The Associated Charities


A Monthly Journal Devoted To The Philanthropic

Work Of The City Of Oakland


Mrs. S. C. Bourland, Editor.

418 Tenth Street, Rm 7, Oakland, California







Rev. Dr. B. S. Chapman, President

Mrs. C. H. Redington, Vice-President

M. J. Keller, Treasurer

Helen L. Kelly, Sec'y-Supt.







Rev. E. S. Chapman

Mrs. C. H. Redington

M. J. Keller

A J. Ralston

James A. Johnson

Mrs. D. S. Hirshberg

D.C. Brown

R. Wiand

Anson Barstow

Mrs. S. C. Bourland





Mrs. C. W. Howard

Mrs. Remi Chabot

Mrs. C. S. Playter

Mrs. G. H. Playter

Mrs. P. L. Wheeler





Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson

Charles R. Root

Mrs. J. J. Scotchler

Mrs. J. M. Hinkle






Mrs. F. B. Perkins

Mrs. F. M. Wertz

Mrs. Starkweather

M. K. Miller

Mrs. Gorrell

M. J. Keller



First Presbyterian Church


The First Presbyterian Church of Oakland is the largest of its denomination west of the Rocky Mountains.  It has a seating capacity of 1600 and a membership of 1200.  The building is not only commodious and comfortable in arrangement, but also beautiful in finish and furnishings -- a variable column in color -- someone has rightly said.


Inspiring and deeply interested congregations thronged the auditorium twice a Sabbath throughout the year, is specially in the evening, and at least fifty per cent, of the attendants have been men.


These congregations have been drawn, not by sensational methods, but by the earnest eloquence of the pasture Rev. Dr. Coyle, backed by his upright christian character and life in the community.  The fine music is also a helpful adjunct.


This church supports two missions, Bethany and Telegraph; both are in a flourishing condition and doing good work in their respective localities.


A Chinese school is also very efficiently carried on, thus bringing a small portion of the foreign mission work with in its own doors.


The Order of Deaconesses was instituted last year as an experiment, and the results have justified the expectations of the most sanguine.  They report fifty families assisted with groceries, provisions and fuel and 462 articles of clothing were distributed; twenty classes of jelly were given out, meat and milk furnished to several families, besides medicines and sundries furnished to the sick.  Over 1000 calls were made upon the sick, afflicted strangers and new members of the church.


The Board of Deacon's have extended relief to ten families and four single persons, those lightening the burden of those less fortunate.


The Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund is J. T. Gardiner.




Superintendent's Quarterly Report


During the month of March, the closing months of the woodyard, 143 men were sent from the central office; 137 of this number reported and were given work.


Two men given woodyard tickets at private houses reported at the yard.


Since March 23rd to the present time the following named persons have become members of the association, or their membership having been expired, renewed the same: W. W. Tucker, Mrs. Kate A. Buckley, Mrs. A. B. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Alexander, Dr. G. E. Brinkerhoff, C. F. Leiding, Israel Lawton; Isaac L. Requa, Dr. R. O. Baldwin, Mrs. Charles Webb Howard, Mrs. Remi Chabot, Miss C. S. Playter, Miss Grace H. Playter, Mrs. P. L. Wheeler, Mrs. P. L. Hutchinson, Charles R. Root, and Mrs. J. J. Scotchler.      Helen L. Kelly, Superintendent.



Oakland Benevolent Society, Mrs. C. H. Redington, Delegate.

Lyon Relief Corps, Mrs. J. Hamelin, Delegate.

Chabot Home, Mrs. J. W. Shanklin, Delegate.

Board of Deacons, Presbyterian Church, W. P. Wheeler, Delegate.

First Universalist Church, Mrs. L. N. Shaw, Delegate.

Appomattox Relief Corps, No. 5, Amy Elroy, Delegate.

Young Ladies' Benevolent Society, Mrs. Teeple, Delegate.

First M. E. Church, Mrs. J. M. Hinkle, Delegate.

West Oakland Home, Mrs. J.P. Ames, Delegate.

Ladies' Aid Society, English Lutheran Church, Mrs. H. Rief, Delegate.









Mrs. J. C. Ainsworth

S. T. Alexander

Mrs. S. T. Alexander

R. Abbey

Dr. G. E. Brinkerhoff

H. W. Baxter

Mrs. H. W. Baxter

Mrs. K. A. Bulkley

T. L. Barker

Mrs. F. A. Bashford

W. J. Bowman

H. Bendel

Mrs. C. H. Banning

Mrs. W. O. Buckland

Rev. A. M. Bradley

Mrs. J. A. Benton

Edward Booth

Mrs. Edward Booth

James L. Barker

John L. Bromley

Mrs. H. K. Belden

Miss Ella Berger

B. R. Banning

Mrs. S. C. Borland

D.C. Brown

Anson Barstow

Dr. R. O. Baldwin

Mrs. R. Chabot

Mrs. W. H. Cook

Mrs. H. Wetherbee

Dr. W. J. Wilcox

Charles R. Root

Miss C. E. Hawley

Mrs. D. S. Hirshberg

Frank C. Jordan

James A. Johnson

Kahn Bros.

Dr. H. E. Knox

Mrs. R. W. Kirkham

W. H. Knight

M. J. Keller

Mrs. Helen L. Kelly

Dr. William F. Lewis

C. F. Leiding

N. W. Leitch

Dr. Walter F. Lewis

Fred W. Laufer

J. A. Leighton

Israel Lawton

James Maclise

H. H. Morgan

John Mitchell

Mrs. Albert Miller

James K. Moffitt

Mrs. F. M. Montgomery

Mrs. E. S. Merriam

Dr. R. W. Meek

Mrs. A. B. Nye

Judge S. G. Nye

Mrs. C. Niemann

H. Nash

Mrs. R. A. Wellman

Mrs. D. H. Ward

R. Wiand

Mrs. W. W. Crane

P. V. Chamberlin

John Crellin

Mrs. John Crellin

Mrs. J. M. Cushing

D. Edward Collins

Rev. E. S. Chapman

Mrs. L. P. Dam

William de Fremery

Mrs. W. de Fremery

Ms. G. H. de Fremery

George A. J. Davis

B. C. Dick

Mrs. B. C. Dick

J. Cal. Ewing

Henry Evers

Mrs. F. M. Farwell

Mrs. John Fearn

Mrs. J. A. Folger

Mrs. M. A. Farquhar

Mrs. E. C. Farnham

Dr. S. M. Freeland

George E. Fairchilds

Rabbi M. Friedlander

E. Higgins

Mrs. E. Higgins

Mrs. C. W. Howard

Mrs. M. T. Holcomb

Mrs. E. C. Hager

Woman's Guild, No. 3

Mrs. J. J. Scotchlar

M.W. Wood

Hugh Hamilton

Frank C. Howe

Miss A. L. Hawley

Mrs. J. M. Kinkle

Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson

Neighborhood Club

Mrs. O. S. Orrick

Mrs. J. W. Percy

J. W. Phillips

Miss C. S. Playter

Miss G. H. Playter

W. S. Phelan

Miss G. B. Playter

Isaac Requa

C. H. Redington

Mrs. C. H. Redington

A. J. Ralston

Miss L. N. Shaw

Mrs. A. B. Sargent

Dr. Fred J. Saxe

Capt. A. Simpson

Thomas Smith

Mrs. F. S. Stratton

H. O. Trowbridge

James P. Taylor

W. W. Tucker

Miss A. S. Wilcox

Mrs. P. L. Wheeler

William P. Wheeler








P. Flynn, Dry Goods, Dress, Linings, 1117 and 1119 Broadway, between 12th and 13th streets.


Dr. W. B. Ludlow, Dentist, Union National Bank Building, 1103 Broadway.


Maison De La Mode, Millinery, 1067 Washington Street between 11th and 12th.


H. Peterson, high grade groceries, corner 10th and Center streets.


A Steffanoni, Jeweler & Optician, 1151 Broadway, Oakland, California.


The Women's Exchange, 557 12th Street.


Eiben & Nor, Grocer's, West Oakland, California.


Dressmaking Parlors, Mrs. W. W. Tucker & Mrs. A. E. Person, 535 Thirty-Third Street.


The Wonder, Millinery Stores.


5th In’t’y Reg’t, Band and Orchestra, The Only Military Band in Oakland, Organized in 1879 Oakland, California. 

W. McBain, Leader and Manager, 217 Third Street.

C. L. Beretta, Secretary and Treasurer, 1232 Chestnut Street.


Central, Hairdressing Parlor, Mrs. Minnie C. Allen, Proprietor, Rooms 400 E. Levin and 412, Central Bank Building, 14th & Broadway.


M. J. Keller Company, Established 1879/Inc. 1890, tailoring, 1105, 1107 1109 Broadway, Oakland, California.


Printing, H. J. McKim, 466 ½ 13th Street, Oakland, California.


T. J. Clooney, wood, coal, hay & grain, corner 7th and Peralta streets, West Oakland, California.


Joyce's, James A. Joyce, 955,957, 959 Washington Street and 512 and 514 9th Street, Oakland, California.


Robinson & Boak, Buyer Insurance Agents, 956 Broadway, Oakland, California.


Woman's Exchange, Mesdames Caldwell & Bennett, 526 14th Street, Centennial Building.


Anson Barstow, K., grain, wood and coal, southeast corner 13th and Franklin streets, Oakland, California





Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2008 Nancy Pratt Melton.