Nevada County








            The specific and distinctive office of the biographer is not to voice a man’s modest estimate of himself and of his accomplishments, or indulge in extravagant praise, but rather to leave a perpetual record establishing his character by the consensus of opinion on the part of his fellow men.  Mr. Mulroy is a man of great modesty, but his fellow citizens recognize his worth, and thus it was that he was called to the office of justice of the peace of Grass Valley, in which position he is now serving.

            He is a native of Nevada County, California, born August 28, 1864, his parents being James and Catherine (Lafferty) Mulroy, both of whom were natives of Ireland and came to California in 1852.  Here the father engaged in mining until his death, which occurred in 1879.  His wife, surviving him about sixteen years, passed away in 1895.

            Judge Mulroy was reared and educated in the county of his nativity and began his professional study with Mr. Burroughs, of Grass Valley, for his preceptor.  He applied himself closely to mastering the principles of jurisprudence and was admitted to the bar in 1891, since which time he has been actively engaged in practice in Grass Valley, winning a liberal patronage.  In 1898 he was elected a justice of the peace and has discharged the duties of the office in a very creditable manner.  His political support is given to the Democracy.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Page 448. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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