Nevada County









            Among those who have been distinctively conspicuous in connection with the substantial upbuilding and legitimate progress of the attractive municipal corporation of Nevada City is P. G. Scadden, to whom distinct recognition must be given in a complete account of the development and advancement of the community.  He is now classed among its leading merchants, and it is a well known fact that commercial activity is the main source of a town’s prosperity and material growth.  His entire life has been passed in California, and Nevada City is the place of his birth, which occurred on the 3rd of February, 1874, his parents being Thomas and Elizabeth (Hodge) Scadden, both of whom were natives of England.  The father came to California in 1857 and engaged in mining for thirty years, his death occurring in 1892.  His wife became a resident of the Golden state in 1858.  Her father was a merchant and followed that pursuit for many years, and also established the first brewery in Nevada County, the enterprise being located near Grass Valley.

            During the greater part of his life Mr. Scadden, of this review, has been connected with mercantile pursuits.  He was reared and educated in Nevada City, and after putting aside his textbooks he entered upon the practical duties of life, becoming connected with the purchase and sale of merchandise.  In 1894 he bought the grocery owned by James Kidd, and is now successfully conducting the enterprise, having a large and well equipped establishment.  His place of business in located on Commercial Street, and is characterized for its marked neatness.  It is well supplied with a complete line of all staple and fancy groceries, and the energy of the owner, combined with his honorable dealing and earnest desire to please, have secured to him a liberal patronage.

            In matters affecting the public welfare Mr. Scadden takes a deep interest and is a public-spirited and progressive citizen.  For the past eight years he has been connected with the city fire department, and at this writing is chief engineer.  Socially he is a valued representative of the Order of Foresters of America, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which he has taken the encampment degrees, and Hydraulic Parlor, N. S. G. W.  His support and co-operation are given to every movement for the public good, and his well spent life has gained him the confidence and good will of his fellow men wherever he is known.  On the 5th of June, 1895, Mr. Scadden was united in marriage to Miss Honor, a daughter of John Stephens, of Nevada City, who came with his family to California in 1874.  The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Scadden has been blessed with a little son, Malcolm, born June 7, 1897.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 413-414. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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