Nevada County









            One of the most extensive and successful fruit growers of northern California is J. T. Rodda, who has been actively identified with the welfare and development of Nevada County since 1855.  His efforts have been very effective in promoting the horticultural interests of this section of the state, and in thus establishing an industry which has become an important source of revenue to the people of the community.  His marked business and executive ability, his careful management and his sound judgment have given him rank among the substantial residents of his locality, and no history of this section of the state would be complete without the record of this honored pioneer, who for forty-five years has made his home here.

            A native of England, J. T. Rodda was born in 1832, the third in a family of eight children, whose parents were John and Nancy Rodda, both natives of the same land.  The father died in 1870 and the mother passed away in 1880.  Their son, whose name heads this review, was reared and educated in the land of his birth and during his minority, devoted much of his time and attention to agricultural pursuits.  When about twenty years of age he bade adieu to home and friends and came to America, first locating in Pennsylvania.  Subsequently he went to the Lake Superior mining region and for some time was engaged in taking minerals from the mines of that locality.  Subsequently he returned to England, where he continued for a year, and in 1855 came to California, making a location at Grass Valley, where he has resided continuously since.  For five years he has actively connected with the mining interests of this section, and for two years he followed farming.

            He then spent thirteen years as a market gardener, and on the expiration of that period established his present nursery, on Auburn Street, where he has large and well selected grounds, tastefully laid out with a view of producing the best results.  He owns considerable land and is now extensively engaged in the cultivation of fruit, making a specialty of Bartlett pears.  He is one of the largest growers of this fruit in the county, having about one hundred acres planted with pear trees.  His grounds are equipped with suitable out-houses for the care of his fruit and also hot-houses for the early development of plants.  He not only raises fruit but also gives considerable attention to the cultivation of flowers, shrubs and ornamental plants, and has worked up a good trade along that line.  In his business career he has met with creditable success, and his efforts have been so discerningly directed along well defined lines of labor that no one will claim that his prosperity is not well merited.

            Mr. Rodda was married in 1882 to Miss L. C. Klinestine, and now has three sons:  Albert, John and William.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 352-353. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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