Montgomery Street, between Sutter and Bush

[San Francisco, CA. 1899]




Reception Day, Monday

Telephone Main 214






Avery, Mr. and Mrs. William H.

Baldwin, Mrs. M. V.

Barrett, Mr. Charles L.

Beane, Mrs. E. J.

Beers, Mrs. Hiram W.

Bishop, Mr. Charles R.

Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Colin M.

Breed, Mr. and Mrs. L. N.

Bridgeman, Col. F.

Brown, Gen. and Mrs. William H.

Bruguire, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.

Burnham, Dr. and Mrs. S. B.

Byrne, Mr. Callaghan

Chapman, Mr. E. W.

Darling, Maj. and Mrs. John A.

Desky, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.

Dodge, Dr. and Mrs. Washington

Edwards, Dr. and Mrs. James W.

Elliott, Lieut. and Mrs. W. P.

Elliott, Mr. Stewart P.

Feist, Mr. and Mrs. A.

Finch, Capt. and Mrs. W. J.

Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.

Floyd, Miss H. A. L.

Forman, Mrs. and Mrs. Sands W.

Forman, Miss Gertrude

Foote, Hon. and Mrs. H. S.

Fraser, Mr. G. G.

Fullerton, Rev. S. H.

Gashwiler, Mrs. L. M.

Gashwiler, Miss

Greenlee, Mr. F. S.

Gilbert, Judge W. B.

Hale, Mrs. J. P.

Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H.

Haskell, Capt. and Mrs. H. L.

Hastings, Miss

Havens, Mrs. H. B.

Hawes, Col. and Mrs. Alex G.

Hawley, Major William

Hazzard, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Miss.

Hill, Mr. and Mrs. F. B.

Hoffman, Mr. Shouthard. Mr. Ogden.

Hooper, Maj. and Mrs. William B.

Hooper, Miss Rose

Hooper, Mr. Selden S.

Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Hopper, Miss Margaret

Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Miss

Irvine, Mrs. James

Irwin, Miss Leonora

Johnstone, Dr. and Mrs. E. K.

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Witcher

Kinne, Col. and Mrs. C. Mason

Landers, Mr. and Mrs. William J.

Landers, Miss Bernice

Lillis, Mr. and Mrs. L.

Lyle, Miss Anna

Mackenzie, Rev. and Mrs. Robert

Maddox, Mrs. V. K., San Jose

Mansfield, Col. and Mrs.

Matthews, Miss Ida

Mather, Mr. Mason W.

McNab, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin

Middleton, Col. and Mrs. J. V. D.

McInerney, Miss

Murison, Mr. William A.

Nesmith, Mr. and Mrs. Jenks F.

Otis, Mrs. James

Perine, Mr. and Mrs. George M.

Perkins, Mrs. Charles P.

Potter, Dr. and Mrs. Sam’l O.

Ramel, Mrs. E.

Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Black

Ryan, Miss Mr. Shirley

Saunders, Capt. and Mrs. J. W.

Seale, Mrs. H. W.

Sebree, Capt. and Mrs. W.

Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. F. D.

Sherrard, Miss

Shotwell, Mr. Wm. J.

Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.

Simpson, Miss Simpson, Miss Jessie

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Francis

Smith, Maj. and Mrs. Lewis

Soule, Dr. and Mrs. Milan

Spear, Mr. Arthur W.

Storm, Mrs. F. E.

Suter, Col. Charles R.

Taylor, Mr. John

Thomas, Mrs. C.

Terry, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace I.

Todd, Dr. F. Walton

Walkington, Mr. and Mrs. T. G.

Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Asa R.

Wettig, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Whiting, Capt. and Mrs. W. H.

Wickware, Mr. George C.

Wilder, Hon. Charles T.

Winchester, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.

Winton, Dr. and Mrs. H. N.

Wright, Dr. E.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs. George S.

Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miss





Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: Hoag, Charles C., Our Society Blue Book, Page 315.  Charles Hoag Publishing, San Francisco, CA. 1899.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.




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