Placer County







                William Ingram is the pioneer druggist of Lincoln, Placer County, and in the conduct of his business has reached the goal of prosperity, which is the destination of every man who enters business life; but many fall by the wayside.  Persistency of purpose is a strong element in success and to this is due in large measures the gratifying results which have attended the efforts of Mr. Ingram.  He was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1834 and during his infancy was taken by his parents to Virginia, in which state he was reared and educated.  His father, David Ingram, was of Scotch lineage and during his boyhood located in Pennsylvania with an elder brother.  He continued to reside in the Keystone state until after he had arrived at years of maturity and was married there to Miss Mary Barton, a native of Pennsylvania and a descendant of one of the early families there.  As before said, they removed to the Old Dominion and the father became one of the prosperous and influential farmers of his locality.  Later in life he engaged in merchandising in the town of Hamilton, where he remained until his life’s labors were ended in death, when he had attained the age of eighty-two years.  They were members of the Presbyterian Church and their many excellent qualities assured them a place in the regard of those with whom they were associated.  They became the parents of ten children, five of whom are now living.

            William Ingram pursued his studies in the schools of New Cumberland, Virginia, and in 1855 when nineteen years of age, came to California, making the journey by way of the Isthmus.  He sailed from New York, arriving in San Francisco in February, and from the Golden Gate he proceeded inland to Sierra County, where he secured mining claims and met with good success in the search for gold.  The largest nugget which he ever found was valued at sixteen dollars.  Later he joined a large company who had drift mines.  He followed mining three years and though he took out considerable gold sunk most of it in mining ventures which proved unprofitable.  Subsequently he engaged in teaming between Marysville and Goodyear’s Bar and other mining camps, that business at the time proving a very paying one.  The subject of this review was part owner of the Down East mine, a drift property, in which he sunk a shaft one hundred and ten feet deep.  He afterward sold the mine for twenty-two hundred dollars and engaged in the livery business, in which he met with success; but in 1862 a fire destroyed his property, causing the loss of about four thousand dollars.  With characteristic energy, however, he rebuilt and resumed business, continuing in that line until 1866, when he sold out and removed to Sutter County, where he purchased two hundred acres of land.  There he erected a residence and continued farming operations for a year and a half; but he suffered with malaria there and in consequence disposed of his property, selling it for four thousand dollars.  On the expiration of that period he removed to Marysville and again engaged in the livery business for a year and a half.  He next came to Lincoln in 1871.  It was then a town of little importance, lacking enterprise, but he opened a general mercantile store, which he conducted for ten years, when he sold most of his stock, since which time he has given his attention solely to the drug department of his business.  He has the leading drug store in the town, has a first-class establishment, fitted up with everything in his line.  His identification with the business interests of the place and his services in official capacities have contributed in a large measure to the progress and advancement of the city.  He owns in connection with his store a commodious residence and a ranch near the town.

            In politics he has always been a stalwart Republican since the organization of the party and for nineteen and one-half years has served as the postmaster of Lincoln, during which time he has made many improvements in the office and its business has largely increased.  He received his first appointment from President Grant and later was appointed by President Harrison.  He was also deputy sheriff of Placer County under High Sheriff John Butler, and his official services were discharged with promptness and fidelity.  He is a valued member of the Masonic fraternity, having been made a Mason in Saint Louis Lodge, in Sierra County in 1856. He has been the treasurer of the lodge in Lincoln twenty-five years and is one of the most highly esteemed and exemplary members of the order, in his life showing forth its benevolent and ennobling principles.

            In 1866 occurred the marriage of Mr. Ingram and Miss Corinne Flint, a native of Maryland, who in 1864 came to California.  She is a daughter of Dr. Joseph Flint.  Mr. Ingram has four sons:  J. Clarence, the eldest, is now a druggist in the United States Navy, being in charge of the marine hospital at Agana, Guam.  William D. is now the postmaster of Lincoln and is also in charge of a drug store.  George B. is engaged in the drug business in Keswick and is also the express agent there, while Ralph is in the same town and in his business life is an engineer.  The daughter, Estella C., became the wife of R. G. Allen and departed this life in the twenty-eighth year of her age, leaving a little son, Clinton G. Allen, who is now living with his grandparents, as does Rhode Ingram, a daughter of the eldest son.  Mr. and Mrs. Ingram are valued members of the Congregational Church.  They have long resided in the town, where their circle of friends is limited only by the circle of their acquaintances.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 603-605. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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