Placer County








            Faithful to the public trust, John Ertle is now capably serving as the postmaster at Rocklin, his administration of the affairs of the office being prompt, business-like and practical.  Such men are ever of worth in the community in which they reside, and as a representative citizen of Placer County John Ertle well deserves representation in this volume.

            He was born in Massillon, Stark County, Ohio, on the 23rd of August, 1840, his parents being Frederick and Regina Ertle, both of whom were natives of Germany.  On leaving the fatherland they crossed the Atlantic to America, accompanied by their four children and located in Massillon, Ohio, where eight more children were added to the family.  The father was called to the life beyond in the sixty-third year of his age, but the mother, long surviving him, attained the advanced age of eighty-eight years.  They were honest, industrious people, highly respected by all with whom they came in contact.

            John Ertle was the youngest of their large family.  He was educated in his native town and in 1860 he came to California, sailing on the Aerial from New York City to the Isthmus, while the voyage on the Pacific waters was made as a passenger on board the Champion.  He arrived in San Francisco and thence made his way to Pine Grove, where he engaged in placer mining, working for others.  Subsequently he went to Weaverville, Trinity County, where he was engaged in mining on his own account; but, in answer to the call of President Lincoln for volunteers to preserve the Union, he enlisted in September, 1861, as a member of Company H, Fourth Regiment of California Infantry.  The regiment was organized at Auburn, Placer County, and was stationed at Camp Union, near Sacramento and at Camp Lathan, in Los Angeles County.  Their duty was to suppress the strong secession element in California.  After thirteen months’ service with his regiment Mr. Ertle was taken ill and was finally given an honorable discharge on account disability.

            At Rocklin he has engaged in blacksmithing for a number of years.  In February, 1898, he was appointed postmaster of the town by President McKinley.  He removed the office to the central portion of the town, added a number of new boxes, and has made it one of the most convenient post offices in the county.  He is giving to his official duties his best attention and is an obliging, courteous and capable official.  He has been a life-long Republican, yet has never been an aspirant for office.  His appointment at Rocklin, however, has given the fullest satisfaction to his townsmen, who recognize his fidelity and sterling worth.  The same loyalty which Mr. Ertle manifested in responding to his country’s call for aid he has ever shown in discharging his duties of citizenship.  His life has been one of industrious, honorable toil, and the qualities which everywhere secure success have brought him to a comfortable competence.

            In 1867 occurred the marriage of Mr. Ertle and Miss Mary E. Davis, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of H. A. P. Davis, of Massillon, that state.  She arrived in California in the fall of 1860, and by her marriage has become the mother of seven children, of whom four are living, namely:  William J., who is now carrying on the blacksmith business in Rocklin; Charles Albert; Ella Frances, the wife of C. M. Hamlin, of Sierraville; and Agnes, at home.  They have a very pleasant residence in Rocklin, which was erected in 1890.  The family enjoy the good will and respect of their fellow townsmen and the hospitality of the best homes of the place is extended to them.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 756-757. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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