Nevada County









            Henry Luke, who has served as a supervisor of Nevada County and has been actively and honorably identified with the growth and prosperity of Grass Valley since 1866, was born in Cornwall, England, on the 14th of December, 1848, being the youngest of the eight children born of William and Anna (Ward) Luke.  His father and mother were descended from old English families and the former died in 1857; but the mother survived until 1882, when she also joined the silent majority.

            Henry Luke spent his youth in the land of his nativity, and in early life began to work in mines, where his father had been employed for many years.  At the age of eighteen he came to America taking up his abode in Grass Valley in that year, 1866.  For fifteen years thereafter he was actively connected with the mining interests in that section of the state, and then turned his attention to merchandising.  He established a boot and shoe store and soon afterward added a stock of dry goods, carrying on business in those lines for fifteen years.  At the present date he is the proprietor of a well equipped “delicatessen” store on Main Street, and his son is now the active manager of the business, the father giving his supervision thereto but devoting most of his time to other concerns.

            Politically Mr. Luke affiliates with the Republican Party and is deeply interested in its growth and success.  He became an American citizen in 1872 and has always voted with the organization that upheld the Union during the Civil War, that has ever stood as a protector to American institutions and that is now the champion of the policy of expansion.  In 1896 he was elected county supervisor of the second district, and prior to that date he served for one term in the city council of Grass Valley, doing all in his power to promote the welfare of his town.  In social relations he is a “Red Man” and a Forester, and in the former organization he has filled many offices.  His home life is very pleasant.  He was happily married March 20, 1875, to Miss Kate A. Eddy, a lady of English birth and a daughter of William C. Eddy, a miner of Grass Valley.  Mr. and Mrs. Luke are the parents of twelve children:  William H., Lilly, John, Albert T., Effie, Harry W., Marguerite, Richard, Clifford, Mabel, Catherine and Fred.  For more than a third of a century Mr. Luke has resided in Nevada County.  He is a gentleman of broad intelligence, of sterling worth and unassailable reputation, and is numbered among the honored early settlers of this locality, a pioneer to whose energetic efforts his town and county own their prosperity and progress in no small degree.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 430-431. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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