
Pacific Coast





San Mateo County

[Business Directory]




Menlo Park



On the Southern Pacific Railroad, 32 miles from San Francisco.


Blanchard B., butcher

Casey William, liquors

Doyal M. J. & Co., general merchandise and postoffice

Fletcher A. B., Fletcher House

Gorman Mrs. B., livery

Hurssell William M., butcher

KUGELER A, liquors

Lenehan M., liquors

Maloney R., liquors

Maloney T., livery stable

MENLO PARK HOTEL, Martin Kuck proprietor

Pool Mrs. G., millinery

Quirk P., liquors

Thyarks George, general merchant

WAKELEE THOMAS D., agent Wells, Fargo & Co. and S. P. R. R.






This pleasant agricultural town and summer resort is situated just south of Half Moon Bay, 38 miles from San Francisco, by coastline, and 38 miles from Santa Cruz.  It is approached on either side by stages which connect with the several railroad systems at Santa Cruz, and with the S. P. R. R. at San Mateo.  Through fare from Santa Cruz to San Francisco, the old Pescadero and Half Moon Bay, $5.  The delightful situation of Pescadero and its equable climate makes the place popular, and those who go there to spend a few days seldom go away again as soon as they originally intended.  The Swanton House, suggestive of the finest Eastern resorts in its splendid accommodations, ranks with them in all particulars.  The house stands in the center of the little town, and is surrounded by tastefully-arranged grounds and detached cottages, intended for the accommodation of families.  The main building contains well-aired and lighted rooms, parlors, closets and every convenience that a consideration of the comfort of guests can suggest.


Abraham G. A., tinner

Beatty B. F., physician

CEREGHINO & DEBENEDETTI, general merchandise, branch of Half Moon Bay

Cumins M, constable

Fish J. B. Rev., pastor Methodist Church

GARRETSON JOHN, dealer in general merchandise and liquors, postmaster, agent W. U. Tel. Co. and W., F. & Co., and proprietor San Francisco, San Mateo and Pescadero Stage Line

George Joseph, barber

Goulson John, blacksmith and wagonmaker

Hamilton James A & Co., freight line

HUGHES J. H., general merchandise

KOSTER FREDERICK, blacksmith, wagonmaker and horseshoer

MARSTON E. W., livery stable

PESCADERO STABLES, E. W. Marston proprietor

Roe & Raynor, butchers

Stanbaugh S. S., physician

Strong J. H. Rev., pastor Congregational Church

Stryker P. G., Pescadero House

SWANTON G. W., proprietor Swanton House and Livery Stable

THOMPSON A. P., general merchandise, Main and San Gregorio

Thompson W. J., justice of the peace

Tufly John, flouring mill

Wonfor James, bootmaker






Doherty Richard, postmaster and saloon

Lammle F. & Co., blacksmiths

Rhode & Co., general merchandise



Redwood City



It is a pleasantly situated place of 1,000 inhabitants, on the line of the Southern Pacific R. R., 8 miles from San Mateo.


Allen J., carriagemaker and blacksmith

Ayers Chas, Tremont House

Baker D., dry goods

Barry Edward, district attorney

Beals E., livery stable

Bennett M., boarding

BOTSCH FREDERICK, boots and shoes, Main

Bradbury George F., physician

Buadbury G. F., physician

BUGER HENERY, Greek' s Tannery

CHAMBERLAIN & WILCOX, general merchandise and agent W., F. & Co., Main

Christ John, storage

Cloud J. J., county surveyor

Cook A, liquors

Crow Jas, undertaker and hotel

Crowley Jno, hotel

Davis Bros, butchers

Doerr H., liquors

Durkham T. G., farmer


Kikerenkotter E, county auditor

ELSTROM L., board and lodging, Bridge

Eureka Brewery, C. Hadley

Fisher L., blacksmith

Fitch J. S., stoves and hardware

Fittzpatrick P. P., liquors

Foisse B. P., tailor

FORD D., blacksmith, Bridge

Fox G. W., attorney-at-law and notary public,

Frank Bros, tanners

FRISBIE WILI, drugist, postmaster, coroner and public administrator, Main

Gordon A, capitalist

GRAND HOTEL, John Crowley proprietor, Bridge and Main

Green George W., sheriff and collector

Grimmenstein H., city marshal

Gunning J., nursery

Hadler C., general merchant

Hannon Jas, liquors

Hanson, Ackerson & Co., lumber

HANSON E. H., carriage painter, Main

Hartley G. P., county superintendent of schools

Hartsough C. W., county assessor

Head E. F., superior judge

HILTON & TITUS, blacksmiths, wagonmakers and manufrs of Monitor hay press, Main

HIND T., butcher, Main

Horton H., hardware, stoves, etc.

Hurd & Bunn, Redwood City Mill

Hynding C G, liquors

Jacobson L., general merchant

Jamieson P., plumber

Kaufman Mrs. H., fancy goods

KENNEDY MRS. A. A., proprietress Hotel De Redwood

Kincaid H., district attorney

King H., hairdresser

Kirkpatrick C. A., physician

Kreiss K., brewery

Kuck K H, liquors

Leary D. J., painter

Loveland E. W., physician, county coroner and public administrator

McCarthy P., boots and shoes

Milliken A., physician

Mullen D., harnessmaker

NEUNKOTTER C E, liquors, Main

Nolverta Mrs. R., dressmaker

NUTTING H. N., attorney-at-law, Main

Pfrang J., bakery, Bridge

Phelan & Kind, millinery

Plump G., general merchant

Pool Jno, express

Potter G. R., agent S. P. R. R.

Prebble G. W., general merchant

Projonovirt P, chop house

Rice George H., searcher of records

Robinson E., dressmaker

Robinson J. L., boots and shoes

Ross G. C., attorney and notary public

ROWLEY R. G., attorney-at-law and publisher "San Mateo County Journal"


Saunders Bros, lumber dealers

Scofield H. A., justice of peace

Sertors F., liquors

Shankey W., boots and shoes

Smith T. J., general merchant

Spinler J., hairdresser

Stafford & Dugan, livery stable

Stafford J., general merchant

Stephans H., nursery

STEWART WILLIAM, druggist, Bridge

Thiel G. A., jeweler

"Times and Gazette" (weekly), San Mateo publishing Co.

Tremont House, Chas Ayers proprietor

Underhill A., cigars, fruits, etc.

Walker Henry, county clerk and recorder

Walsh Michael, insurance agent

WELCH R. C., collector, police judge, insurance and real estate agent

Whooten F., painter

Wilcox W. J., county treasurer



San Bruno



It is situated 14 miles northwest of Redwood City.


FOURTEEN MILE HOUSE, August Jenevein proprietor

SAN BRUNO HOUSE, Richard Cunningham agent S. P. R. R. and postmaster



San Gregorio



Is 26 miles by stage from San Mateo, on the Southern Pacific Railroad.


Day D. C., blacksmith

Keep E., saloon

Levy, postmaster

LEVY BROS, general merchandise

Moore Mrs., saloon



San Mateo



It is a pretty town of 800 inhabitants, pleasantly situated on the Southern Pacific Railroad, 21 miles from San Francisco.



Alt W. C., boots and shoes

BARTLETT  A. T., harness maker, real estate and ins. agent, B and Second ave

Bickford J. R. S., general merchandise

Brown M., blacksmith

Byrnes James, liquors and livery stable

Campbell K., boarding and lodging

Colaman T., blacksmith

CRONIN P., fruit, tobacco, etc.

De Marr Mrs., M. dressmaker

Easton A. S., surveyor and insurance agent

Fisher G. H., real estate and insurance agent

Goodhue S. G., dairy farm

Goodspeed J. R., physician and postmaster

Haver D., carpenter

HUSING E. A., grain and feed store and general merchandise

Jaszynsky Louis, agent S. P. R. R., W., F. & Co. and P. & H. M. Bay Stage Co.

Lewis M. J., livery stable

McKernan H., liquors

MORSE C. M., druggist

Morse L. D., physician


Pope S., Railroad House

Price W. C., butcher

PROCTOR CHAS E., house painter

ST. MATHEWS HALL, Rev. A. L. Brewer principal

SAN MATEO HOTEL, E. Walker proprietor

Segee D., liquors

Tafft A., Stage from San Mateo to Santa Cruz

Tilton A. M., boarding and lodging

Truman T. C., butcher

VALENCIA LEO, hairdresser

Vint S., confectionery

Webber J. S., tinsmith

Whitehead J., liquors

Wiley J. S., house painter



School House Station



Brown John, liquors

Bryant Jacob, blacksmith

Collopy George M., liquors

Paslaque A., general merchandise and postmaster







Pharis S. P., shingle mail

Saundery A. & J. N., lumber

TRIPP R. O., groceries, hardware, clothing and postmaster

Winkler John, wagonmaker




Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton


Golden Nugget Library