Placer County








            Henry Bernhard, a prominent merchant and native of Auburn, Placer County, California, was born on the 11th day of October, 1856, and is a son of the pioneer, Benjamin Bernhard.  Benjamin Bernhard is a native of Germany.  He was born in 1832 and in 1852 at the age of twenty, immigrated to this country, stopping first at St. Louis.  From that city he came, via the Isthmus route, to California.  Upon his arrival in this state he located at Sacramento, where he spent one year, removing thence to Auburn and from this point carrying on a freighting business, which was then very profitable.  He freighted from Sacramento to most of the mining camps, and continued the business successfully until the building of the railroad, which put an end to the freighter’s profits.  After this he purchased a ranch, on which he engaged in fruit culture, in connection with which he built a distillery and manufactured both wine and brandy, being as successful in this as in his other ventures.  There sailed in the same vessel from Germany with Mr. Bernhard a young lady by the name of Teressa Howe.  On the voyage they became fast friends and after their arrival in this country were happily married.  To them were born seven children, only two of whom are now living, Henry and Annie.

            Henry Bernhard was reared and received his education in his native town.  His first business venture was in the mercantile line in Carson City, where he remained three years, and also spent three years in Bodie in the same business.  From the latter place he returned to Auburn, opened a large stock of general merchandise in a store building owned by himself in the center of the town, and here he has since conducted a successful business and enjoys the confidence and esteem of the people among whom he was reared.

            Mr. Bernhard was married in 1883 to Miss Annie Grennan, a native of Vallejo, and they have four children:  Fred, Mabel, Joseph and Alton.  Their home is one of the handsome residences of Auburn and their friends are many.

            Mr. Bernhard is a member of the I. O. O. F. and in politics is a Democrat, active and influential in the councils of his party.  He holds to the Catholic faith, in which he was reared.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 423-424. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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