Nevada County









            One of the most prominent residents of Nevada City is Hon. Bayless S. Rector, who for the past two years has filled the office of mayor, his administration being progressive and calculated to advance the welfare of the city along many lines.  He was born at Elk Lick Springs, Pike County, Missouri, November 7, 1847, and is a son of Jesse H. and Catherine (Strother) Rector, both of whom were natives of Virginia and representatives of old and influential families of that state.  The Rector family is of German extraction and representatives of the name served in the War of 1812.  The father is still living in Pike County, Missouri, and the mother died in 1870.

            Mr. Rector, of this review, obtained his preliminary education in the public schools and afterward entered McGee College, in which institution he was graduated in 1871.  He is the fifth in a family of six children, and came to California in 1874.  Throughout his entire life he has been connected with the hotel business.  He was the proprietor of the Hotel Hollister for eight years, and in 1882 he came to Nevada City, where he leased the Union Hotel, which he conducted for four years.  In company with his brother, Elijah J. Rector, he then leased and has since purchased the National & Annex Hotel, on Broad Street, which is a large structure containing many rooms and is thoroughly and finely equipped, being modern in all its appointments and containing many conveniences which contribute to the happiness and comfort of the guests.  All stages depart from the National Hotel for the interior towns in the mountains and the place is patronized by the leading commercial travelers who visit the town.  Mr. Rector’s long experience in the business has given him a comprehensive understanding of the needs and desires of the public; and his earnest desire to please, his genial manner, and his reliable business methods have won him the respect and confidence of all with whom he has come in contact and gained him a very enviable reputation and patronage.  He and his brother have made judicious investments in real estate and now own extensive tracts of land near Hollister, together with considerable mining property.  They also have large cattle interests, being identified with the Monroe Cattle Company of Albany, Texas.

            While prominent in business affairs, Mr. Rector is also a recognized leader in politics and is an earnest advocate of Democratic principles.  He was a city trustee for two terms, and in May, 1898, was elected mayor, which position he is fulfilling at the present writing.  Socially he is connected with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and wit the Knights of Pythias, in which he has filled all the offices, including ten years’ service as keeper of the records and sales.  He was united in marriage in October, 1871, to Miss Susie F. Griffith, of Missouri, and to them were born two children, Jessie G. and Vivia A., the wife of I. C. Lindley, an attorney of Nevada City, but the former is now deceased.  The parents are consistent members of the Episcopal Church and take a deep and active interest in its growth and upbuilding.  Mr. Rector well deserves mention among the leading and influential men of Nevada City, for his life has been one of industry and integrity, true to every manly principle and to every trust reposed in him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 330-331. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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