Nevada County









            Peter King, the manager of the Union Lumber Company of Grass Valley has been actively identified with the growth and prosperity of Nevada County, especially along the line of its lumber interests, for a number of years.  His business ability is such as to aid in qualifying him for the control of extensive interests, and his enterprise and determination have been stepping-stones on which he has risen to the responsible place which he now occupies in commercial circles.

            A native of Maine, Mr. King was born in Whitefield, Lincoln County, on the 12th of August 1854, his parents being Enoch and Eleanor (Baily) King, both of whom were natives of the Pine Tree state.  His ancestors on both the paternal and maternal sides resided in America prior to the Revolutionary War, and the grandfathers of our subject were patriot soldiers in that memorable struggle which brought independence to the nation.  Enoch King was a lumberman by occupation, and for many years engaged in the operation of a sawmill and the sale of lumber in Maine.  He died in 1870.  In the family were eight children, including a pair of twins, one of whom is our subject.

            Peter King is indebted to the public school system for the educational privileges which he received in literary lines.  He afterward entered the Dirigo Business College, of Augusta, Maine, where he gained a theoretical knowledge of the principles and practices of business life.  His early boyhood days were spent upon a farm and he assisted in the labors of field and meadow.  Subsequently he secured a clerkship in a mercantile establishment, and was thus employed for six years.  In 1877 he came to California, locating in Grass Valley, where for twelve years he was employed by the Mohawk Lumber Company, and after the expiration of that period he spent one winter in San Francisco.  He then removed to Georgetown, El Dorado County, and later he had two years’ experience in the boot and shoe trade in Eureka, Humboldt County.  On selling out that business he returned to Grass Valley, where he entered into partnership as a member of the firm of King & Wolford, proprietors and operators of a sawmill.  This business connection was formed in 1893, and the firm purchased and operated the planing mill of George Murphy.  Later the company was incorporated under the firm name of the Union Lumber Company, of which Mr. King has since been manager, the directors being George W. Towle, Sam, Wolford, Mrs. Emma Kitts, William Coyne, Grant McMullen and Peter King, who also holds the office of manager and secretary.  Messrs. King & Wolford also own other mill property located about sixteen miles from the city, and having a capacity of fifteen thousand feet of lumber daily.  The business done by the Union Lumber Company has reached extensive proportions, and under the capable management of Mr. King the enterprise has proved a very profitable one.  He is a man of great energy, of resolute purpose and marked executive ability, and these qualities have enabled him to secure an excellent trade.

            On the 17th of November, 1890, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. King and Miss Catherine Mulkohey, a native of California, and they now have two children, Sunrin D. and Carl.  In politics Mr. King is a Republican, but has never sought or desired public office, preferring to devote his time and energies to his business interests.  Socially he affiliates with the Masonic order, having taken the degrees of the blue lodge and chapter.  He deserves credit for his success in life, for it has been achieved entirely through his well-directed efforts, and at all times his reliability in business transactions has commended him to the confidence and regard of those with whom he has been brought into contact.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 370-371. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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