Placer County








            California would have become known to the entire country through its fruit growing interests even if no other industry had called to it the attention of the world.  Of this enterprise, which has contributed in a large measure to the prosperity of the commonwealth, Henry Andrew Frost is a representative.  He resides in Dutch Flat and is engaged in horticulture.  He was born in Connecticut, May 15, 1830, but was reared in the state of Vermont.  He represents a family that was connected with English royalty, but he lost his parents in infancy and became an adopted son.  In the public schools of Vermont he acquired his education and when twenty years of age he went to Worcester, Massachusetts, where he engaged in the manufacture of farming implements.  He married Miss Alvira L. Page, and they had one daughter, Lillian Alvira, now the wife of Henry C. Keys, of Stockton, California.

            In 1861 Mr. and Mrs. Frost came to California, accompanied by their little daughter, who was born February 13, 1860.  Their son, Clarence A., was born August 8, 1868.  They sailed on the Atlantic and the gulf to the Isthmus of Panama, and after crossing the little narrow strip of land connecting the continents of North and South America they proceeded up the Pacific coast to San Francisco, whence they came direct to Placer County.  In 1862 they took up their abode at Dutch Flat and Mr. Frost engaged in mining, becoming one of the owners of Central mine, which he developed, taking out considerable gold.  He afterward sold his interest for two thousand dollars and the mine afterward proved to be a very valuable producer.  In 1880 he became one of the pioneers of the fruit growers in this section of the state, commencing operations on a small scale, but from time to time he extended his orchards until he has seventy acres planted in winter apples and Bartlett pears.  In this business he has met with good success.  The fine fruit which he raises commands an excellent price on the market.  He has made a close study of the business and his knowledge of horticultural interests is accurate and comprehensive.  His labor has shown the possibilities of Placer County for fruit culture and many have profitably followed in his lead in the business.

            In 1878 Mr. Frost was called upon to mourn the loss of his first wife, who died at Dutch Flat in that year.  June 14, 1881, he was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Sarah A. Waggoner, who had two sons by her former marriage, J. L. and George N. Waggoner.  By the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Frost there is one son, Alvin E., born June 21, 1886.  This union has been a very happy and congenial one, and their home is celebrated for its good cheer and generous hospitality.  Mrs. Frost is an active member of the Baptist Church, also of the W. C. T. U., and has been a member of the Good Templar’s for many years, having passed all the chairs in the organization.  In his political views Mr. Frost is a Prohibitionist.  He strongly favors the temperance movement and indicates this by his right of franchise.  In this respect his example and influence are valuable to the community, and in many other ways his life is worthy of emulation, for it has been characterized by the faithful following of manly and honorable principles.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 391-392. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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