Placer County








            Dr. Ford’s standing as a citizen is indicated by the office which he is now filling, that of president of the board of trustees of the city of Rocklin, Placer County.  That he is a capable physician and prominent businessman is a fact also widely recognized.  He is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred on the 11th of March, 1838.  From Ireland came his ancestors, who were early settlers of the state of Virginia.  His grandfather, Hezekiah Ford, being the progenitor of the family in the Old Dominion.  William C. Ford, the Doctor’s father, was born in that state and was married there to Miss Martha Epperson, a native of Virginia, descended from one of the old families of that commonwealth.  They removed to Missouri and spent the remainder of the days in that state, the father following the trade of the wheelwright.  They were respected and valued members of the Baptist Church and enjoyed the high regard of all with whom they came in contact by reason of their many excellent characteristics.  The mother passed away in the forty-eighth year of her age, but the father attained the age of seventy-nine years.  They were the parents of twelve children, eight of whom grew to years of maturity, while five are still living.

            The Doctor was educated in St. Louis Medical College, of St. Louis, Missouri, in which institution he was graduated in the class of 1859.  He began the practice of his chosen profession in the southwestern portion of his native state, but later returned to his old home in Montgomery County, where he practiced medicine for twenty-two years, having a large patronage.  In 1888 he removed to California, hoping that a change of climate would prove beneficial to the health of a beloved daughter.  After arriving in Rocklin he resumed the practice of medicine and soon secured a large and constantly growing business.  Soon he demonstrated his skill to successfully cope with the intricate problems that continually confront the physician.  He has gained a wide acquaintance in this portion of the county and since establishing his home in Rocklin he has been actively identified with its interests and is recognized as a liberal and progressive resident, doing all in his power to promote the growth and well-being of his town.  His devotion to the public good has been recognized by his fellow citizens and the esteem in which he is universally held is indicated by the fact that in 1900 he was accorded the honor of being chosen president of the board of trustees of his town.  The Doctor is also one of the successful and enterprising businessmen of Rocklin.  He and his brother-in-law, Frank Tull, are the owners of a large general mercantile store and drug business in Rocklin, but the Doctor gives his attention principally to the practice of medicine.  He is devoted to the profession on account of his love of scientific research and more on account of his deep and sincere interest in humanity, and he always responds to a call whether it comes from rich or poor and is enjoying the highest esteem of the families who call for his professional skill.

            In 1867 was celebrated the marriage of Dr. Ford and Miss Ellen M. Tull, a native of Ohio.  Three children have been born to them, of whom two are living:  Jessie, who is now the wife of F. J. Metzgar and resides in Rocklin; and Harry T., who is now in school.  The Doctor is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having been identified with the lodge since 1860.  He takes an active part in the work of the order, is a past master of his lodge and belongs to the chapter of the Royal Arch Masons.  In politics he has been a life-long Democrat.  His worth as a man and citizen are widely recognized, and Rocklin counts him among its valued representatives.  His efforts have contributed in no small degree to the upbuilding, progress and substantial advancement of the community during his residence in California.


Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 807-808. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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