Placer County









            From the far off Pine Tree state Mr. Cushing came to identify his interests with those of California, and through forty-one years he has been a resident of this state, his home being now in Penryn, Placer County.  He was born in Blue Hill, Maine, on the 23rd of March, 1838, and represents a family that was founded in New England in colonial days by English ancestors.  His grandfather and his father, the latter being the name of John Cushing, were both born on the old family homestead in Maine which the great-grandfather had located.  John Cushing was born in 1800 and was reared and educated in the place of his birth.  He married Miss Eliza Hinkley, a native of Blue Hill and a representative of an old and honored family there.  They had three sons and a daughter.  The father was a sea captain and in 1849 he came to California as the master of the ship Governor Stevens.  He died at his home in Blue Hill, in the fifty-second year of his age, leaving a widow and four children.  In 1873 the mother came to California, spending her last days in the home of her son John, her death occurring in 1894, at the ripe old age of eighty-four years.  She was a member of the Baptist Church and an excellent woman who carefully reared her family.

            When the father of our subject died the latter was a young sailor.  He went to sea when only fourteen years of age and sailed until his twenty-first year.  In 1859 he came to California, by way of the Isthmus route, landing in San Francisco.  In the early years of his residence in this state he engaged in mining and farming and followed other pursuits which would yield him an honest living.  In 1862 he returned to the east, around Cape Horn as a sailor on a clipper ship; after which he settled in Boston and resided there till 1867, when he returned to California by way of the Isthmus route, locating in the Livermore Valley in Alameda County, where he engaged in farming for a time.  Subsequently he removed to Arizona, where he followed placer mining and also engaged in copper mining and in prospecting to a considerable extent.  He found valuable claims, but no transportation facilities were near and they are still undeveloped.  Mr. Cushing then returned to San Francisco, where he was engaged in the manufacture of syrup of figs, and in 1886 he came to Penryn, Placer County, where he has since engaged in fruit raising.  His orchards and residence are in the town, only a short distance from the railway station, and he is now conducting a large and profitable business.

            In 1881 Mr. Cushing was happily married to Mrs. Emily J. Brown, a daughter of John Brenan.  She came to California in 1854 and for a number of years resided in Sacramento and San Francisco.  Since 1872 Mr. Cushing has been a member of the Masonic fraternity and he and his wife are charter members of the Eastern Star lodge in Penryn, in which he is serving as worthy patron, while his wife is conductress.  His political support is given the Republican Party.  They are highly esteemed people of the community and their extensive circle of friends is an indication of their sterling worth.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 684-685. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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