Lincoln for five years.  Then, forming a partnership in 1893, he became the proprietor of the business at Lincoln, and after two years he purchased his partner’s interest and has since been alone in the enterprise.  He deals in farmers’ hardware, grain, hay and flour, and has a large warehouse.  He buys, sells and stores grain and does nearly all the grain business in this part of the country.  His sales on farm implements and farmers’ hardware are also extensive and his patronage is steadily increasing.

            In 1890 Mr. Jansen was joined in wedlock to Mrs. Emma Jenkins, who by her former marriage had a daughter, Eva by name.  Of the second marriage there is one son named Walter K.  Since coming to Lincoln Mr. Jansen has taken an active interest in the upbuilding of the town, and was elected a member of its board of trustees in April, 1900, so that he is the present incumbent and is filling the office most creditably.  Widely known in the Masonic fraternity, he is a valued member of Gold Hill Lodge, No. 32, F. & A. M.  He rapidly became thoroughly posted in the work and tenets of the order and served as the master of the lodge for five years, during which time the organization which he represented made a creditable advancement.  He is also a Royal Arch Mason, holding membership in Delta Chapter.  Of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows he is a representative, and has passed all of the chairs in the subordinate lodge and has been a representative to the grand lodge.  He likewise holds membership in the Independent Order of Foresters.  He is one of Lincoln’s most energetic and successful business men.  Of strong individuality and indubitable probity, he has attained to a due measure of success in the affirs of life and his influence has ever been exerted in the direction of the true and the good.  His life history is an illustration of what may be accomplished in the land of the free.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 662-663. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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