Placer County








            James J. Brady was born in Dublin, Ireland, on the 12th of May, 1830, a son of Philip and Ann (Carlon) Brady, both of whom were natives of the Emerald Isle, where the father followed the trade of a tanner and currier.  Both he and his wife were valued members of the Catholic Church and they had a phenomenal family of eleven sons and eleven daughters, including several pairs of twins.  The father attained the ripe old age of ninety years and the mother also lived to an advanced age.

            James Joseph Brady was the eleventh son and the youngest member of the family.  He was educated in the city of Dublin, but his opportunities were limited, and when only eleven years of age he was apprenticed to learn the carpenter’s trade.  Since that time he has earned his own living, depending entirely upon his own resources, and whatever success he has achieved is the merited reward of his labor.  In 1846 he took passage on the sailing vessel Orizaba from Liverpool, England, and they landed at New Orleans on Christmas Day of that year.  There were many passengers on the ship and forty-seven died during the voyage and were buried in the ocean.  Mr. Brady was then but sixteen years of age.

            He came to this country with his brother John, who was the eldest of the family, and he worked at his trade in New Orleans until 1852.  He was married in that city to Miss Mary McCann, a native of county Cava, Ireland, who came to the United States in 1848.  Mr. Brady left his wife with relatives in New Orleans while he proceeded to California in 1852 hoping to acquire a comfortable fortune in the Golden state.  He journeyed by way of the Isthmus route, and from San Francisco made his way to Coon Hollow, in El Dorado County, where he was engaged in mining, working for wages, at six dollars a day.  He remained with his first employer for about four days and three nights and thus received his first start in California.  Subsequently he went to White Rock where he secured a claim of his own, but he was never fortunate in his mining operations.  As soon as he had acquired sufficient money he sent for his wife, who came by way of the Isthmus route in company with a young lady friend, arriving at White Rock in late July.  The reunion was a happy one and in 1855 they took up their abode in Upper Rancheria, in Amador County, where Mr. Brady secured a claim which he operated for a short time, meeting with only moderate success, however.  He was there twenty months, working on his own account.

            He then removed to Dutch Flat, where he arrived on the 3rd of July, 1857.  Here he engaged in mining and working at his trade.  He has erected many of the buildings in his town, and these stand as monuments to his industry and handiwork.  The pleasant cottage in which he and his wife now reside was erected by him in 1858.  During the forty-eight years in which he has made his home at Dutch Flat he has acquired the reputation of being one of the most reliable and trustworthy citizens of unimpeachable honesty and unflagging energy.  His integrity in all business matters has gained him an unassailable reputation and he enjoys the unqualified confidence and regard of his fellow townsmen.  Unto Mr. and Mrs. Brady have been born five children, namely:  Charles, who is now residing in Marysville; George, of Sacramento; Ann, who won second honors in her graduating class in the San Jose normal school and became a successful teacher at Dutch Flat, but departed this life in the twenty-second year of her age, beloved by all who knew her; an infant who died at the age of fifteen months; and Carroll, who departed this life in the twenty-seventh year of his age.

            Mr. and Mrs. Brady have the love and sympathy of many of the leading and influential citizens of the town.  Their residence here covers a long period and they are widely known, their circle of friends being almost coextensive with the circle of their acquaintances.  In his political affiliations Mr. Brady has been a life-long Democrat, yet has voted for the men whom he regards as best qualified for the office at local elections where no issue is involved.  He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having been one of its faithful and active members for the past twenty-seven years.  He has filled all the chairs in the lodge and has ever endeavored to live up to the beneficent and ennobling principles of the fraternity.  His career is a credit to the order and he is highly esteemed by his brethren, all of whom have a good word for the kind-hearted James Joseph Brady, who for forty-eight years has been actively identified with the interests of California.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 429-430. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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