Nevada County








            C. H. and E. F. Taylor constitute the firm of Taylor Brothers, the proprietors of a large factory and machine shops in Grass Valley.  Their business was established in 1861 and they probably have the largest and best equipped factory in the interior of northern California.  The plant, located on Mill Street, is built of brick and is operated exclusively by water power, which is owned by the firm.  The various departments of the foundry, machine and pattern shops are all supplied with the best and latest improved mechanical appliances for conducting their work, and their products are of such superior grade as to win for them a liberal patronage.  They make a specialty of the manufacture of mine pumps, car wheels, shoes and ties, and also manufacture and repair steam-engine boilers, quartz mill machinery, building castings and wrought iron pipe.  The firm is doing a large and constantly increasing business throughout Nevada and adjacent counties, the brothers being practical and expert machinists, who control their extensive plant with marked ability.

            C. H. Taylor, the senior member, was born in Grass Valley March 4, 1866, his father being Michael C. Taylor, a native of Ireland, who was born in 1829 and came to America when fourteen years of age.  He too is a machinist by trade, and followed his chosen vocation in many of the eastern cities.  He went from New York City to Ohio, thence to the Isthmus of Panama, from which point he sailed for California.  In 1861, in connection with J. M. Lakman and Philip Francis, he established the business which is now conducted by his sons.  For many years it was under his immediate supervision, but at length he retired and is now a resident of San Francisco.  His wife, who bore the maiden name of Maria Quinn, was born in Ireland in October, 1828, and they became the parents of three children.  The mother died in October, 1898.

            Charles H. Taylor spent his boyhood days in Grass Valley and pursued his education in the public schools, being graduated in the high school with the class of 1884.  He learned the machinist and molder’s trade with his father and his business experience has always been along the line of his present connection.  He was married in this city November 14, 1896, to Miss Harriet J. Cryer, a native of Grass Valley, and in the community they have a large circle of warm friends.  In politics he is a Republican.  Socially he is connected with Quartz Parlor, No. 58, N. S. G. W., and with the Young Men’s Institute of this city.

            E. F. Taylor, the junior member of the firm, was born in Grass Valley July 8, 1869, and is a graduate of the high school class of 1887.  He also learned the machinist’s trade under his father’s instructions, and his life has been one of industry and enterprise.  In 1894 was celebrated his marriage to Miss Ann Thomas, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of William R. Thomas.  They now have three interesting children, namely:  Emmet C., Harriet and Helen B.  Like his brother he is a Republican, and is identified with the same social organizations.

            The firm of Taylor Brothers is one of the most prominent in business circles in Nevada County.  Both Charles and E. F. Taylor are financially interested in mining properties and are actively concerned in the development of the rich mineral resources of this section of the state.  In business they enjoy an unassailable reputation, and their comprehensive knowledge of the founder’s and molder’s trade, combined with their capable management and sound judgment, have secured them success.  As citizens they contribute to the welfare of the town and county by their support to many measures for the general good, and are ever loyal to the interests of the state.  Having always resided in Grass Valley, their acquaintance is a wide one, and those who have known them from boyhood are numbered among their staunchest friends. 



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 254-256. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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