Nevada County








            Occupying a prominent position at the bar of Nevada County is Harris L. Moody, whose connection with the legal fraternity covers only a short period, for he is yet a young man, but his ability is such as to have already gained for him prominence among the leading practitioners of Truckee.  He is a native of Platte County, Missouri, born July 5, 1869, his parents being James Y. and Sarah A. (Jasper) Moody.  His father was a native of Tennessee, and during a greater part of his business career carried on merchandising.  In 1882 he came to California, locating at Los Angeles, and his death occurred in 1896.  He was descended from sturdy Scotch ancestry, whose advent on the American continent antedate the Revolutionary War.  The mother of our subject was a native of Missouri and of English lineage, and her death occurred in 1877.  In their family were ten children, Harris L. being the youngest.

            Mr. Moody of this review accompanied his parents to California and completed his literary education in the high school of Los Angeles, in which he was graduated with the class of 1886.  His early life was devoted to merchandising, and he entered upon his professional studies in 1889, under the direction and in the office of William E. Arthur.  He is a graduate of the Law School Association, and in 1891 was admitted to the bar, after which he at once began practice in Los Angeles, where he continued until 1895.  In that year he opened an office in the city of Truckee, where he has since followed his profession.  From 1895 until 1897 he filled the office of deputy county attorney under P. T. Riley.   He has made a specialty of corporation law, and has already an extensive practice which is constantly growing.  Admitted to the bar, he at once entered upon the prosecution of his professional labors, and from the beginning was unusually prosperous in every respect.  The success which he has attained is due to his own efforts and merits.  The possession of advantages is no guarantee whatever of professional success.  This comes not of itself, nor can it be secured without integrity, ability and industry.  These qualities Mr. Moody possesses to a large degree, and is faithful to every interest committed to his charge.  He has also been connected with the military service of the state, having been a non-commissioned officer in the Eighth California Regiment.  In June, 1898, that command was called out and made preparations for foreign service, but after being stationed for six months at Vancouver, Washington, it was found that the regiment would not be needed and the soldiers, therefore, returned to California.

            Politically Mr. Moody is a Democrat and has taken a deep interest in the questions and issues of the day, doing all in his power to promote the welfare of his party.  Socially he affiliates with Summit Lodge, No. 54, Knights of Pythias, of Truckee.  He is a man of progressive views, and is always ready and willing to aid and encourage all measures which have for their object the welfare of the community.  Throughout his whole life whatsoever his hands have found to do, whether in his professional or in his official duties or in any other sphere, he has done with his might and with a deep sense of conscientious obligation.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 735-736. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.





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