Nevada County









            Activity in business affairs, when directed by sound judgment, always results in obtaining a due measure of success, and the enterprise and energy of our subject have been such as to win to him a comfortable competence.  For more than forty years he has resided almost continuously in Grass Valley and during that time has labored earnestly and perseveringly to advance the welfare of the city and promote its substantial improvement.  He is a native of the Keystone state, his birth there having occurred on the 28th of January, 1854.  His parents, George and Mary J. (Goyne) Lord, were both of English birth, and for many generations their families resided in the “Merrie Isle.”  They became the parents of six children, William G. being the eldest.  The father left England when a mere lad, crossing the Atlantic, with his parents and the family locating in Pennsylvania, where George Lord was educated and reared to manhood.  In early life he learned the trade of the machinist, which he followed for many years, making that his chief occupation.  In 1858 he came to California, taking up his abode in Grass Valley and for several years he was chief engineer of the Idaho mines and superintendent of other mining properties.  He also followed merchandising and thus became an active factor in the business and industrial life of the community.  His death occurred in 1897.

            Mr. Lord, whose name introduces this sketch, was a child of only four years when he came with his parents to the golden west.  He was for some years the foreman of mines, and a practical engineer for a period of twelve years.  In 1882 he engaged in the livery business, with which he has since been connected.  He has a large number of roadsters, which he has carefully selected for their excellent points, and is prepared to meet the demands of the public along his lines of business.  His efforts to please, his honorable dealing and his reliability have secured to him a large business.  He has not confined his labors, however, to this one undertaking, but is the manager of the Sunset Telephone Company, whose offices are located in his building.  His efforts have been productive in increasing the volume of the business done by the company, and in fact he was instrumental in having the line extended to the city.  The system is a perfect one and its value and utility to the town are now widely recognized.

            Mr. Lord votes with the Republican Party and is deeply interested in political affairs, well informed on the issue of the day that affect the welfare of the state and nation.  He holds membership in the Masonic fraternity, the Knight of Pythias lodge and with the uniformed rank of the order, and has filled all the offices in the organization.  Elected a member of the city council in 1898, he uses his official prerogatives in support of the measures of progress and reform, yet withal is practical in his advocacy of the questions which are introduced for consideration by the board.

            On the 25th of May, 1880, Mr. Lord was united in marriage in Virginia City, Nevada, to Miss Jennie Pedlow, a native of Pennsylvania, and they now have five children, namely:  Ethel, Anne, Clifford, Percy and Vivian.  Mr. Lord is a man of liberal views and progressive ideas.  In business he sustains an unassailable reputation and in all life’s relations has won respect and confidence.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 425-426. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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