Nevada County








            Charles W. Long is occupying the position of constable, and is one of the reliable and popular officers of Nevada County.  He is of German lineage, but for many generations the family has been a resident in America, the advent of his ancestors in the new world antedating the war of the Revolution.

            Mr. Long is a native of the Hawkeye state, his birth having occurred near Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, on the 14th of December, 1849.  His father, Winthrop S. Long, was a native of New Hampshire, whence he removed to the west in 1845.  For a number of years he occupied the position of purser on a line of steamboats on the Mississippi River, plying between St. Louis and New Orleans.  Attracted by the discovery of gold in California, he resumed his westward journey and made his way to the mines of Placerville, where for some years he devoted his energies to the search for the precious metal.  Some years later he became a resident of Nevada County, and his fellow townsmen recognizing his worth and ability called him to public office in 1877, by electing him assessor of Nevada City.  He filled that position until 1882, when his life’s labors were ended in death.  His wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Jane Neice, was born in Pennsylvania in 1819, and belonged to one of the early and prominent families of that state.  She was related to the well known Cary family, among whose members was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.  Mr. Long now has in his possession some of the teaspoons which originally belonged to Rachel Cary, of Philadelphia, one of the early members of the family in America.  Mrs. and Mrs. Long became the parents of three children, only one of whom, C. W. Long, is living.

            The subject of this review, the second of the family, was reared and educated in Nevada County, for it was during his early infancy that the family came to California.  He completed his education in 1864, and afterward entered upon his business career, working in the mines and in a mill.  Four years were thus passed, during which time he became an expert in his capacity as a batteryman.  In 1868 he took up his abode in Truckee, and in 1873 was appointed deputy constable under J. F. Cross.  In 1891 he was elected constable and is now serving his fourth term in the position, his incumbency continuing until 1903.  He discharges the arduous duties which devolve upon him in a most creditable manner, and no higher testimonial of his service could be given than the fact that he has been continued in the office for so many years.

            In July, 1876, Mr. Long was united in marriage to Miss Linnie D. Erratt, a native of Maine and a daughter of Stephen G. Erratt, a native of London, England, who is numbered among the California pioneers of 1849.  Socially Mr. Long affiliates with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and with the Knights of Pythias of Truckee, and has filled all the offices in both organizations.  He was at one time identified with the Order of Red Men and the Foresters.  Politically he is allied with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, and he takes a deep and active interest in political affairs, keeping well informed on the issues of the day.  He belongs to that class of progressive and public-spirited citizens who give a substantial support to the measures which they believe will prove a public good.  One of the honored pioneers of the state, he has watched the wonderful growth and progress which have transformed California in the past few centuries and from a trackless wild into one of the leading states of the Union.  At the time of his arrival the mountain fastnesses were the haunts of wild beasts and savage men, for the Indian tribes roamed through the forests at will.  Little mining settlements indicated the beginning of civilization, and with the passing years the work of progress was carried forward.  In the community in which he has made his home Mr. Long aided in the work of advancement and upbuilding, and well does he deserve mention among the honored early settlers and reliable citizens of northern California.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 293 -294. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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