Orange County










            The late Louis Phillip Drake, who came to California in 1890, was for many years an active leader in the citrus industry in Orange County and also figured prominently in civic affairs in Fullerton.  He was born on a farm in Louisa County, Iowa, May 27, 1863, a son of Theophilus and Louisa (Davis) Drake.  A young man of twenty-six years when he settled in the Golden state, he resided on his citrus orchard which he developed on West Commonwealth Avenue in Fullerton to the time of his death, which occurred on the 9th of March, 1933, when he was sixty-nine years of age.  He rendered valuable service to his fellow townsmen as a member of the city council, was also a member of the high school board and was always active on the water board.  For a period covering twenty-seven years he served as a trustee and superintendent of the Sunday-school of the Presbyterian Church.

            On October 31, 1888, Mr. Drake was united in marriage to Miss Hattie L. Shepard, a daughter of Howard and Elizabeth (Hezelton) Shepard.  To them were born three children, as follows:  Mrs. Helen Clark, who is the mother of two sons, Louis and LeRoy, and lives in Fullerton, California; Mrs. Eva Dimond, of Arcadia, California, who has a daughter Evelyn and a son A. Robert; and A. Lee Drake, residing on his walnut ranch at Puente, Los Angeles County.  The last named is also married and has two children, a son, Richard L. and a daughter, Barbara.

            The Drake abode is the beautiful residence at 623 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, on the fine Valencia orange grove on which members of the family have resided continuously during the past forty-two years.  Louis P. Drake was a quiet, unassuming gentleman and a lover of home, finding his greatest happiness at his own fireside.  In his passing the community sustained the loss of one of its highly respected and valued citizens, and his wife and children cherish the memory of a devoted and loving husband and father.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 269-270, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.