Orange County









            James West Murray had been a valued member of the police force of Santa Ana for a period of thirty-five years when called to his final rest on the 9th of June, 1933, in his seventy-fourth year.  A native of Oswego, New York, he was born on December 29, 1859, a son of John and Sarah Murray.  Coming to California he worked on a stock ranch now known as the Baldwin ranch near what is now Lamanda Park.  This was in 1877.  He was a thorough horseman and for some years was identified with the breeding, raising and selling of horses and mules.  Before he was eighteen he had made five trips to the Orient, with mules, for a Mr. Wilson of Kentucky.  On the sixth he got only as far as San Francisco when he received word of Mr. Wilson’s death and consequently the trip was abandoned and he went to work for Mr. Titus.  He also spent some time on a large stock ranch in Montana and subsequently served as deputy United States marshal at Dillon, Montana.  He there married Miss Isola Mann and then returned to California, residing for some years in Los Angeles and in San Diego.  In 1897 he came to Santa Ana, where in the following year he was appointed to the police force, on which he served continuously throughout the remainder of his life, performing his duties faithfully and efficiently over a period of thirty-five years.  He was respected by all and in his service as a peace officer was known as a quiet and unassuming but very courageous man.  His fraternal relations were with the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

            Mrs. Isola (Mann) Murray, the first wife of James W. Murray, passed away in 1907, leaving a daughter who is now Mrs. A. L. Crane, of San Jose, California.  In 1913 Mr. Murray was again married, his second union being with Miss Laura L. Lacy, daughter of Dr. John McClellan Lacy, who was a pioneer physician of Santa Ana and Orange County.  A review of the career of Dr. Lacy follows this sketch.  Mrs. Murray was a member of a family of eight children, one son and seven daughters, of whom four survive, namely:  Mrs. N. B. Pierce, a resident of Chicago, Illinois; Mrs. Lela Vaughan, of Orange, California; Mrs. Laura L. Murray, of Santa Ana, this state; and Mark B. Lacy, who is now a resident of Washington, D. C.

            Mrs. Murray was for seventeen years in charge of the office of the city water department for the city of Santa Ana and has always been an active member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club, of which she has served as president.  She resides in the beautiful home erected by herself and her husband at 501 West Nineteenth Street, Santa Ana.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 293-294, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.