Nevada County









            The indulgence of prolix encomium upon a life which is eminently one of exceptional modesty would be palpably incongruous, even though the record of good accomplished, of kindly deeds performed and of high relative precedence attained might seem to justify the utterance of glowing eulogies.  The subject of this review is a man who stands “four-square to every wind that blows,” who is possessed of marked ability and who is vitally instinct with the deeper human sympathies, and yet who in his useful career avoided everything in the nature of display or notoriety; and in this spirit would the biographer wish to have his utterances construed.

            The Doctor was born in Harrison County, Missouri, on the 13th of December, 1865, and is the fourth in order of birth in a family of nine children, whose parents were William H. and Martha (Enloe) Officer.  The father was a native of Ohio and during his childhood removed to Missouri with his parents.  He there learned the carpenter’s trade and for many years followed contracting and building.  He served with distinction throughout the war of the Rebellion, holding the rank of orderly-sergeant in a regiment that was connected with the Federal forces.  Later in life he studied pharmacy and became a druggist.  His wife is a native of Missouri and in that state they are still living.

            During his early boyhood William B. Officer pursued his education in the public schools and was also instructed by private tutors.  He entered upon his business career in the capacity of clerk in a mercantile establishment, and while thus engaged began reading medicine.  He pursued his lecture course in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of St. Louis, and was graduated in that institution in 1892, receiving the third prize for scholarship in a class of one hundred and five.  After a brief clinical experience the Doctor returned to McFall, Missouri, and practiced there for a time, and then came to the Pacific coast, locating near Jacksonville, Oregon, in the extreme southern part of the state.  After practicing there for about five years, the Doctor came to Grass Valley and at this writing holds the position of county health officer and is also a member of the city board of health.  He enjoys likewise a large private practice, his skill and ability being widely recognized.

            In southern Oregon, on the 2nd of June, 1897, was celebrated the marriage of Dr. Officer and Miss Cora E. Brown, a lady of culture and refinement, who was born in Oregon.  They now have one daughter, Allison.  In politics the Doctor is a Republican, and socially he is connected with the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen of the World, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Foresters of America, in each of which he is the examining physician.  He is also an assistant examining physician of the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance Company.  He holds high rank in the social and professional circles and is widely and favorably known in the community in which he makes his home.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 461-462. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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