Nevada County









      Dr. Ormiston Swayze holds a place in the front rank of the able and skillful physicians and surgeons in the Sacramento Valley and in his home community, Nevada City, is very highly esteemed also as a man and citizen.  He was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, on the 6th of June, 1867.  The family has lived for four generations on the same estate in Ontario.  The paternal great-grandfather, Captain Isaac Swayze, who lived in the New Jersey colony, remained loyal to the crown during the war of the Revolution, and moved to Ontario, where he received a grant one thousand acres of land, which occupied a beautiful site, overlooking the Niagara River.  This place is still in the possession of the Swayze family, and two four-pound cannon, which are mounted in front of the manorial residence, serve to recall the War of 1812.  On this place were born Ormiston Swayze, his father and his grandfather.  The mother, who was born in England, was descended from John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough.  The Doctor in both paternal and maternal lines is descended from sterling old English stock.

      Ormiston Swayze received his early education in the public schools of his native province and when ten years of age, on account of his mother’s health, accompanied her to California.  When a lad of about fourteen years, he went back to Canada and entered Woodstock College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts.  Soon afterward he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and took up the study of medicine under the direction of his cousin, Dr. Nathaniel Schneider, at that time chief surgeon for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, with headquarters in Cleveland.  Dr. Swayze assisted Dr. Schneider in his work at the Huron Road Hospital, at Cleveland, and later matriculated at the Cleveland Hospital Medical College.  While there he rose to the position of first assistant hospital surgeon, and in 1889 was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine.  Among others who signed his diploma was the late Mark Hanna.  Returning to California in 1889, he served for three years as lecturer and professor of dermatology in the Hahnemann Medical College of San Francisco, which is now a part of the medical department of the University of California.  In 1903 he went to Europe for special work on diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and after his return to San Francisco took up practice as a specialist in those lines.  Subsequently he made a second trip abroad for post-graduate work on those subjects.  For some time after, he carried on practice in San Francisco, and then moved to Sacramento, where he was taken ill with malaria, because of which he found it advisable to move to Nevada City in 1919.  At that time he was considerably run down in health, weighed but one hundred and twenty-five pounds, but during the subsequent years he has not only built up a good practice, but has measurably rid himself of the malaria.  His practice is extensive, covering a broad territory, extending as far as Grass Valley.

            Doctor Swayze was married in Grass Valley in 1919.  His religious connection is with the Protestant Episcopal Church.  He was affiliated with the San Francisco County Medical Society, the California State Medical Society, the Institute of California Surgeons and the American Institute.  He is regarded as one of the ablest physicians and surgeons in this section of the Sacramento Valley, is extremely popular generally because of his kindly and unassuming manner, his learning and skill in his profession and the notable and uniform success which has crowned his efforts.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 182-183. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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